What are you listening to?

Gah, this just makes me wish even more that I could make it to Bonnaroo. GREAT vid.
Your song. the "Can't take my eyes off of you" part reminds me of this!
This group has some really really great covers. In different languages, too!
It was a pretty awesome friday the 13th. Went to see this local Irish-influenced punk band. Hung out with friends I haven't seen in ages!
Like the facebook page!
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Always loved that song. :D

I miss the old FF14. It obviously had its problems, but ARR tossed out everything that made the original game great. The music being one of the most tragic losses. They re-use a couple of the old songs in rare story-battles and such, but it's really such a shame.

Rest in piece. I'll always remember standing around in the seamless, non-compartmentalized Ul'Dah. Free from ugly yellow zone lines, and full of people.

Now it's just a WoW clone for catgirl fetishists.
