I imagine many of us use one of the programs, to get extra keys onto our controllers.
Personally i have been using Xpadder for years and while it has its quirks, i never felt the need to try another software.
The point of this thread is, to post the key/button layout you use and maybe explain the thought process behind some of the mappings. Hopefully we can get some inspiration to improve our own setup.
Set 1
- Number keys on D-Pad - for item/tech/trap shortcuts
- Number keys on L3 & R3 - for item/tech/trap shortcuts
i like to have Moons/Reverser on 9, so my left thump is always ready to revive your asses
- Enter Key on Select button - so i can confirm a party name without keyboard
i use this for solo rooms, where name and password will be numbers that i put in with
the d-pad
- Numpad 4 and 6 on right joystick - for freeze breaking with my dominant hand
It also helps with navigating while autorunning.
(This obviously has to match your ingame keyboard inputs for moving left/right)
- "Set 2 while held" on R2 button - changes the mapping to set 2 while the button is held
Set 2
- More Number keys on D-Pad - for item/tech/trap shortcuts
- F9 on L3 button - for Team Chat
- F2 on R3 button - for equip menu
- Numpad * on R1 button - for autorun (again, hat to match ingame keyboard binding)
- Autofire Enter Key on X Button - for spamming through unskippable texts
Random notes
- I have been expirimenting with 3 Sets, but from time to time i would accidentially hit
both set-switching buttons and it could mess up the default set (set 2 or 3 would become default)
- the delay for the Autofire Enter button is 0,06 seconds which ammounts to 16.6 inputs per
seconds . this works pretty good, but could probably be optimized.
I didn't change the mappings, I had the issue of PSO not recognizing my Triggers (Xbox One controller), found Xinput Plus and fixed it pretty easily, interested to see everyone elses layout is though.
Depending on the class I'm using. If I'm playing HU, then I have one layout for HUmar, one layout for HUnewearl and then another layout for any of the four casts.
If I'm playing a RA, then the same thing goes. RAmar has his own layout while RAmarl uses the same one I have for HUnewearl.
Then I have the same layout for all four of the forces.
Layout one: HUmar (One row)
Layout two: HUnewearl & RAmarl (Two rows)
-Here is the first row
-Here is the second row
I swap between the two using the palette manager's Scroll Lock + (1 or 2). This shortcut I have registered in my Joy-To-Key thingie. Doing this prevents me from ever accidentally using a PB >:3
Layout 3: Any Cast Character (One row)
Layout 4: RAmar (One row)
Layout 5: Any Force character (Two rows)
-Here is the first row
-Here is the second row
Using a controller, I simply used the in-game control options to fit my liking. I put the scroll lock with the palette change so I won't use something when swapping. I also have an F2 binded for easy equip toggling. Lastly, I have 1-4 listed to utilize the first four on any hotbar or swap between bars when I use a char that uses two. I never HOLD down the change to use anything anymore since the swap is a done-and-done. All I do is swap back which is why it eliminates that headache that is using a PB by accident '-'
Here are my key bindings that go to J2K:
-The ctrl is solely to use the right side to open quick menu since the other side is eaten by scroll lock and needs a swap at the same time.
And finally here is my set-up in-game:
-Notice how button 5 is the change and Scroll Lock in J2K as listed above :3
Tis be my playstyle and been loving it since starting it. Thanks for reading! <3
PS: I mute my Palette Manager so every time I swap, I don't have to listen to that level-up jingle all the time : D
1-4 mates+sol
8,9,0 traps for when I don't feel like menuing them
Up and Down arrows keys on right stick for keyboard scroll speed(very fast and highly recommend)
Alt+k cause Alt+K
no shortcuts and all menus here. no second palette either. you'll be surprised at how good your menuing gets doing this. highly recommended for anyone who wants to focus on their execution.
no shortcuts and all menus here. no second palette either. you'll be surprised at how good your menuing gets doing this. highly recommended for anyone who wants to focus on their execution.
It's always interesting to see the different ways people play. Here's my set up for FOmar. (PS2 controller + Joy2Key)
Left analog stick - movement (obviously)
Left analog stick press - Shifta
Right analog stick press - Deband
Right analog pushed to the right - Resta
L1 - Camera center
R1 - Action palette change
L2 - Anti
R2 - Moon Atomizer
D-Pad left - Foie
D-Pad right - Gifoie
D-Pad down - Rabarta
D-Pad up - Razonde
Everything else done via technique menu. I also really like having the left analog stick under the d-pad, makes it easier to switch weapons while you're running (use left index finger to push d-pad directions).
