I’ve been playing since 10 AM and the game is just so much better and more cohesive now that it’s almost unrecognizable. Soon will be the first time that I finish Episode 1; for the countless hours I’ve played this throughout the years, I’d never finished the original Dreamcast content. But all the stars have aligned now; the “resolution” issue is solved, and I can see three feet in front of me without glaring pop-in issues. What you did was no small feat, and it certainly wasn’t a ‘nitpick’ issue. Sans hyperbole, the new Options.exe has redefined the game.
Thank you.
I might be setting a record here for the literal smallest gripe in history, but: the only “draw distance” value that has yet to be touched is the enemy blood splats. Those are still bound to the original clip distance, it seems. I only mention it because I suspect it would be easy to fix. But if not, really, it’s not a big deal.
Lastly (and this is entirely based on something I read on this forum), someone was saying that if you increase draw distance then it may break the Photon Blast animations because it would make doors and objects visible during it. Now I haven’t tested this myself since it takes forever (for me) to charge, but I figured I’d mention it.
Anyways... thank you Tofuman... couldn’t be more appreciative.