Where am I?


I saw the link of this server on Ultima and decided to check it out. I have been a long time PSO player and on PSU I played as the character Zan. Where did this place come from and how long has it been here? I've been looking for a new server since I realized I am not happy with Ultima server. I was wondering if this is place I have been looking for. However, I don't know much about this place and I was hoping some one could clue me in.
From what I've gathered, Ephinea has been up for a few months though the Tethealla project is something that's been going on for many years now.

In terms of experience rate, it's the same as vanilla sega servers but the drop rates and rare monster spawn rates have been adjusted to see things that were normally either really hard or almost impossible to find. It's like a sort of vanilla server but not really sort of thing haha! The community is pretty interesting and active. I've yet to see the amount of people playing dip below 10 people across all three ships even in the dead of night. I've lurked on here for a bit before making an account and have been playing around on the server some whenever I have the time. I personally like it here so far. I'm here mostly to play the game anyway haha!
Rare enemy rates are also 1/512 which is what GC used, iirc. Something used it, though.
falkenjeff said:
Aoko said:
but the drop rates and rare monster spawn rates have been adjusted to see things that were normally either really hard or almost impossible to find.
Episode 1 & 2 uses the gamecube drop rates, and wasn't "adjusted." It's still vanilla rates.
Episode 4 is Sodaboy's interpretation or "best guess" for what PSOBB JP did, because the official rates were never released.
PSOGC had better rates than PSOPC/ver2 (which is the version you said you used to play =P). Things were generally obtainable on it.

Indeed, which is probably why I still have not obtained a Red Sword on PSOPC for my REDRIA lol Them drop rates are pretty ridiculous, I cannot deny. Or at least for someone who plays like a bajillion other games and doesn't devote all my time to just one. xD At least when I look at the drop charts on psoworld, which I know isn't the most accurate of places...^^;;

I figured someone would correct me om something at least. :P

I think you'll like it very much, though. I know I am. :D
1. I have to start off by saying the events. They have so many events that I'm sick of them.
2. Having 100+ players is worth anything if I didn't ever want to play with them. It was all the same with them spam this and that run all day and night.
3. the buffed ultimate enemies were annoying. This isn't what I thought it was going to be. Don't get me wrong tougher enemies are always good but it came with too many problems. Every time I tried to help a new player they would get to ultimate and quit the same day. Finding out they have to get the strongest items in the game just to stand a chance didn't make them want to stay. Then if you manage to get your hands on their custom items the game becomes a joke. I gotta watch someone reach 1000 damage with their psycho ravens while I'm doing a measly 200 damage ( so much for a harder game). I once had a group of 3 people and we were all lvl 130 or above and we were just waiting for some overpowered guy to show up so we could beat the control tower.
4. Those custom items made me cringe. You go from never winning most situations to never losing in any situation. Even with the enemies buffed the custom items are so strong that it wont make a difference. Most people can't beat the bosses at a lvl 200 and the custom items allow people to beat the game at a lvl 100(actually lvl 110 because that's lvl requirement for episode 4). Not only that all the rare items in that game are impossible to get, have their data corrupted, moved without notice or has now been rendered completely useless.
5. The online economy is terrible. Since 95% of the items are useless no one makes money and no one finds PD's.

I hope I clarified my reasons for leaving that server.
Yeah honestly you made a good choice, Ultima annoyed me too. The reason they gave was was that people wanted harder monsters...well this screwed a lot of normal players who just wanted a good near vanilla experience with the monsters the likes of what actual vanilla or schthack offered. The donation ticket based trading also puts off a lot of people who just want a good old experience, even if you don't want to actually use money. It created a inner circulation of the best items, especially since the best items (PGF type stuff) are only offered at Christmas. You could tell they tried hard to push donates as stuff like SJS were set at a ridiculous rate where the other option for a very strong sword was DF which was locked behind ppl trading for donation tickets. Big coincidence right? The quests they had were prettttttttty awesome, but other than that the server was kinda ridiculous. It wasn't meant for us anyways, its south/central american based and they enjoy a more streamlined experience.

still though glad more ppl are defecting. :p hopefully you find more fun ppl to play with here.
I don't play on servers usually cause i cheat. I told them i brute forced a account on Ultima and they banned me. But I did tho lol. Account had a ton of ubers. I gave them all away rather than steal the items. The account was a joke. The admins obviously made all the items for the guy. but ya im not wasting my time playing on a server ill get banned from for saying or doing the wrong thing. :P
I can agree with that Ultima's donation tickets were set wayyyy too high. Looking items is too difficult even with Happy Hours still wouldn't find anything no matter how much I searched. I have a feeling I will find fun people to play with on here. I'll be on here a lot anyway so I can always be found at some point.

Maechaseal I don't know if I quite understand. Are you saying you actually found one of their accounts that they use to store powerful items, hacked the account, and then just gave them all away.

One thing that confuses me though is that Ultima doesn't allow people to advertise other PSO servers on their website. However I found this server while I was playing the game. Don't know how anyone managed to get that one through but its good advertisement for this site.
Lol, surely he "brute forced" an account, and the account was full of ubers...

zanneck said:
One thing that confuses me though is that Ultima doesn't allow people to advertise other PSO servers on their website. However I found this server while I was playing the game. Don't know how anyone managed to get that one through but its good advertisement for this site.
Personally I don't really care, as you have seen I try to help the same here and over there (here I can't as much as I do on Ultima tho). And even I have told other people to come here if they don't want or can't play over there. The most recent being a guy that couldn't make our client work on his computer after days of troubleshooting.

Colette said:
Yeah honestly you made a good choice, Ultima annoyed me too. ...
There isn't a good (or bad) choice. Well, just one exception I could mention is not taking care of the server but besides that, is whatever you like or not.