Depending on the class I'm using. If I'm playing HU, then I have one layout for HUmar, one layout for HUnewearl and then another layout for any of the four casts.
If I'm playing a RA, then the same thing goes. RAmar has his own layout while RAmarl uses the same one I have for HUnewearl.
Then I have the same layout for all four of the forces.
I swap between the two using the palette manager's Scroll Lock + (1 or 2). This shortcut I have registered in my Joy-To-Key thingie. Doing this prevents me from ever accidentally using a PB >:3
Using a controller, I simply used the in-game control options to fit my liking. I put the scroll lock with the palette change so I won't use something when swapping. I also have an F2 binded for easy equip toggling. Lastly, I have 1-4 listed to utilize the first four on any hotbar or swap between bars when I use a char that uses two. I never HOLD down the change to use anything anymore since the swap is a done-and-done. All I do is swap back which is why it eliminates that headache that is using a PB by accident '-'
Here are my key bindings that go to J2K: View attachment 7881
-The ctrl is solely to use the right side to open quick menu since the other side is eaten by scroll lock and needs a swap at the same time.
And finally here is my set-up in-game: View attachment 7886
-Notice how button 5 is the change and Scroll Lock in J2K as listed above :3
Tis be my playstyle and been loving it since starting it. Thanks for reading! <3
PS: I mute my Palette Manager so every time I swap, I don't have to listen to that level-up jingle all the time : D
So i have been playing arround with this for a while, very interesting tool.
I'm trying to make it, so that L2 swaps the row between 1 and 2 while held.
There is however one thing, i cant get my head arround atm.
Since the combination for swapping rows is [hotkey]+1,2,3or4 and i use
1-0 for the shortcuts itself, every time i swap the rows i do an unwanted shortcut action.
Maybe i'm missing something obvious here.. help/advice would be very much appreciated.
the PM images basically show my FO setup; other setups don't vary too much tbh, just either without the FO techs or replacing mats and mates for cast setups. essentially what this does for me is groups si/gi/ra techs in a meaningful way...simply put, up is foie, right is zonde, down is barta. ra/gi are on the dpad but si are on the alternate pallete on the right stick. it makes an astonishing amount of sense to me.
So i have been playing arround with this for a while, very interesting tool.
I'm trying to make it, so that L2 swaps the row between 1 and 2 while held.
There is however one thing, i cant get my head arround atm.
Since the combination for swapping rows is [hotkey]+1,2,3or4 and i use
1-0 for the shortcuts itself, every time i swap the rows i do an unwanted shortcut action.
Maybe i'm missing something obvious here.. help/advice would be very much appreciated.
The way you go about not using any of the first 4 on the hotbar, you can click the CTRL tab at the bottom right of the palette manager tool. I just leave the whole CTRL inputs blank.
The next thing I do is make sure I have Scroll Lock binded (via J2K or Xpadder) to the same in-game control you use to change your action palette.
Doing these things will work together by:
1) Swapping your palette will also swap the whole hotbar. Since the CTRL inputs on row 1 and 2 are blank, the whole hotbar will be blank as long as you hold the palette change button.
2) Since you would have Scroll Lock binded via outside application, you can use the number that matches the hotbar row you want to use. Since the swap is blank (at least on the numbers that need to be blank.), using any of the four numbers will not produce an action.
The shortcut to swap bars is Scroll Lock + 1, 2, 3 or 4. Since I use a max of 2 bars, I only need to use 1 or 2.
To summarize, in-game control to change is also binded to Scroll Lock through another binding app. Thanks :3
Edit: The main reason I keep the CTRL tab all blank and use the second row as my 'action palette change' is because when you get a PB at 100, all the CTRL inputs go blank until you PB, reset mag, donate to a chain or find some other way to drain it.
Right now I've attempting to emulate the GameCube controller layout on the Xbox360 controller, haven't succeeded yet. The big hiccup is getting the triggers to work.
My current daily driver is goes as:
Left Stick - Movement
Left Stick Click - Open/Close Menu
D-Pad- Navigating Menus
LB - Previous page / Camera
RB - Next Page / Action Pallet Swap
Pallet Left - Hard Attack (Gifoie)
Pallet Centre - Normal Attack (Gibarta)
Pallet Right - Special Attack (Rabarta)
Number Row - 1: Resta, 2: Anti, 3: Shifta, 4: Deband, 5: Jellen, 6: Zalure, 7: Sol Atomizer, 8: Rabarta, 9: Moon Atomizer, 0: Ryuker
I'm taking mental notes from posts above, there are ideas I like. The more I can save reaching for the keyboard the better.
