What's the story behind your name?

good question.

i've always resonated with rabbits, i was told many stories involving rabbits as a kid and they became my favorite animal. i admire how, despite how other creatures lookin' at 'em as frail, they remain resilient and are constantly reproducing. i identify a lot with that. IRL i'm not very tall so Ive been picked on. growing up in NY, ive been in a number of fights, even jumped, but most people fail pretty bad. it helps being a major masochist with a giant pain tolerance.

also have you ever been kicked by a bunny before?


shit hurts.

and the 1? well.. that's a secret.

I've been using Baka! as my tag since high school (a long time ago, trust me). I first saw/heard the word baka on a cover of Best Motoring, a Japanese dvd series on car tuning and racing. It said "Baka Tuning!" I felt it described me pretty well :p So I dropped the Tuning but kept the !, and been using it for everything since - My steam tag, battle.net tag, character names, forums, you name it.

I've met a lot of people over the years in various games that laugh and ask me why I'd want to call myself stupid. From talking with them it seems that they believe baka means intellectually stupid. This is false. It more accurately means being foolish, crazy, or pretty much just being a jackass :D
I've been meaning to post on this thread for like a week. Oops.

Though my name does seem quite random, it has a bit of a back story. Back when I was 17 or 18, I was heavily involved with Minecraft and building structures here and there for multiple different main-stream servers. Building huge castles, tree fortresses, limitless homes/towns/spawns, and getting community feedback was really what drawn my attention to the game. I liked creating things that people enjoyed to adventure around through.

So to the point; A server that at the time I had recently joined held an event for the community. We were to build a As massive as you want, freestyle, server shop area. Given a 2 week dead-line to come up with your own input to what would be the new server wide shop area. Up for the challenge of having a fresh start on an up and coming server, I was eager to reap the awards for winning the event.

My goodness, I wish I could have the screenshots to show you guys what I created for my submission. This was around 5-6 years ago and I no longer have the pc used at the time. But I am proud to say that it was at the top list of things I had done with Minecraft. (Even takes the cake on a few of my FeedTheBeast achievements) With no idea what the other submissions looked like, I was a bit nervous to find out the result. Modestly I knew I wasn't going to place first. However with huge surprise, I placed 2nd. Which came with my own official "builder" title for a server that had quite a long run for me.

As they announced the top 3 builds of the event, the event host gave a brief explanation and critique of why each of us were ranked in the top 3. The caption he left for mine was rather short but stuck with me. At the time my name was "WTFMate" and his response; "WTFMATE?" more like "WOAH Dude!" After the event and receiving a generous 2nd place prize/new title with the server, I changed my gaming alias to W0AHD00D, as it looked totally A E S T H E T I C.
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Wow well everyone has some pretty serious explanations to their name. I'll do my best to make sense of mine since I bullshitted my last one.

Yea it is ScoobyDew like the character Scooby Doo, obviously, but why did I pick Scooby Doo?
Back in high school when I was a big fuck up(as if I'm not one now haha) my friends and I used to visit a buddy who had just gotten out of juvenile hall(or like teenage jail i dunno). I lived in a hilly area and his house was located at the top of the largest hill. So we head up there one summer to smoke weed, cigarettes, and get wasted like classic teens do.

He'd host parties pretty often since his property was huge(his dad was a landscaper or something) so there I am sitting in a lawn chair with some suburban white chick on my lap spewing some dirty, sexy words into my ear(you know how ya boi ScoobyDew dews does). I was drinking Bacardi straight from the bottle or something and just chain smoking cigarettes like a coolio teen when I hear my buddy puking. So I look over and he puked all over this girl he was hooking up with and once he finished he stumbled towards the house door screaming "SCOOBY DOO! AYY GUCCI! SCOOBY DOO!" and I just couldn't hold in my laughter. It was the most random shit to say for that situation. You know when you laugh so hard you can't breathe? Yea that happened. I spilled all the Bacardi on myself and burned a huge hole through my pants with my cigarette.

Since then I would just say random shit relating to Scooby Doo. When my friends ask me shit and I don't feel like answering I'd just say "yea dood scoobydoo" or "yep yep thats scoobydoo for ya" or other Scooby Doo nonsense so they started calling me ScoobyDoo. Who doesn't love ScoobyDoo? So I just picked up the name but changed it to ScoobyDew not cause I like Mountain Dew(it sucks) but to get my name in video games since ScoobyDoo would always be taken.

Well. Here I am now. 8 years later it's ya boi ScoobyDew!
ADMIRAL STUKOV! I love Starcraft immensely as well. I first played it on the Nintendo 64 then I got my computer 3 years later and I played the game vigorously. Protoss race is and always be my #1 most favorite, then the humans, then the Zerg.

I like your name as well, Admiral. :D

My life for Aiur!
I'm a huge Star Wars fanatic. With that being said, Aurra is the name of a Jedi that decided to become a Bounty Hunter. Seems pretty fitting for a bad-a RAmarl on Hardcore.
Mine is a multi-part deal.

Before Fiora was reworked in late Season 5 of League of Legends, I would play the shit out of her. My favorite skin was, by far, her Nightraven skin. I later took it as a surname I could use as if I was part of a house (think Harry Potter or Game of Thrones). It later evolved to "Lord_Nightraven" in some games but otherwise remains what I'd use as a pen surname or otherwise easily recognized username.

