The (e)c(on)omical and social classes of Ephinea/PSO


Guildcard 2
I don’t think any of you guys know this but I like economics and the mechanics behind it. I am still trying to figure out how it works on a world scale and it is not that obvious which move affects another, although it is certainly not entirely chaos. Anyhow, I do want to apply this tiny knowledge I have about economics and use it on PSO and Ephinea as a whole, just for the sake of it and from a commercial perspective. I thought it could be good fun. I was thinking about this because I need Photon Spheres to Sphere my weapons and I need a lot of PDS. Grinding quests for photon drops is a tough grind so I was thinking of a solution to fix this problem. Well, here goes my ‘memo’ as if you can call it as such. Take it with a grain of salt though.

What is often described as an economical-social group we also have here on ephinea. I will use some terms most of us know so they are easily identified and for shit and giggles . I will divide the groups by economical prowess here on Ephinea. I am not trying to be political correct so just deal with the names though. Life is tough so get used to it.

Let’s begin with the so called groups I made up. I made up 6 and I will start of with the poorest of course and will end with the richest.

1. The Nabs: this group mostly have 0-5 pds and don’t usually know anything about the meta-game that is generally used in PSO. Heck, they will scream when they see a rare Varista drop and I am pretty much in awe of them because of that. Instead of charge arms they might use a final impact or an inferno bazooka so to say or and are very content with their dragon slayer which is of course an awesome name to have when you are a mediocre sword. However, this causes slow progress. They are generally interested in rares which can or cannot be crappy but forget or don’t know about the staple items like the heavenly/battle, charge vulcans and sacrificial rares like the Excalibur and the Vise which are way more useful. You can pretty much sell them everything since everything is worth a lot to them and they mean nothing to you. The downside is that they don’t have much PDS either. I was in this group on schthack for years so I know what it is like to be in that group, I did not know shit. My estimation is that around 25% of the people on this server are on the group of Nabs but are generally not seen widely in public games in Ultimate.

2. The Casuals: mostly this term is seen as an insult when you call someone a Casual but I am going to use the term anyway, fuck feelings right? This group actually has a life outside of PSO and they also know something about the meta-game. They are more skilled than the Nabs although they still struggle with the harder quests like phantasma world 3 and 4 and such. They generally also have more pds than the first group since they grind through the quests a lot faster. They usually have about 30-40 pds in stock or at least worth of items and don’t have any s-rank weapons (yet) but they (might) aspire to have them. This is a group that still needs the staple items like the v101, v502, red ring, excel and goes to an occasional hunt for an uber. I was in this group for about a year or so. This is about 25% of the population on Ephinea.

3. The Veterans: this group usually knows pretty much all there is to know about the game and just play to chill. They can easily grind out the hardest quests on the server originally made by Sega and have basically been playing the game since the day the wheel was invented. They have by approximation about 3-4 Photon Spheres worth of items in the bank and have a lot of alts too, which they have to gear. Their mains are mostly fully geared with the best gear bar the Ubers. Some however are way richer than the average because the RNG gods worked in their favor. They have the necessary s-ranks they can use to utilize hunts and can easily switch between different chars and master their main abilities. I feel like I am in this group now and is about 25% of the population. Depending on the level of character they are using you can sell them staple items and/or s-ranks and ubers.

4. The Elitists: this group is like the Veterans economically wise. The biggest difference is in their attitude towards Nabs and Casuals which they look down upon. They like to use a Dark Flow but whenever you resta too much of their liking as a fo, they tend to rage quit. Some Elitist strife to be as competent as the Die-hards, a group which is still to be discussed. To give them some credit, some are really more competent than the Veterans but their lack of positive social interaction will prevent them as being seen as such by the rest of the community. This is like 5% of the population.

5. The Die-hards: mostly the richest but foremost the most competent players out there. They usually have a shitload of stuff and can complete most of the quests like a friggin’ road runner. The way they differ from the skilled Elitists is that they are capable of positive social interaction, but they too are somewhat susceptible of showing annoyance towards party members of who they think are lacking skill and are in their way. They can adept however and are OK if they have to carry a party from time of the time. They usually play with each other though and are about 10% of the population. They mostly just need or want ubers since they've got everything else already.

6. The lobbysitters: they are about 10% of the population and they have figured out the game totally! PSO is not about killing or gathering rares but it is about sitting in a lobby idle! This is probably the main PSO meta! It is unknown how rich they actually are but they are extremely good at what they do, not joining games and staying in lobbies ;) .

There are more nuances to the different type of groups and the percentages are approximate. If you want to make PDS then hunt the staple items like v101 and v502 and sell them. That works way better than just grinding PDS. There are more staple items of course but these are the most important. :rolleyes:
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I was in Group 1 before the 3rd Anniversary Event. Although, I've been fortunate enough to have received an abundance of rares and essential units from some generous players early on. I didn't start buying stuff until mid-way through the event.

