fka jingle
How to: Fuck up some pork rinds
pork rinds or chicharrónes are one of my favorite foods and for whatever reasoning, likely the potato chip lobby, they have an awful reputation. they are cheap, easy to eat on the go, and have great nutritional macros as well as no trans fat (usually). there is a wide spectrum of rinds out there from the deep cut Actual Latin rind you can only find at bodgas to Utz to small batch locally sourced whole foods products. They all have their talking point but luckily Utz does it best, producing an affordable and widely available, consistent rind that is rich yet balanced, not over-seasoned, and not dressed up in overcomplicated, generally overoptimistic flavor (jalapeno lime is really popular among all rind markets- if you like these you probably also like salt and vinegar potato chips you sick fuck). Try not to think about Utz' livestock sourcing or practices. We all wind up making compromises.
Sorry in advance for poor lighting. edit: and sorry they are so freaking huge idk how to fix it
A rind is nice by itself as a snack but the chicarrón is also a wonderful ingredient. Smashed rinds are an easy way to introduce crunch to your savory dish or salad, like you might employ breadcrumbs. I like to make them the star and really fuck them up.

Here is one bag of Utz pork rinds. I think it cost $2.

Crush it with cotija or queso fresco or sour cream or... pretty much any mild white cheese product you can find in your grocery store's latin section.

Go in with your tomatillo salsa verde. Now is actually a really great time to buy tomatillos if they grow near you. Salsa verde takes like 15 minutes to make, smells really good, and involves virtually 0 cleanup/prep/mess. It keeps well too. Your rinds might start cracklin' when you do this. They snap and pop to greet you with eager anticipation.

Crush it with green shit. I used serrano pepper, watercress and sunflower shoots here but any fibrous green or veg works. Maybe a julienne of scallions. Any kind of pickled pepper. Fresh tomatillo, cherry tomatoes, radish rounds ... just put it on top.

Eat them with chopsticks before they get soggy in your allroom in front of a screen.
Pair with any kind of cerveza preparada, tepache, horchata, champagne, or some shitty adjunct style like highlife.