What's the point of Greenill here?


I'm not trying to troll or anything, I'm just really curious as to the point of running a Greenill here on this server. I chose this ID because it was what I had back in the GC days, unknowing that the drop tables are so.... bad here. It's far past the time of switching my section ID to something more viable like a Whitill or something, so I'm trying to embrace the potential of this ID. If it even has any. Thoughts?
To have fun playing with others (because you'll need other IDs) if you're not farming Rianov 5, Holy Ray, Spread Needles or Lame D'argent (Excalibur)
Those items are nice, but other IDs get them, possibly from better drops, and have better tables overall. Rianov 5 is pointless to me, its like a snow queen with no special that I'd never use in actual combat.
Very Hard Kondrieu Glide Divine drops are a relatively easy farm for HC players compared to the normal method.

Though all that really promotes is leveling a greenil to 40 just to make pod games '_'
It just sucks because it makes me want to reroll a character just to not be on this ID, but I'd lose all the time I've invested already.
literally no point

pls buff greenill ep4 to give it at least one RELEVANT HUNT
(people are gonna argue it gets guld, SN, froozer, lame, but all of those are equal or easier on other IDs)
I think a lot this ID-imbalance thinking comes from thinking only about the endgame, endgame items, and gears, as if nothing else exists until that time. Up until then, the IDs are all relatively balanced against each other, with each one being better for finding certain types of items than others. Nobody goes from Normal to Ultimate instantly unless they're extremely hooked-up with connections, or made a strong impression on people, or an alt of someone already well-established. It just so happens that some IDs are far better sooner rather than later, and Greenill is one of those, alongside Pinkal and a couple others.

For a relevant example, Greenill is absolutely fantastic for early rangers. They can obtain two of the three "blacksmith" rifles, Visk and Wals as early as Forest Hard (Hildebear and Hildetorr, respectively, at good odds.). Visk is a fucking awesome rifle if you're lucky with photon efficiency %s, while Wals offers a lot of power for similarly low requirements. No other ID can claim that until Caves, where both Greenill and Skyly can get a Visk from Pan Arms. Your odds as a fresh-faced player of killing a Pan Arms without high-powered-help are very unlikely without lucky instant-kills or massive time-expense with techs/traps and their separation/integration phases (Hidoom, Migium, and Pan Arms all have a separate drop). Visk is even a possible drop for Greenill only even on Normal difficulty (poor odds, but its definitely there!). Sure, they're not godlies, ubers, or anything even remotely close to that. But if you're just starting out as a ranger with nothing, however, they're extremely nice to have and offer an incredible power spike. They are also the only ID that can obtain a Justy rifle in Hard as a drop (Ep4, Astark). It's possible to get all of these through other means, but the cost generally isn't worth the result, and by the time these become available to all IDs, you no longer really need them. Furthermore, they can obtain one of those fancypants Justy rifles easily in V.Hard, again, earlier than any other ID in the game.

Does it suck for endgame-level equipment? Probably, I never took the time to research it. But I know from personal experience that it's extremely helpful to have a Greenill Ranger if you're starting from nothing, because they have very useful and very viable drops when you're on the ascension to greatness. Could it be balanced better with nicer endgame-level drops in suitable areas? Also probably, but the entire Section ID system was designed to get players to interact with each other, to trade or share items, to make friends with a variety of IDs with the goal of getting more items. Perhaps you should consider that, because it isn't worth re-rolling a character for the sole purpose of your section id. just start joining other people's games, or ask them to make one for you. Make an alt with an ID you'd like to have for later; you do still have more character slots than anyone could possibly need.
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If you plan to play through early levels at a casual pace then yeah greenill is fine, any ID is fine.
But even then...I'd just buy a hit charge arms for 1PD and pick a better id ;-;
I've compiled a list of advantages Greenill has versus other IDs. I hope this helps:

1. It is aesthetically pleasing on most RAcast skins.
2. It led the charge that brought down the Axis during World War 2.
3. It's fancy.
4. It is the least played ID which will give you instant hipster status.
5. You won't get pinched on St. Patrick's Day.
6. It is the only Section ID to achieve its own discussion topic on the Ephinea forums.
7. YOmap is Greenill and he seems pretty cool.
8. It's the only ID that can find Greenill Card.
9. Science has determined that green is the best color.
10. Nobody will ask you to make a game, ever.
I've compiled a list of advantages Greenill has versus other IDs. I hope this helps:

1. It is aesthetically pleasing on most RAcast skins.
2. It led the charge that brought down the Axis during World War 2.
3. It's fancy.
4. It is the least played ID which will give you instant hipster status.
5. You won't get pinched on St. Patrick's Day.
6. It is the only Section ID to achieve its own discussion topic on the Ephinea forums.
7. YOmap is Greenill and he seems pretty cool.
8. It's the only ID that can find Greenill Card.
9. Science has determined that green is the best color.
10. Nobody will ask you to make a game, ever.
these are all amazing you have me convinced making a greenill normal-mode char RIGHT NOW!!
Nyanstar, I'm reading your replies and while all of that is true, most if not all players on the server have an abundance of those early on weapons that make Greenill drops that much more pointless. Just like what anime said, just get a charge arms and you're good.

I'm all for trying to justify Greenies here but I just can't. Theres nothing in thier ult tables that makes them WANT to roll, when whit, yelo, vir, hell even purp better options. Rianov 5 sure, but that weapon is novelty, I don't see anyone actually using it as one of thier main weapons. I understand the point of talking to others and making rooms that way, but still doesn't justify that next to no one rolls green, and everyone else on the server is some sort of yelo, vird, whit, etc. Because they know that too, at least in some sense.
Green is nice for early starting rangers with numerous rifles.
The 'bad end game drops' in ultimate can easily be fixed by joining other peoples/ID games, no big deal.
it's a pretty big deal if they play solo a lot :0

I hear the phrases "ID doesn't matter" and "Just play with others" a lot.
I don't think that is always an option, also I don't think it's very fun to play an ID that is never useful. It's fun to have a hunt that you can help people with. (unless you hate making rooms then it's a huge bonus)

Starting out as Greenill feels pretty crippling to me. I don't think any ID should punish a player who doesn't know any better...
A lot of people seem to start out Greenill and make it to Ult only to arrive in a desolate plain of JUSTYs, RIANOVs, Cross Scars, and more JUSTYs...

To make it more fun to play without changing the content of the JP BB ep4 drop charts I suggest buffing the rate of Lame d'Argent from Shambertin to make it comparable to Yellowboze Kondrieu. (1/56 or 1/48)

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