Search results

  1. tofuman

    Soft Lock at Character Select

    It could be DEP. Although that usually causes the app to crash. On some systems DEP can prevent PSOBB.exe from accessing its assets. So adding PSOBB.exe to the exceptions resolves it. Another thing that could cause it is installing psobb into your program files folder. If PSOBB.exe isn't run as...
  2. tofuman

    Option.exe NOT Responding

    You can't launch option.exe directly without the switch. The replacement option.exe works in exactly the same way. So running from the launcher is the only way (unless you know the switch... which is 1095189843 ("SEGA" in ascii) so "option.exe 1095189843"). It only accesses registry so it...
  3. tofuman

    Adding items?

    I did release the structure of the pmt and post it publicly here. Soly was able to work with it to make his own utility. Making such a util takes alot of effort and somewhat brings unique features to servers. Which is why you wont find a util to do it for you. I don't mind giving pointers if you...
  4. tofuman

    Uh, new MAG idea?

    Here is an example (from back in 2012/3). Xmas Mag by tofuman posted Apr 24, 2018 at 3:12 PMJackoMag 2 by tofuman posted Apr 24, 2018 at 3:12 PMJackoMag 1 by tofuman posted Apr 24, 2018 at 3:11 PM
  5. Xmas Mag

    Xmas Mag

  6. JackoMag 2

    JackoMag 2

  7. JackoMag 1

    JackoMag 1

  8. tofuman

    Uh, new MAG idea?

    We don't generally like to add things to the game. However there are spare unused mags in the game so I guess it technically not adding to the game. Making mags isn't that hard. I made a mag model a few years ago using a hex editor. It wasn't for ephinea but essentially was the jackolantern...
  9. tofuman

    Stuck on Connection In Progress Screen

    it shouldn't take that long. It could be packet loss. but then it could be a support issue with Wine. You could try lowering the MTU of your network adapter to see if that helps. I'm not sure how to do this on Mac but I suspect google can help. ping and check for your...
  10. tofuman

    Cannot Change Resolution in "More"

    The doors are processed differently when you are close and far away. They will just appear invisible during a PB. although they may appear if you're close to one that's opening but that has nothing to do with the changes made. I've tested a PB and it all seems fine. the blood splatters I forgot...
  11. tofuman

    Cannot Change Resolution in "More"

    The options.exe has been updated now so you should be okay now
  12. tofuman

    Increasing PSOBB's draw distance

    This application should also resolve the issues with users being unable to save settings if their resolutions aren't detected.
  13. tofuman

    Infinite /modname (more or less)

    One could argue that 49 people isn't the whole community. Either way it will be considered.
  14. tofuman

    Commander Blade & Friend Ring bug

    Friend ring i think has been badly translated over the years. When I tested it years ago. ATP goes up based on how many players are in the game multiplied by 2 (i think you need to be leader) this is referred to as "team" so could be misleading. So i think the max ATP increase would be 6. The...
  15. tofuman

    Can't seem to play in Fullscreen...

    Double click on install.reg to import default options. Then from the launcher online.exe select your resolution and unselect windowed. Ensure your AV isn't blocking the ephinea dll
  16. Draw Distance - Boxes

    Draw Distance - Boxes

  17. Draw Distance turned to 11

    Draw Distance turned to 11

  18. tofuman

    Cannot Change Resolution in "More"

    I'll replace segas options.exe with our own soon as I want to add some other features any way.
  19. tofuman

    How would you feel about a new Phantasy Star game dropping in the west?

    I'm guessing Shenmue? (if so thats no thanks to Sega though). It may be worth spamming "PSO" in the chat when is live. I try but my chat gets swallowed up in the wall of text.
  20. tofuman

    Bank organization

    We don't have a character manager on our website. (Not saying that we can't do it, just not sure we'll add this feature). As Soly says it wouldn't be hard to make. Ordering within game is possible. But I think the current way its ordered as standard is easy to find your items. Just use your 2...