VENOM's Mini TA Event (1p+ 2p NM)- NOW CLOSED


Eternal lenny
EVENT CLOSED- Thank you all for participating. Link to video submissions:
UPDATE June 12th: First time Submissions now CLOSED. (May 22nd) until June 12th- 11pm GMT.
Winner's Circle NOW CLOSED- June 12th 11pm GMT- June 15th 11pm GMT (Official event close).
  • During 12th June- 15th June, only those who have previously posted times will be able to submit improved times. The event is closed to others who have not posted times.
  • Players are entitled to 1x 1p and 2p prize each.
  • Ultimate difficulty.
  • All submissions must be in Normal or HC Mode.
  • PBs not allowed (even if you hit 100 mid quest).
  • If HC players finish on the leaderboards, they will receive NM prizes.
  • All submissions require video proof from the start of the quest to the finish. For 2p TA, it is acceptable for only one party member to upload video proof. Unlisted videos are fine.
  • Please post your submission videos/screenshots in the comment sections of this thread. If you post a screenshot, video proof must be provided to me via pm for the run to be valid. I will update the leaderboards accordingly.
  • 2p TA- If a player posts multiple submissions with multiple players, their quickest time will be the only time counted at the end of the event. All other submissions will be disallowed, even if they are quicker than other people's times. (If this doesn't make sense, it will when multiple player submissions are posted. You can PM me to find out more regarding this issue).
  • Shifta/deband can only be applied once the quest has started. In MA2v2, you may apply it once you have started the quest, before starting the timer through the console (The timer begins as soon as you start the quest for Mop1 so this is not applicable). The same goes for HP drain before hitting the console.
  • For ma2v2, the time chosen will be the time shown when both players activate the terminal and the time is stopped. If times differ for the players, the faster time is to be used.
  • For mu1, the time chosen will be the time shown as soon as the last enemy is killed.
  • You can submit as many times as you like.
  • I will include those who are currently in line for receiving the prizes (IE the top 4 times) in my OP after times are posted.
  • If the same winning time is posted, I guess the prize will be split if applicable. I will cross this bridge when I get there (plz no draw).
1p Solomode Quest: Mop-Up Operation # 1 (Extermination Episode 1)

1st Place- Ender 6'33 remaining.

2nd Place: Jack 6'32 remaining.
Joint 3rd Place: Spuz and Lileya 6'29 remaining.

Sange 6'18 remaining.
Aizen 6:13 remaining.

1st Place: 1st Prize 1p TA MU1- Winner's pick Girasole 0/0/0/0/65 or 0/15/0/0/45 Rambling May or 25/0/0/0/50 Slicer of Fanatic.
2nd Place: 120pd
3rd Place: 80pd
4th Place: Any srank of your choosing with any special of your choosing.

2p Multimode Quest: MAXIMUM ATTACK 2 Ver 2 (Maximum Attack Episode 2)

1st Place: John and Zen 40'24 remaining.
2nd Place: Spuz and CAP'N 40:09 remaining
3rd Place: Aizen and DDD 35'02 remaining.

Prizes (These will be for both members, IE 100 pd each.):
1st Place: Winner's Pick: Handgun: Guld 0/0/0/30 or Yungchang 40/0/0/30/40 or Excalibur 0/0/50/0/25 or Prophets of Motav 0/0/0/0. 1 weapon each for the winners.
2nd Place: 100pd
3rd Place: Srank of any choosing with any special.

Tip: There are multiple routes in this quest. You want to find the quickest possible route, to be able to compete for the quickest times.
  • Why not SB? It was brought to my attention that there would be a way to possibly gear hack/boost (even if I allowed 100h parameters). I agree that SB mode is far more fair, and NM TA causes a barrier to entry for many time attackers. I'm not ruling out SB TA in the future, and I apologise to those who feel hard done by/unable to compete. Perhaps it is worth gear sharing/swapping for the purpose of this event.
  • Have fun, post any questions you have, or if I have overlooked anything or there is something you feel should be added/clarified. Bear in mind I'm just one man, server run TA should be a thing but sadly it is not. I thought rather than always complaining about it I would just make one myself. Hopefully this can encourage official TA events in the future. Thanks to goverment for pushing me to do this, and all the others who gave me feedback/advice for this.
  • It is possible that all those who give TA a go in this event but do not feature on the leaderboards will receive a consolation prize- stay tuned.
  • All prizes subject to change.
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I’m going to change the rules for submissions. You may publically post screenshots as opposed to videos in this thread, and PM me the video. A run is only valid if I see full video proof. I will then update the leaderboards accordingly if applicable. This is primarily because if someone posts a video with a good time then basically they set the blueprint and then it is whoever can follow that strat with the best execution/rng wins. Of course, pso is an old game; there are no huge secrets to these dated quests however I would like to see how people vary in their approach aiming for the quickest time, regardless of how slight it is. This also will be for people who do not want to their runs to be public unless they have to be.
But I must stress that videos of all victorious runs will be posted in this thread after the event finishes for proof of victory.

It may be you don’t give af about people seeing your runs/stealing strats and want to post your videos publically with all/any of your submissions. I actually prefer it that way so by all means feel free to post your videos.

To summarise:
1. Submit a time by posting a video, or a screenshot and PMing me video proof. These are the only ways to submit valid times.
2. Winning videos (1st-4th place on leaderboards) will be posted after the event closes.

Please read all of the OP before beginning as I have been receiving advice from more experienced players and adjusting the rules/requirements accordingly and will continue to do so if appropriate.
*gets rich by posting multiple ballin ass times at the very last minute via single normal mode and claiming you didn't specify difficulty*

in all seriousness though this is amazing, best of luck to all who participate!
*gets rich by posting multiple ballin ass times at the very last minute via single normal mode and claiming you didn't specify difficulty*

in all seriousness though this is amazing, best of luck to all who participate!
Ty and ty. OP has been updated.
Mystery Prizes revealed:

1st Prize 1p TA MU1- Winner's pick Girasole 0/0/0/0/65 or 0/15/0/0/45 Rambling May or 25/0/0/0/50 Slicer of Fanatic.

1st Prize 2p TA MA2V2- Handgun: Guld 0/0/0/30 or Hell Laser 0/0/0/45/100 or 0/0/0/0/75 Berserk Arms or Prophets of Motav 0/0/0/0 to be shared between the winners. 1 weapon each for the winners.
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Mystery Prizes revealed:

1st Prize 1p TA MU1- Winner's pick Girasole 0/0/0/0/65 or 0/15/0/0/45 Rambling May or 25/0/0/0/50 Slicer of Fanatic.

1st Prize 2p TA MA2V2- Handgun: Guld 0/0/0/30 or Hell Laser 0/0/0/45/100 or 0/0/0/0/75 Berserk Arms or Prophets of Motav 0/0/0/0 to be shared between the winners. 1 weapon each for the winners.

What's the prize for humiliating yourself by posting a time that would be like bottom 2? :lenny:
yeah, im pretty sad, just thought i mention it,but i guess hopefully can receive the reward on a new acc?
Sange graciously agreed to post his time as you can see we are halfway with no submissions. We know this time has been beat but sadly he can not improve upon it with or without a more appropriate class. A solid ramar run.
Not looking to cause drama here. A time is a time.