What Demon's slicer option do you like more?

A or B

  • S-rank Arrest J-Cutter/Slicer

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Slicer of Fanatic

    Votes: 22 88.0%

  • Total voters


Demon's s-rank slicer/J-cutter:
-requires 50 pd to make
-base ata only (35)
-lower range than sof
-requires 800 atp to use. Which locks out Foney of using and in general takes the other FOs longer to reach.
+targets 4 enemies

Slicer of Fanatic:
+cheap these days for even one with ok hit (unlike what they were on schthack for example back in the day)
+higher base ata but can have other %s and hit
+longest range slicer in game, which lets it target some things at lower risk. Like for example behind certain ledges or rocks in crater/desert
+any class can use it. 570 ata requirement. Pretty easy for any class to reach by a respectable level (with an adept and v101 and a 145 pow mag Foney can put it on at level 95, 214 ata after the adept, v101, and a 30 hit sof is enough to work with when it comes to slicers as well)
-targets 3 enemies
Unless I had every other S-Rank I could want already, I couldn't justify spending 50 PDs on a Demon's Slicer/J-Cutter.
It just isn't worth making srank demons j-cutter/slicer for that single target more. The ATA difference from having a hit SoF is so much more efficient not to mention the extra range. Large enemies usually come in waves of one or two and often don't need more than 3 targets; while a group of enemies which consists of small mobs in larger groups can be mowed down easily with items like Yunchang/DoB etc. I considered making one early game as I had all my ''main'' sranks and still no hit SoF, but then I found one and I was like ''oh well, I'll save myself 50pds''. I can think of a few spawns where the Srank would be useful, but it's not really worth making just for them unless you have everything, and are rich.
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I like the feel of demons J cutter more (and an extra target is nice). Also your poll has a typo.upload_2018-4-23_1-21-42.png
I made a Demons J-Cutter because I'm a baller. That extra target has been useful at times when things are blocking Girtas, and for more than three Dorphons properly grouped, for example. When you glitch, the ATA hardly matters.

I'm not sure I really have a preference since the range of SoF can be an asset, but I regret nothing.

After playing with both in Sandbox, I still prefer SoF. Much more reliable on that last S hit, and I prefer the range over four targets.
SoF, no contest

Well it really isn't that simple IMO. Really the only reason sof is better overall is because it is so cheap.

Range on sof is the one thing that s-rank can't ever contest but at the same time 1 extra target for the 1st hit is something sof can't get.

Yeah ata is a lot better overall on sof but ata doesn't matter that much with slicers. 198 is enough to sn everything with over 80% accuracy except sinows, gibbons, and Merikle in CCA. Blue Sinows and deldepth in Seabed, ill gills in tower, and del rappy in general. Red cca sinow, blue seabed sinow, and gibbons are at least still getting tagged a bit more than 1/3rd of the time. Merikle, ill gill are still over 1/4th of the time. Deldepth aren't fun but they never are to be fair. A 30% hit sof is still only gonna tag deldepth a bit less than 1/3rd of the time on n2 for Fomar if you wanna compare.