Xenoblade Chronicles X is my one true love for the Wii U era. It shall be the one game I will continuously return to in the future even though I have already beaten it by then--- in which by all means thus far I have not. I have about 180 hours in and I'm still not done. Though just to add some comic relief to that, I have fallen asleep with the game on like from natural sleepiness late at night which I unintentionally added unnecessary hours in and sometimes just to gather up enough Miranium and Funds, I would leave the game running as I take care of my daily chores and during my workout routines. So to be safe though, I would halve that 180 hours and say that I have 90 hours of actual gameplay in, or roughly around that.
But yeah I love the story, character creation, the gameplay, the class systems with their arts and skills, the environments/atmospheres(in order; Cauldros, Oblivia, Primordia/Noctilum/Sylvalum), the music(except the ones with lyrics... the series was always better off with just instrumental soundtracks instead of vocal songs, for example I would have actually liked the NLA themes if it just didn't have voice in them, and at times I find myself digging the little beats in NLA night theme lol which catches me off guard when I'm playing the game late at night), the xenos/aliens(I have a big thing for games/stories featuring aliens... super sci fi advanced aliens).
This is the game that I would love to return to a eon amount of times and play each file(well technically NNID files, I understand that the game itself is huge but I still wish there was at least one more character slot instead of making a whole new NNID.. though since I'm a sucker for this game, I would say its worth it in the near future) for eons.