Cannot Change Resolution in "More"


Hey guys, I've tried everything on the FAQ to be able to change the Resolution in the Options but nothing works. I mean, I know you can select the resolution from outside the "More" tab, but the problem is that you can't save any of the advanced settings (like Enemy Detail, or Save Username and Password) unless you first select a resolution. Please help. I'm running on a GTX 1060 on Windows 10. I've seen posts with this problem dating back to 2009, so there must be a solution...
Have you tried the suggestion that comes with the readme file of the game?

If you have some difficulties running the game, try the following:

1. Run the game as an Administrator with Windows XP Compatibility Mode enabled. To do this,
right click your Ephinea PSOBB Desktop and Start Menu shortcuts, select "Properties", and then
click on the "Compatibility" tab.

In this window, check the "Run this program in compatibility mode for" check box and select
"Windows XP (Service Pack 2)". Also check the box that says "Run this program as an administrator".
Finally, click "OK".

To see an example of what these options should look like, view the "compat.png" file that is
installed with Ephinea.

Setting these options should also fix the problem of not being able to customize your resolution
in the Options menu.
Yup! Tried that too. I just cant figure out why the resolution will not show up. I even followed that read-me file step for the actual PSObb.exe and the online.exe, but it still didn't work. :(
Yep, it's set to 32-bit, and I tried 16 just to be sure. Neither worked, sadly...

This is slightly unrelated but, are there HD texture mods? I might just settle for that at this point, if the problem can't be solved in the end.
There are a number of texture mods among the community, 99% not HD but not vanilla at least. The best collection of them to my knowledge is on universps. They're as easy as dragging and dropping them into the data folder, scene folder and allowing them to replace needed textures.

Keep in mind sometimes some of these skins can be unstable and cause crashes (though I've only ever experienced that with some mines/caves skins) so use at your own risk of crashes. If you have a decent PC there is also a ENB with settings adjusted to PSO if you want to search them here on the forums.

As per your problem, make sure some kind of windows setting, AV, or other security measure isn't damaging your install because that's what it sounds like.
I am also experiencing the issue where I can not select a resolution. I've tried running the game as admin, changing my displays resolution, resetting my custom DPI settings, copying the game files from another computer where I am able to select the resolution, and reinstalling. It seems like this issue hasn't been resolved on any other forums either. It's not that I want to change my resolution, what I want to do is check the box that says "Save ID and Password", but when I click save it says "resolution not set". Does anyone have any other idea?
Try importing the install.reg file that is in the psobb directory. (Double click and agree to import) This will populate the registry with the default values then see if you can select the resolution.
The launcher settings should override any way.

Usually with the Sega options, missing resolutions occurs on 16bit colour and setting to 32bit enables the resolutions.
The problem is, certain tweaks are only available on that particular subpage and are not present on the launcher. For example, as mentioned above, to allow your login ID to be memorized, I still have to go on that tab and tick the option there. But then when I click 'Confirm', it just tells me to select a resolution first. Which I can't because the dropdown menu is blank.
If you could check your registry in this location : Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SonicTeam\PSOBB

You should see the options there. If you don't then that is why and you should import the install registry file that comes with PSO. You Could just edit ACCOUNT_CHECK from 0 to 1 to save the password. Although changing the other video/sound options aren't as easy to edit as they are withing a blob of data.

you can access your registry by using regedit from the run dialog/search in start. Be careful though. There is no undo if you delete from the registry. So if you delete something you shouldn't you can affect your system from working (although a system restore would fix it).
If you could check your registry in this location : Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SonicTeam\PSOBB

You should see the options there. If you don't then that is why and you should import the install registry file that comes with PSO. You Could just edit ACCOUNT_CHECK from 0 to 1 to save the password. Although changing the other video/sound options aren't as easy to edit as they are withing a blob of data.

you can access your registry by using regedit from the run dialog/search in start. Be careful though. There is no undo if you delete from the registry. So if you delete something you shouldn't you can affect your system from working (although a system restore would fix it).
This helps with some things. But I'd like to be able to turn other settings up. And adjust a few things in there... Nothing I can do unless I set a resolution .. Which won't let me at all lol. Followed the advice in this thread. Even re installed. I did do the registry edit so I can at least save my password but this is just a bandaid to a problem Id like to fix. Only does it on my laptop too. My pc let's me set the resolution just fine.
It's not ideal but you could try connecting a monitor to your VGA/DVI/HDMI/DP of your laptop and toggle so its external monitor only then launch the additional options it may list the resolution correctly then. once saved you can just disconnect the monitor.