Things I'd like to do for starters:
- Get the triggers working.
- Have menu navigation on the right stick.
The issue with getting triggers to work is that PSOBB detects DInput, Xbox360 & One controllers use XInput. This can be fixed by a .dll, although I recommend using JoyToKey as you could also map your menu navigation to the right stick. I have done these already, and if you would like help feel free to shoot me a message.
My current setup on a PS4 controller using Tofuman's and JoyToKey is this:
Left stick - Movement
Right stick/D-Pad - Menu navigation (can be combined to scroll fast.)
Square - Action Palette Left
Cross - Action Palette Middle
Circle - Action Palette Right
Triangle - Action Palette Top
Share - Menu Open/Select
Options - Menu Open/Close
R1 - Tab functions
L2 - Camera (Hold to have it keep adjusting as you move.)
R2 - Palette Swap
L3 - Break Frozen, Pillar Glitch in CM (Still experimenting with glitch.)
R3 - Team Chat Log
R3 x2 - Toggle between Team/Lobby input (when Team Chat Log is open.)
Touchpad - Equip Menu
-L2 Shifts
Square x2 - Mail Menu
Cross x2 - Guildcard Menu
Circle x2 - Team Roster
Triangle x2 - Mag Menu
Right Stick Up - Zoom In
Right Stick Down - Zoom Out
Still has the standard quick menu and such as well.
I may have forgotten to list other functions as its extensive, and still open for more possible mapping. The goal was to separate actions from the keyboard. I think I'm close to where I want it to be and will be posting a guide soon enough. If you want to try it now shoot me a DM.
Also can quickly adjust this setup for Xbox/Steam if need be.
This setup has been tested and endorsed by Goku as well.
I have been working on a method to share my personal configurations for playing PSOBB on this server, and I have decided to post about it in part today after months of trial and error. I haven't tried using Joy To Key either, but maybe I'll consider it since I see some better ways of configuring a controller compared to what I have with Antimicro at this point.
I have created a guide on "how to set up a client", including controller configurations, so I want to go over how I used that guide for myself specifically for sections 4 and 5 in this post. One can look at my streams online to get more examples of what I have also done using that guide such as my configurations for dots on the map, addons, and mods, which are the first three sections of that guide, I have left attachments for those in this post.
All of the images that are presented below are included in the zip file that is attached to this post; also, there are configurations files for the programs mentioned that are included too.
Without further ado, check my spoilers and enjoy!
I actually keep it at CUSTOM on the top right corner, but I changed it to EN so that all of the options are legible since the CUSTOM option has some of the text in the options menu missing for some strange reason.
I used to play with the Num Pad as my main method of playing on the keyboard with my right hand while using the A-S-W-D buttons for the actions with my left hand, and I hated how I had to extend my right hand or left hand to touch either ctrl button. Fortunately, there is a program to change inputs, but this was a painful problem for me even before I played on Ephinea where Soly's Input Mapper didn't exist according to my lack of awareness at the time. Anyways, I eventually used a PS3 Controller so that this method of playing became obsolete to me. To see more pictures of what I have set in the Options menu, please download the zip file and open the Options folder that is inside of the Account folder since I believe that the keyboard and pad button configuration images are more relevant to show in this post.
One detail that I should mention is how I assigned Button 13 to that last one at the bottom of the Pad Configuration image. It was a long process of me switching between my current SCP Toolkit driver and Motioninjoy driver that was pain to go through, but it's worth doing because the Menu Open / Menu Decide button is useless anyways. Here's my post on the tools that I used to make this strategy possible. In other words, I don't have a 13th button on my controller right now, so that means that I have one more button at my disposal to let Antimicro use without interruption. In this case, it's the PS3 Controller's Select button that the game can't recognize because of my button removal strategy. The following paragraphs in this "Account Level Configuration" spoiler detail my experience in being interrupted with the current configurations that I am sharing here, so if you don't want to be bothered to copy my configurations because of these problem, consider this as a warning to those that dare to do so.
