What is your current or ultimate goal?

I don't really have any long term goals right now, but my current goal is to amass enough funds to start a Mag farm. I remember having a blast raising Mags and running a Mag farm on the official server back in the day so yea, my current goal is that particular nostalgia hit :D
We actually have a Shortage of passionate MAG breeders! Would LOVE to see players take up the torch again!
My goals right now is to get one character caught up to my buddy, Windy, in levels and find him a psycho wand for his fomar for all the goodies he has given me.
Windy found a Psycho Wand since my hiatus so I need a new goal. I know I gave him a couple rare units with V in the name for all the goodies he has given me. I guess my goal now is to get back on and get a character to 200. I think Windy reached that with his main at this point.