Although I think I'll need to look at replacing that with our own settings dialog as sega's just doesn't work too great on laptops.
Sorry to revive this topic but, I did manage to get the "save password" box checked by changing the regedit value in ACCOUNT_CHECK to 1 (i'll assume it will save now).

However, if it is possible to do, can anyone please please teach us how to edit the other options under "More" using the regedit method? *Most* *importantly*, Graphics [High End / Normal / Low End] and the Advanced Graphics options:

Advanced Effect
Shadow Detail [Low, Med, High]
Enemy Detail [Low, Med, High]
Map [Low, Med, High]
Clip Distance [Near, Med, Far]
Fog Effect [Vertex, Pixel, Emulation]

If there are in fact ways to manually edit these values through regedit, just put us out of our misery and tell us how. I literally have not touched Ephinea in a year because of this bologna. What's the point if I'm basically playing it at a garbage resolution and garbage detail? For that, I'll just play offline on my actual Dreamcast or Gamecube. Please help!!!!
I know how it works (had to "RE" them for my launcher) but didn't really write anything and didn't find anything about it when I was trying to figure them out.

I guess if you tell me (or someone else) what options you wanted there, we can edit and export the reg values.
Thanks for the reply. If I actually did this correctly, I may have helped everyone out here!!!!! i'm gonna be super detailed so everyone who reads this from now on can see what i did (successful or not, as we will soon find out).

Ok soooo I went on a whim into regedit / sonic team / psobb / GRAPHICCTRL

the hex values were as follows before i touched them:
0000 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0008 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0010 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
0018 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0020 00 00 00 00

aaaaall i did was change the 01 in the first row (in row 0000) to 00 and when i checked the "More" options menu again, suddenly the Graphics option went from Normal to High End. I then checked the Advanced Graphics options and aaaaall the advanced options (enemy detail, clip distance, ALL of them) had also been turned to High. am i correct in assuming that the Graphics options [Normal, Low End, High End] are actually presets and automatically change the Advanced Graphics options also?

to summarize, in short, after changing that ONE value randomly in regedit, High End Graphics was now selected and all the Advanced Options were set to MAX.

so i went ingame to see what had changed, but honestly it's been so long since i played that i can barely remember what the game looked like before on Normal graphics settings. the clip distance for instance, which i remember as being really bad (like trees in FOREST1 kept popping in right in my face)... i got the sense that it was better, but even at max distance after editing that hex value i still noticed lots of pop-in. i guess my question is... did this really work? is this all we had to do? for those who don't have our Resolution-selection issue, if you have had clip distance set to max: do you still notice this pop-in?

i *still* can't select Resolution in the "More" menu, to be clear, and i even tried connecting my laptop to a TV monitor. nothing on this earth seems to fix that damn issue.

so, full summary of my question: if everything *seems* to be set to max as described above, through the editing of this one little value in regedit, can i really believe that this is the case? is the issue solved?

lastly, as a note, and as a final question, which "Fog Effect" is the best? i am, and have been, on "pixel fog" and the hex value i edited did not change that. sorry for the long reply but i want to ask everything at once and also make this post helpful for future readers.
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I use pixel fog

"CTRLBUF"; // Byte[12], 3 ints || Resolution, Color depth, V-Sync

"SOUNDCTRL"; // Byte[12], 3 ints || setup, bgm, se,
// setup is all_off, all_on, only_1_on in no specific order

// GRAPHICCTRL Byte[36], 9 ints
// 0 Setup (0, 1, 2, 3) High, Mid, Low, Custom
// 1 Advanced Effect (0, 1)
// 2 Shadow (0, 1, 2)
// 3 Enemy (0, 1)
// 4 Map (0, 1, 2)
// 5 Clip distance (0, 1, 2)
// 6 Fog effect (0, 1, 2)
// 7 Low resoultion texture (0, 1)
// 8 Frame Skip (0, 1, 2) | Auto frame skip (0xFFFF0000)

Keep in mind all those values are written in little endian in the resulting array of bytes