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  1. Harborer of Hope

    Anguish Anxiety

    Some ppl are apprehensive over the fact that even a Rappy hits like a Dragon?? X'D! That and suddenly >%50 hit toys are suddenly feeling inadequate? All kinds of things can make the more 'squishy' feel....u kno.....Anxious~! =pPPpP',',','
  2. Harborer of Hope

    Server maintenance completed for March 9th, 2025 (サーバメンテナンス完了 3/9)

    Just goes to show the level of Devout and Painstaking efforts of the unseen players behind the server curtain~!! <3!!
  3. Harborer of Hope

    College Club that plays PSO!

    Room names LHU-JAS....Copy that~! <3!
  4. Harborer of Hope

    Ephinea's drawing thread

    We get Bunny ears by collecting 'Easter eggs' from random mob drops. Every year our server gods like to molest the prize listings and amounts needed, but Bunny and Cat ears are a usual staple listing. Think last year Ears were for 40 eggs. Can you obtain 40 eggs on your own? Yes, if you're a...
  5. Harborer of Hope

    College Club that plays PSO!

    *Mental note NOT to creep out 'the Roomie', But a Cat's Gotta POUNCE dammit~!* >=3!
  6. Harborer of Hope

    Ephinea's drawing thread

    Easter Event is coming up, so your chances of snagging a set are already going up~! =3
  7. Harborer of Hope

    College Club that plays PSO!

    Lucies-san got away from mew this morning~! First popped into their room...they left before mew could introduce herself or ask "if they were part of Team Weebs?". Then saw them again seconds later out in lobby going into a room/ logging off, Decided Not to creep them out by stalking them...
  8. Harborer of Hope

    College Club that plays PSO!

    JUST NOW Snuck out of mew's kitty coffin to assimewlate someone into team and spotted Athens-san all alone in a room... so....she... POUNCED~! =3
  9. Harborer of Hope

    Ephinea's drawing thread

    BUNNEH~! <3!! Mew actually has Bunny ears in her toybox from the last event~! =3
  10. Harborer of Hope

    College Club that plays PSO!

    FINDING mew is Easy ....KEEPING her....Not so much~! X3!
  11. Harborer of Hope

    College Club that plays PSO!

    Oh wow...E-desu...mew was KINDA Close, lol. Had at one time wanted to use her G.I. Bill to enroll in the local college to learn Japanese and took ONE look at Kanji and was like....F#@& that noise!! X'D! Mew has never played Team Fortress, but LOVE all the comedy gold YouTube short films on the...
  12. Harborer of Hope

    College Club that plays PSO!

    EEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeee~! You and your Enthusiastic friends are MOST Welcomed here, dear! Still amazing to find 'New' players discovering this old Gem of a game and finding it Worth introducing others to it! We're kinda 'Weebs' here ourselves, so it's prolly not surprising they feel quite at home...
  13. Harborer of Hope

    Sorry to bug you, luv...But do you by chance has a character named Leona with GC# 42087261?

    Sorry to bug you, luv...But do you by chance has a character named Leona with GC# 42087261?
  14. Harborer of Hope

    In a 'Word', guess playing wiff your mew in game could be described as "Infectious"...

    In a 'Word', guess playing wiff your mew in game could be described as "Infectious"? "Addictive"? Been told a few times "I like your energy!". Or once by a new player, "I like they way you play!". Well, guess you're just gonna has to find out sometime soon, huh luv? Anywho, your mew logs on...
  15. Harborer of Hope

    Quick question - Quick answer

    ^THIS~!^ Mew will always Hoard Any supports she finds over 14 JUST to give away to any fledgling FO's wanting to make a difference to any room they join~! And she tends to always find most of her 29+lvl supports from ULT EP4 Boss boxes! >=3!
  16. Harborer of Hope

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Oddly, mew's diligence was even assumed to be "a Bot" (NO Insult to 'Casts' out there~!) when she had entered a room that was asking for help! They were Surprised to see it was an actual living, breathing Staffie behind the scrolling~! <3!
  17. Harborer of Hope

    I Say hello everyone

    EEEEEEEEeeeeee~!*POUNCES and starts Sniffing all over you trying to figure out WHICH gaming console you Hail from?* AAAaand yet another PSO warrior has fallen victim to the Topless Siren's song of Nostalgia and washes up upon our little tribe's shore! Your 'short' intro says a 'lot', dear! You...
  18. Harborer of Hope

    Jumping back into PSO

    LARCADE-kun is one of our resident Guardian Angels~! <3!
  19. Harborer of Hope

    YEEEEE I'm new

    Sorry luv~! Normally mew'd be VERY GIDDY and POUNCE on sight...but was still in bed and rushing on her way Out the door! EVERYONE Gets a Warm POUNCE upon washing up on our little tribe's shore! *Puts Denny-san on her POUNCE on SIGHT List~!* >=3!
  20. Harborer of Hope

    YEEEEE I'm new

    *Wrings her tiny paws Wondering WHO's gonna beat mew to Pouncing Denny-san??? >=3!