Your first ever PSO character?

A bluefull HUmar named DOUG. Got him all the way to like level 123 or so. Took forever as he was so weak and I played 99% of the time solo.
My first character was a Hune named Dark Angle. I got to level 60 before noticing my error... This was online as well and nobody had the decency to point it out. I deleted it and started over lol
My first character was a Hune named Dark Angle. I got to level 60 before noticing my error... This was online as well and nobody had the decency to point it out. I deleted it and started over lol
Owies...Not even Today's Auto Complete/Correct would have saved you from that dear! lol =P
Mine was a Whitill HUmar, I think I got him to level 10. My friends begged me to make a Hucast instead so we could all be casts running around together, so I rerolled. I think he had spiky black hair and the black/red outift. What an edgelord :P
Feb. 2001. A Redria HUmar named Minsc. I quickly died somewhere during my first trip into forest. When I noticed my weapon was gone after I revived I went and remade my character. Those new days. :)
Redria FOnewearl on Dreamcast. I would act like a hunter type character not using techniques so much, because I didn't understand at the time what type of character my class was actually good at. It wasn't till level 40 that I realized that what I actually was, which is when I went online for the first time. To my sadness though, the first time I went online I realized just how hacked everything was.

I went thru so much of this game solo... and loved it that way. The main appeal was the combination of the music and setting, there is a soothing calmness about it all. It felt relaxing, no rush.
My first ever Char was a Humar named Sephiroth on v1, which I recreated after getting killed by the first booma Oo
This speaks to me at a spiritual level. First character was when I was either 4 or 5 years old, a HUmar named Sepiroth (Didn't realize the mistake for YEARS. No really, even with the other 1000 people named Sephiroth I always thought people were spelling it wrong). The first few weeks playing the game, I was too scared to fight the boomas on my own.

Of course I had about 20 different "Sepiroth" characters over the span of multiple years that usually got to about lvl 50-60 before I grew tired of them and deleted them, all of which that had the same black costume and long black hair, yet varied from munchkin stick to giant walking block.