Now I'm in Group 2 and I think that's where I'll be staying. Attaining some rares, S-ranks and ubers would be nice, but I don't have the same aspiration to have them as badly as some players. I'm content with just playing the game and finding others with the same attitude. I welcome people to Blacklist me, if you don't like my play style or lack of skill.
Idk in which group I am... good point you are bringing and love your idea. Sadly the truth one of the problems are that people hide their sweet pds. Which they turn out to be really stingy. I am saying this becuase I had a player who I was selling a stink frame for 1 pd. Now this player that I know for a fact he had pds. Since he has been a grinding selling and getting pds. Anyways the dude had the Guts to tell me “how about I offer you 200K maseta for that Stink Frame.” (That’s I not ever worth a pd in terms of maseta) I had other instances where I had player in a trade room being stingy after we agreed on what the price was. Not to metion the meme I made about a Heavenly/arm being sold for 4 pds but instead I was offer 2 God arms. That was after i open the room already agreed there was going to be a 4 pds exchange. Lots of the influence is that the ephinea community has to grow I guess. In which this 3rd anniversary event did bring new players and help a bit the economy. Bring demands to items that this players needed. Items such as V101 where being asked by a high demand. Bring new player I think is a great key to bringing the economy back up again. At some point I saw V101 sell for 12 and 15 pds.
The idea of grinding items some players have done that and has work for them pretty well. I did it for a while grinding v502 and get lucky coins as well for the exchange of getting pds as well in the roulette.
Also I had a bit of a struggle selling V502 at some point again because some players are stingy. The price market has been 25pds for example but when you have player that say can you do 21 pds. That affect the economy. Yet this player do have those 25 pds. At some instances I did do 23 pds for a win win.

And if you are reading this.
I know you thinking “guilty” ... :D
Also I had a bit of a struggle selling V502 at some point again because some players are stingy. The price market has been 25pds for example but when you have player that say can you do 21 pds. That affect the economy. Yet this player do have those 25 pds. At some instances I did do 23 pds for a win win.

And if you are reading this.
I know you thinking “guilty” ... :D

Guilty ;) . Though I was probably not the person that bought it for 23 pds. Prices are not set in stone. It is pretty much the highest amount of PDS someone is willing to pay for it that is the price. If it is a sellersmarket, don't sell. If you do want a quick sale and have a high turnover rate then you need to undercut the marketprice.
I am kinda confused... you mention economics but then some of the tiers primarily focus on player attitude and ability. Most of the "elite" players from my experience are pretty helpful, and are not always wealthy.

Playtime/luck has much more to do with a player's wealth than the skill and attitude of a player (although these are not completely irrelevant).
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I am kinda confused... you mention economics but then some of the tiers primarily focus on player attitude and ability. Most of the "elite" players from my experience are pretty helpful, and are not always wealthy.

Playtime/luck has much more to do with a player's wealth than the skill and attitude of a player (although these are not completely irrelevant).
What are you missing?
If we're talking about internal server's economics, I think there might be more than this. I've been playing PSO on...another server (schthack, you know) for a long time years ago. Had my uber share of stuff that I used just to run along with my friends. I had\have no interest into running guinnes world record for the fastest MA so I consider myself satisfied at the point where I can run everything I want to (solo or with friends)without too many issues. But here, on Ephinea, is a total different thing. Made the account I'm actually playing with a couple of years ago but, for some reasons, I only recently begun playing for good (and alone) so you can even say I'm almost "fresh". I dislike getting carried hard so I just went solo for every single level up to 151, which is my current. This is the point where I need the staple items, I have 0 s-ranks (straight into #2) and I'm just going through a lot reset-runs hoping to find the goodies that could give me some trade power and make a step further but...there's no market for anything besides ubers and\or extremeley high hit stuff that's almost as rare as an uber. Unit items (v101, v502, Adepts etc...) are scarce, expensive and pretty high in demand but at the same time nobody is looking for 1\2\3 pd(s) worth items like lvl 30 s\d\z\j\r, or 50% hell\charge\zerk. Low tier items are being sold for "pesos" and even mesetas have a super low value (stack vs 2 or 1.5? something like that). Even 40% DOBs are going for 1pd (that made me smile, gotta admit).
This is pretty much translating into a situation where some players are able to throw PSs at the things they really want and some other players to be totally stuck into a point where the only good drop they get, besides incredibly lucky hitters, is a PD drop.

I'd say that group #1 could be just friends taking a break from MMO or MOBA games. They won't last long, will never see the endgame and will eventually go back at their main games.
#2 is where I am, stuck into midgame. No real trade value (30% DOBs? 0.2pd) in their hands, waiting for Lady Luck to come.
#3 All of the rest. Some of them like each other, some of them not. They can trade for what they need to get to God-Mode or already are there or aspiring to.
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I'm in the group that isn't entirely elitist, but doesn't play many public games. (At least not with people I don't know personally.)
Not sure where that would put me on the "list".

