Ep 3 as a form of pvp (and a way to turn weaps into cards or viceversa)
Remove section id system (segas desperate attempt to create more content where there was none
Some sort of reward for hitting level 200: level 80 exp token (normal-VH are essentially a waste of time)
Mob centric quests (heard rumors the chinese server has something like this)
No rares are reduced (wasnt this a bug/oversight?)
Replacing shit drops with PD in ult (like PC in ep 4)
All classes except hucast +100 ATP
Most weapons buffed (make it so theres reason to use stuff other than excal, df, and hs which were added very late into BB’s life and clearly never balanced)
Have a merge that just boosts all techs (FO are basically useless as it is using most techs maybe mainly boost Simple techs to reduce DMC overall
Add a system where: killing a monster awards a monster part and after xParts you can just trade it for the weap. No more farming 20k spawns to just get nothing while you watch 9 other people get the item you so desperately want
Make it so DP on HP just always does DP or has a selection to switch between its two modes (no more waiting for even beats)
Auction house/Grand Exchange system
Nerf DF or simply make it only work at full HP instead. (The way it works now stifles regular RPG gameplay, “NOOo dont heal me bro”)
Seperate normal, hard, and very hard into their own gameplay modes with improved drop charts and weapons/mags bans for balancing, or something like the mag level staggering you suggested (or something like 1 mag level per your level). With level caps of 20, 40, and 80 respectively
Prestige system, start over at level 200 for a slight boost to RDR or PD drop rate (like %1, maxes at %10)
Make galatines mechanics buffed, add an additional beat windows that provides its max stats. This way north american players can use it at times other that 4 am
Episode 5/6 etc. Episode 2 literally just copy pasted a bunch of monsters. Episode 4 as well with things like asstark just reusing animations from hildelt and some increases to animation speeds etc. Following this format you could easily make a brand new episode by either importing or heavily modifying existing assets and importing or heavily modifying new models for them.
Add the “Forbidden classes”: HUmarl, HUnewm, RAnewm, RAnewearal
With monthly fees being unpopular these days and the current PSO titles being f2p then it could be assumed they would go the MTX route to keep it f2p. Here are things they could add with micro transactions without breaking things too much and making it too p2w:
Donaters status/battle pass: Increases DAR, RMR, RDR and PD rate by %5 each, allows access to donaters only worlds, allows access to new weapons/quests/episodes early, exclusive donaters only quests/leaderboards. Allows more selling slots in the grand exchange. Donaters status is tradeable so f2p players could still obtain them. Adds a “battle pass” kind of system where completing different challenges and just generally playing and progressing makes you progress and earn rewards all culminating to one “uber” kind of reward if you play alot (exclusive skin to the system)
Skins: as you mentioned. weapons and player and frame/barrier particles. NPC or sonic character skins as well.
Pay to save time features: tickets that increase exp, RDR, RMR etc by %200 respectively. Affects the entire party, lasts for 100 beats. Game would also randomly award f2p with them (event drops etc) and also tradeable.
Make hit rates more forgiving while still within uber-challenging levels to find higher hits (something like 2x current rates)
Allow players to un-sphere weapons and revert to PDs/Hoards with a slight fee
Add a few extra selections to sranks, namely charge
Episode 4 challenge mode
Add a way to load in NPC characters like some quests already do and PSO2 had a system for. They could remain with shit levels/stats/AI/weapons as to still reward playing with real players who had better gear/skill.
PSO can already by played online on Sylverant on the Flycast Retroarch core on android. Higher end phones can run the GCN version at full speed. Theoretically BB could somehow be made to run on these platforms. (Which would be easier to do if you were SEGA and had access to the source code) (PSOBB mobile = gg no re real life tho lol)
“Dailies” quest system: Every day offer random criteria to earn random rewards like PDs, boosts etc. Example daily: Kill 200 Hildelt - Reward 1 pd, Kill 3 dark falz - reward 1 pd, kill 1 Hildetorr - reward 1 pd. Complete all for a boost of %5 to RDR for the rest of the day