What's your favorite weapon(s) in PSO?

Slicer of Fanatic+Bringer's Rifle - Love SoF's sound effect, both weapons are useful and look awesome.
Psycho Wand - Nuke all day
Rambling May - Because of fomarl shot animation

Stuff that's more or less useless but I like anyway:
Orotiagito+Yamigarasu - Katanas are cool. A nice hit yami would probably be good for lizards, though.
Ruby Bullet
Psycho Wand because it's very nice.
Daylight Scar for the look, sound and animation on HUcl.
Dark Bridge for the look.
Orotiagito for killing myself.
Zanba for the sound and look.
Heaven Striker because how do you play game without auto-aim?
Yasminkov 2k and Master Raven

While lacking in practicality, they look totally rad.
I just love Final Impact
Other weapons I need to have in my inventory:
Rika's Claw
Power Maser
Soul Eater
Daylight Scar
Frozen Shooter
I like claws in general (Rika's, Nei's, Heart of Poumn), shame they're pretty useless for the most part. :(

Other than that I'd have to say Dual Birds, is much swag.
Yeah Ano Rifle is great. Never owned one cuz ep2 is scary. Especially Epsilon is scary for a force to defeat alone!
I traded a nice yas7k I found on (boze)CHH one time to a guy.(i got all the stuff a starting fo needs and then some) He wanted it cuz he said it would be a good darvant killer. I have pics! On my broke laptop tho.

Well it's got auto targetting like HS's beserk. Its what I used to use on Darvants as well before I had better gear. It's so sexy, i realy wish it was more useful. I might just have to get one again for fun..
Lavis Cannon, Orotiagito, Blade Dance, Elysion (bcuz it was taken from Elsydeon, and I'm a maaaaasssive Phantasy Star fan).
Yamigarasu :D cant wait to farm/trade for it and Frozen shooter as i like easy mode lol
I was in a ep2 lower seabed game yesterday, there was a Yamigarasu-wielding ramar. Was really badass. Plus if you use the Marvel vs. Capcom sound pack the sounds in the game become exponentially more "fun".
I was in a ep2 lower seabed game yesterday, there was a Yamigarasu-wielding ramar. Was really badass. Plus if you use the Marvel vs. Capcom sound pack the sounds in the game become exponentially more "fun".
Will check it out, but need to level more lol
Guardianna, Diska of Braveman, Tyrell's Parasol, Hell J-Cutter... and probably a few others. Those really rock, though.