Speaking of interruptions, I can see how Joy To Key can spare me some grief by letting me customize a few more button combinations with fewer headaches as other posts in this thread imply. For example, when I press left, right, or down on my right stick I am using Antimicro's configuration file to press F2, F3, and F4 in the game, which means that I am opening and closing menus while I am actually trying not to do that by mistake. I find these interruptions to be less annoying now since I have adapted to them. Another quick example is opening the mag menu via F4, which again, is the right stick moving to the right through Antimicro, if I use that button for the second time shortly after using it to open the menu, it will close quickly. The same kind of problem occurs when scrolling through the F2 menu if I move my right stick to the left.
Another annoying interruption is when creating a character or going to the dressing room where rotating the character with L1 doesn't happen because I have assigned Shift to L1 through Antimicro, but it works fine when I zoom out when accessing the Area Map in the main menu. If I change the active window from psobb.exe to something else though, I can continue to press L1 and tilt the character fine since there's no double pressing of the Shift button from pressing both the controller's L1 button and the keybinding L1 to the Shift key while psobb.exe is the active window.
There is a minor interruption when I attempt to press Alt + Tab from my controller because of how I configured the buttons to work through Antimicro, so I have Alt assigned to the Triangle button while I have Tab assigned to the Start button. What happens is that I keep opening the chat menu every time I switch program windows, and I keep pressing tab over and over again. This includes changing what's displayed over each player's head in the lobby, which is slightly bothersome for me. Sometimes, I also keep the Alt button held down while pressing a button on the palette like a button from 0-9, and I would look silly by performing a lobby action by accident while in combat. That's as bad as I think it gets compared to accidentally opening menus with the F-keys that I have bounded to my right stick like I mentioned earlier.
Another interruption that I accidentally found helpful is when I attempt to break out of a frozen status ailment as a non-Cast character. I have Resta assigned to L3 through Antimicro; sometimes that means that I automatically cast Resta once I break the ice.
Lastly, I will repeat this old information, so the PS3 Controller works by mimicing an Xbox 360 controller via the XInput method, but when I used to play with Motioninjoy, I used to play with it via the DInput method, but it's not great to use because the right stick was triggered by a hair's touch of sensitivity just by tilting the controller, so that annoyed for long time to the point that deadzone management was not worth going through to have this driver work with an Xpadder configuration file and profile that I no longer maintain as it was not worth the trouble. I used to play with an Xpadder configuration file because the main PS button in the middle would not even be noticed by Xpadder while I used the XInput method. It only recognized that button when using the DInput method, so that was a deal breaker for me at the time that made me never look back once I settled with the SCP Toolkit and dumped the Motioninjoy driver.
Type the command /showwep to see the names of SPECIAL WEAPON drops every time a new character is created unless this character is meant to not play the regular game by playing Challenge mode or Battle mode.
The above spoilers seem to be self-explanatory and quick to set up after creating a character that will do more than solely participate in Battle mode or Challenge Mode, but I limit my chat shortcuts to F1-F4 because it's limited to the availability of buttons that I have available through Antimicro at the moment. I can see /hbr being a useful fifth chat shortcut along with /killcount being a useful sixth chat shortcut, but I digress to finally get to the greatest part of this post: Customizing Palettes!
After watching a video from this post, I thought about replacing the 1-4 keys to the F1-F4 keys by editing the Hotkey buttons in the pm.ini file that is in the Palette Manager program folder since I can manage to make it work with my current Antimicro configuration file and keep the 1-4 buttons in use on the palette. Please keep the interruptions from pressing F2 - F4 with the right stick that was mentioned earlier in mind.
As for all of those images of each part of each palette, default.prp is the file that the Palette Manager starts using once opened. Palette 1 is for Casts, Palette 2 is for non-Casts and non-Forces (HUmar, HUnewearl, RAmar, & RAmarl), Palette 3 is the back-up palette for non-Casts that are holding a Photon Blast, and Palette 4 is for Forces. As for the fifth palette called Challenge Mode Force.prp; that is a custom palette for a Force that I play during Challenge Mode. Any of the four palettes contains the same palette in the file.
In summary, it is much easier to play as Cast since I don't even need a quick menu to use a Dimate on Casts - especially in Challenge Mode, but let's say I want to use a Difluid on a non-Cast character, then I will have to use the quick menu if I'm in a hurry.
Check 2025 attachment for Nintendo Switch Pro Controller and Xbox One Controller support with new files for those controllers; the template is about the same as the old one. Check Steam for a custom button layout like "2025 Brionac's Nintendo Switch Pro Controller Customized Layout".