PSO is fun to play with friends casually, just as much as it is to be as efficient as possible.
If we're talking about internal server's economics, I think there might more than this. I've been playing PSO on...another server (schthack, you know) for a long time years ago. Had my uber share of stuff that I used just to run along with my friends. I had\have no interest into running guinnes world record for the fastest MA so I consider myself satisfied at the point where I can run everything I want to (solo or with friends)without too many issues. But here, on Ephinea, is a total different thing. Made the account I'm actually playing with a couple of years ago but, for some reasons, I only recently begun playing for good (and alone) so you can even say I'm almost "fresh". I dislike getting carried hard so I just went solo for every single level up to 151, which is my current. This is the point where I need the staple items, I have 0 s-ranks (straight into #2) and I'm just going through a lot reset-runs hoping to find the goodies that could give me some trade power and make a step further but...there's no market for anything besides ubers and\or extremeley high hit stuff that's almost as rare as an uber. Unit items (v101, v502, Adepts etc...) are scarce, expensive and pretty high in demand but at the same time nobody is looking for 1\2\3 pd(s) worth items like lvl 30 s\d\z\j\r, or 50% hell\charge\zerk. Low tier items are being sold for "pesos" and even mesetas have a super low value (stack vs 2 or 1.5? something like that). Even 40% DOBs are going for 1pd (that made me smile, gotta admit).
This is pretty much translating into a situation where some players are able to throw PSs at the things they really want and some other players to be totally stuck into a point where the only good drop they get, besides incredibly lucky hitters, is a PD drop.

I'd say that group #1 could be just friends taking a break from MMO or MOBA games. They won't last long, will never see the engame and will eventually go back at theyr main games.
#2 is where I am, stuck into midgame. No real trade value (30% DOBs? 0.2pd)in theyr hands, waiting for Lady Luck to come.
#3 All of the rest. Some of them like each other, some of them not. They can trade for what they need to get to God-Mode or already are there or aspiring to.

Can't disagree. I don't know what your section ID is but check what is worth hunting and try to sell that. Uptrading nowadays is quite hard I have to admit. Running HBR helps as well but you have to play a lot too, no doubt!
Can't disagree. I don't know what your section ID is but check what is worth hunting and try to sell that. Uptrading nowadays is quite hard I have to admit. Running HBR helps as well but you have to play a lot too, no doubt!
Redria, that's why I mentioned DOB a lot >_<
Redria, that's why I mentioned DOB a lot >_<
Hunting Red Ring on TTF would be good but I don't know how fast you can complete it in one player mode (12-14 minutes should be easy). Having a group is cool too but most of the time it is slower in pugs. This HBR is great as well as sofs drop, HS's can drop and spread needles from Endless nightmare and god/techniques. Hunting V502 on PW4 is great as well and you get coins after you have completed the quest. If you are in the 'Casual' group in terms of economical prowess that should at least give you a starting point ;) . They can give you a lot of pds when sold ;) .
Hunting Red Ring on TTF would be good but I don't know how fast you can complete it in one player mode (12-14 minutes should be easy). Having a group is cool too but most of the time it is slower in pugs. This HBR is great as well as sofs drop, HS's can drop and spread needles from Endless nightmare and god/techniques. Hunting V502 on PW4 is great as well and you get coins after you have completed the quest. If you are in the 'Casual' group in terms of economical prowess that should at least give you a starting point ;) . They can give you a lot of pds when sold ;) .
This is exactly the main issue. HBR quests are long and hard as undergeared as I am - surely I might solo em with dull efficiency - but the gain would me minimal, if any. Open games are like a russian roulette at the moment, giving you just two real chances. In the first one, you pick the empty cylinder and an OP geared guy comes in. He will carry w\e is is that you're running and you'll feel useless and, well, carried. The second one will send a bullet straight into your brains; one or more undergeared\unexperienced player\s comes in, turning everything into a living inferno made of moon atomizers. You won't be able to complete anything at all, hell, you might even feel a little guilty if you were the one making the room.
This is exactly the main issue. HBR quests are long and hard as undergeared as I am - surely I might solo em with dull efficiency - but the gain would me minimal, if any. Open games are like a russian roulette at the moment, giving you just two real chances. In the first one, you pick the empty cylinder and an OP geared guy comes in. He will carry w\e is is that you're running and you'll feel useless and, well, carried. The second one will send a bullet straight into your brains; one or more undergeared\unexperienced player\s comes in, turning everything into a living inferno made of moon atomizers. You won't be able to complete anything at all, hell, you might even feel a little guilty if you were the one making the room.
At lvl 151 you should be able to go through HBR relatively easily, even if you are "undergeared". Underexperience can be an issue. Maybe PW3 can be somewhat of a problem but Wol4 and EN4 are very doable without s-ranks. What class do you play and what gear do you have? You can also PM me :) .
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At lvl 151 you should be able to go through HBR relatively easily, even if you are "undergeared". Underexperience can be an issue. Maybe PW3 can be somewhat of a problem but Wol4 and EN4 are very doable without s-ranks. What class do you play and what gear do you have? You can also PM me :) .

The comfort of self s\d mixed with nice ATA\ATP, the easy-to-learn-hard-to-master, the noob friendly Ramar!:p
I'll definitively pm you so maybe somebody else will jump into the thread and share his\her point of view!