Although it's easier to recognize me by my busty female characters most of the time.
mine come from distant year of 2004 when a little game call Metroid Prime 2: Echoes got released for the Nintendo GameCube.
I liked the name of the game planet, it stuck to me ever since. So no it not about the Classical Element or Mythological concept of upper sky it about a planet in a Video Game.

The 89 part well i tried registering back in the day on some forum and Aether was already taken so i took the original idea -___- of adding a number, you can guest where it come from, and it also stuck to me i almost feel naked without it.
Mine doesn't have that much history like some of ya'll.

It come from my RF Online days (I was going as Nicky/Nikky before, like on PSU). I stumbled upon the name Jyuki on the old Youtube (can't remember where) and it sounded so right to me, dunno why/how/w/e, that I had to use it for my alt character (a Ranger). I discovered a bit later that Juuki meant Firearm in Japanese so I used that name for all my Ranger/Archer characters and as my default online name.

As of Yun-Ah, I was a fan of a certain K-Pop group, SNSD, and Yun-Ah was the "real" name of my favorite singer in that band. Ta-da.

And Yun is just Yun-Ah without the Ah. Hah!
You know when you're a dumb teenager at the time and you want to make a user name sound "cool" so you steal the name Zero from Mega Man X and modify it into a nonsensical acronym like "Z-Type Energy Resouce #0 Deluxe" to pretend like there was a shred of originality?

Yeah that. It's just become more of a habit to stick with it on PSO related forums for consistency and also, as egocentric as it sounds, name recognition for better or for worse. You use a certain name for over 10 years and it tends to be difficult to break away from it.

Also while we're on the subject, Break is also another classy unoriginal name taken from a character in PSO Episode 3 that I pretty much carbon copied for play in PSO GC and BB since back in like 2006. It has managed to ascend into being my nickname among friends though due to one of them sharing my real name, so I'm stuck with that one for a while.

Basically this. I just didn't have any originality with this name. It's what I went by on SCHTHACK. My original handle has always been just NIGHTMARE. Fun fact: I was the first person on Xboxlive to have the username Nightmare. But, around 1.5years later, my younger self decided it was a good idea to change my name to Sa1ntfear, which has been my xbox handle and almost every handle since. Psycho_beast, is exclusive to PSO. Another fun fact: My first character to level 200 was a HUcast named Nightmare, wayyyy back on Gamecube.

But almost all of my characters in game are named after characters from Final Fantasy games, as it is probably my favorite franchise.
I've been using Baka! as my tag since high school (a long time ago, trust me). I first saw/heard the word baka on a cover of Best Motoring, a Japanese dvd series on car tuning and racing. It said "Baka Tuning!" I felt it described me pretty well :p So I dropped the Tuning but kept the !, and been using it for everything since - My steam tag, battle.net tag, character names, forums, you name it.

I've met a lot of people over the years in various games that laugh and ask me why I'd want to call myself stupid. From talking with them it seems that they believe baka means intellectually stupid. This is false. It more accurately means being foolish, crazy, or pretty much just being a jackass :D

We basically got the same name. n.n

On my reserve its kind of an expression to call someone "Guy" followed by the last name / name of someone embarassing, when I or someone does something stupid. I chose basil because when I was a kid my sisters called me basil like the guy from austin powers, they thought that was the funniest shit ever and it kinda stuck.

Since then its always "GuyBaz" when ever I do something dumb. lol
Mine is somewhat amusing.

The first rpg i ever played was final fantasy 7. My cleartime for my first playthrough was 60 hours. I took so long as i was hunting the elusive shadowflare enemy skill, which can only be obtained pre sephiroph by getting ultima weapon to critical hp and waiting it out.
FF9 is my favorite game and when i was a kid i saw Kuja with his white dragon laugh at my party on the Disc 1 and thought it was awesome (despise his girly look).

Later i started using that nick on forums/games. I even got "Kuja" on the LAN League of legends server :P
My favourite Pokémon is Blastoise and one of its signature moves is Hydro Pump. It wasn't my first choice but it was the first name I thought of that gave me Skyly ID so I went with it.
EricPimpi aka "Pimpi!" is how a lot of people know me. It doesnt have shit to do with Pimps or anything like. It all started like 10 years ago on a wierd indie rock outdoor party here where I live in PR. They had these wierd outdoor free parties so those who wanted to showcase their music had the chance to do so. So the overall quality of the music was garbage most of the time. But who cares? You had all these emo girls and skaters doing tricks and stuff and cheap drinks or just bring a cooler and bring your alcohol. It was fun not gonna deny it. So one day after drinkin a lil bit way too much, we found a guy who looked like this guy:


Look at him!! In a place of metalheads, skaters, punk and emo, you had this guy!! "Dude you look like the Pimpinela guy!!" "Hey Pimpi!! Sing us one of your songs!!"

So we started joking with that "Pimpi" shit. Spend all night with the Pimpi joke... Next party for some reason whenever I found one of my friends, our greeting was "Piiimpiiii!! Whats up?!?!" And... it never stopped... And before I knew it... I was "Pimpi"... For no reason... But I got stuck with the Pimpi for the rest of my life... So insteas of neglecting it, I just embraced the Pimpi. And thats my name!!

My characters are just random names that I like. Nothing more. :D