Time Attack Thread (Vanilla)

Gear I used. And 5/133/62/0 Agastya mag on top of that


In our last 2 days of runs, this was our Personal Best. Unfortunately, there won't be anymore runs with this duo for awhile. RIP.
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Gear 2.png


Partner's gear was all legit too if you need a pic, can provide. This run can still easily be improved. We had bad Falz 2 and Falz 3 RNG. HUney and HUcast
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Towards the Future
08"49 - 11/26/17; CritDraw (RAmarl), Zen (HUcast).
Nothing special. I made several mistakes that did cost a bunch of seconds, but we're keeping that run for now.
Sange will upload his point of view later.

Edit: Sange's POV.
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Fiasco EP1 4P
11"33 (18"27 remaining*)
Players: reason (Hucast), Zen (HUcast), Bagarozy (FOmar), Critdraw (Racast).

Some of the videos will be posted later.
Plan to get sub 11"30 next time Fiasco is up.

Looking forward to the videos =)

Was hoping to see you guys tackle f2 and f4. Did you happen to take a run at either of those? I always feel like I learn something watching!
Towards The Future
2 Players

08"32 - 04/24/18; Ender (RAmarl), Straycat (HUcast).

Straycat POV

Ender POV

Some mistakes, slow reaction and I panic'd near the end of Darvants phase... so I was not in a good spot to prep for Dark Falz form2. >.< ... we also had an awful Falz form3.

Late '10s is very, very much possible, but this quest is too RNG based-- I won't bother with it again. Good luck to whoever attempts that, though. =)

Huge thanks to @moya and @astallasalion for helping us with our gear and sphering. <3