What if most class restrictions were removed on gear? What class would get buffed the most?


To make it not so broken, the only gear that is taken off class wise is just red box stuff, arms, swords, and so on is still linked to class.

So as far as armors and shields go, anyone can use them in general now as long as you have the right level but weapons still have to have the required stat for the character.

So besides a few perks like anyone can put on ranger wall, anyone can use Tyrell's parasol, mother garb+, frozen shooter, snow queen, spread needle, s-rank needle, s-beat blades there are other fun things that would happen. Black King bar for anyone but foney for example.

To see how this would affect things lets look:
heaven striker, mother garb+ with flowen's, bringer's rifle, cannon rouge

heaven striker, cannon rouge as well

mm for starters and is able to use it well.

-Ranger classes:
dark flow, tjs, and so on right off the bat.

dark flow lol, tjs, flowen's sword with mg+, daylight scar, Rika's claw

yas 9000m, also daylight scar
Hmm, let's see.

Hucaseal would be able to get Zanba, and have a massive ata advantage for it.

Hucast would be able to get Last Swan, with their massive atp.

Humar and Hunewearl would both be able to take advantage of ranger wall.

Those are the first things I thought of.
RAmar becomes an ATA beast who can equip high ATP weapons like Flowen's Sword and Zanba.

HUmar becomes irrelevant (even more-so than he already is), just play RAmar instead.

HUcast gets needles and becomes even more broken (s-ranks are red boxes).
Wouldn't Humar being able to use most of the Ra weapons make Ramar the more irrelevant one unless going solo? I mean he hits harder than Ramar naturally in a team and 220 base ata with rr/rw is plenty to work with for a base IMO.

I mean the only weapons Humar wouldn't be able to use from rangers are duel birds and hp. He can pack the ice guns, needles, hs.
Heh, Hunters could use spread needle on Dreamcast and it was ridiculous! Especially with all the duping of them going on. I'm so glad all items are legit on here.
well needles in dreamcast were kind of op in general. about 2x more attack power for one and more range.
I think you can't deny that it would certainly break the balance in so many ways. Clearly favoring characters who are already really good. Imagine a HUcast with Solferino? lol

I don't think I need to cross reference every possibility, but I do think you'd really break the game.
In that video he says he even cheated by starting with a 2 way twins

And a hucast couldn't use solferino, you need mst to use it.

And yeah, I'm not saying it wouldn't break the game


That is the point to see how broken it would be.
Wouldn't Humar being able to use most of the Ra weapons make Ramar the more irrelevant one unless going solo? I mean he hits harder than Ramar naturally in a team and 220 base ata with rr/rw is plenty to work with for a base IMO.

I mean the only weapons Humar wouldn't be able to use from rangers are duel birds and hp. He can pack the ice guns, needles, hs.

My HUmar was complete shit until I got a 60h flowens because I couldnt hit anything, and when I did, I did no damage. With flowens I can NHS and if I get some good crits I combo kill shit.

RAmar could HSS and combo kill everything. And he doesn't have THAT much less ATP than HUmar.

I still need a better pair of vulcs on my HUmar, too, cuz I can't NHS Falz without missing a ton. My RAmar can actually kill Falz faster than my HUmar (cuz he doesn't miss).
My HUmar was complete shit until I got a 60h flowens because I couldnt hit anything, and when I did, I did no damage. With flowens I can NHS and if I get some good crits I combo kill shit.

RAmar could HSS and combo kill everything. And he doesn't have THAT much less ATP than HUmar.

I still need a better pair of vulcs on my HUmar, too, cuz I can't NHS Falz without missing a ton. My RAmar can actually kill Falz faster than my HUmar (cuz he doesn't miss).

the great Flowen deal of 2017
My HUmar was complete shit until I got a 60h flowens because I couldnt hit anything, and when I did, I did no damage. With flowens I can NHS and if I get some good crits I combo kill shit.

RAmar could HSS and combo kill everything. And he doesn't have THAT much less ATP than HUmar.

I still need a better pair of vulcs on my HUmar, too, cuz I can't NHS Falz without missing a ton. My RAmar can actually kill Falz faster than my HUmar (cuz he doesn't miss).
Yeah I find my ramar to be a good deal better than my humar

I'd love it if fonl could use S rank J Cutters/ slicers.
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