Harborer of Hope

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  • Hi there! I was on my fembot Dorothy character when you were on. I'm sorry I didn't say hi. I was logging out hurriedly because my guild in Neverwinter was demanding I come help fight a dragon. But you were right. I DID have a fembot character named Dorothy on the Schthack server. That's pretty cool you remembered. If I see you again, I promise I'll say hi next time. :)
    Miss you and love you ♥ Been thinking about you a lot. Hope you're doing wondpurrrful my dearest Mew Mew ♥
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    Harborer of Hope
    Harborer of Hope
    *Blinks at message with welling eyes!* THAT Does sound like a lot of reason to worry! Let mew guess, Job being crap? Family being a dead weight? Relationships arent the blissful means of sanity promised? *Hugs to naked chest and squeezes!* Fight for
    ONE miracle at a time dear! <3
    Mew got it right with family and relationships. My social circle is really deteriorating. I'm finding out that friends are lying to me and abandoning/leaving me. Things are overall becoming unsettling for me. It's tough but from all of this, I felt like if its one person I can talk to about this it'd be you. Thank you for being here for me, Mew Mew <3
    Things will get better for me and I will get out of this pit of depression and disaster. I really really really really look up to you and you are the awesomest and bestest of them all, my darling <3 Does your Skype work now? Did you ever get it to fixing?
    Nice to see ya again got a new account after forgeting the details to the last one again lol hope to cya around
    Well at least x2 is up for a bit. You can make use of this.
    There are options on the front page to recover both your username and password. All you need to know is the email address on the account. Are you saying you forgot your email address as well?
    mewwwwwwwwwwwwww mewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww if i cant find u online i find u on forum :3
    Harborer of Hope
    Harborer of Hope
    sorry sorry sorry sorry! your mew mew was having PC issues logging on.....Sooooo she got a NEW PC! lpl Hopefully she'll be abl;e to log on tonight! <3!
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