HUcast is not broken, the other HUs are too weak.
Joking aside I can prove that Hucast is broken in case my base damage example showing that difference character wise was not enough.
This damage was done using a charge vulcan hit on a Goran Detonator (defense of 1017)
hunewearl 634 (810 with shifta and deband 30)
fomar 604
ramarl 561 (730 with shifta and deband 30)
hucast 551 (770 with shifta 20), (770 with zalure 21), (979 with shifta and zalure 20), (1188 with shifta 30 and zalure 30)
humar 537 (723 with shifta 20), (763 with shifta and zalure 20), (952 with shifta and zalure 30)
fomarl 488
fonewn 438
ramar 391, (441 with shifta 20), (610 with shifta 15 and zalure 21), (654 with shifta and zalure 20), (830 with shifta and zalure 30)
hucaseal 322 (498 with shifta 20), (541 with zalure 21), (707 with shifta and zalure 20), (889 with shifta and zalure 30)
racast 252 (534 with shifta 20), (471 with zalure 21), (747 with shifta and zalure 20), (932 with shifta and zalure 30)
fonewearl 232
racaseal 149 (395 with shifta 20), (368 with zalure 21), (607 with shifta and zalure 20), (776 with shifta and zalure 30)
Anyway if Hucast with shifta and zalure 30 applied doing 1/5th of a Detonator's health with a charge bullet while the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th best atp characters can only do 1/7th of their health doesn't show that Hucast was broken I guess look at the smaller numbers.
The 1st number were done with the natural amount of damage a character can do with almost no pd investment if for some reason you want to run around solo (with the exception of s-red's blade which really is more for Humar's sake than Hucast's, cause without s-red Hucast still lands at 424 damage which only proves my point more when he is a lot stronger than a buffing gun fighter naturally)
Now, this natural number includes whatever easy levels of shifta and zalure the character might have (so forces level 30, huney and ramarl 20, humar 15 zalure + s-reds, ramar 15 shifta, hucast and hucaseal s-red's shifta)
So, with the exception of Hucast do you not see that every single android is behind the fleshy characters minus Fonewearl who doesn't matter cause she was designed to be 100% magic anyway. Granted Racaseal shows she needed a buff again but whatever still not as much of a big deal balance wise as the 1 android out of the 4 who can do better solo damage than over 1/2 the game without any buffs and with shifta 3 ends up doing more damage than 2/3rds of the game in atp as well with his level 3 shifta.
Now just to cover some base on why Humar is ok on this list I should point out that without s-red's blade he packs 431 damage which is under 3/4 of the forces at least while as s-red's doesn't make him that broken alone. s-red's doesn't last that long, zalure 15 has short range and for his effort he only does more damage than Fomarl. Hucast btw with his natural 424 damage pretty much means that he has a free zalure 15 in his attacks in the full field before the real zalure is applied when compared to Humar.
Though as a bonus this chart should also show another thing. If you play Humar use jellen and zalure if you don't.