I think it's fair to generally give people the benefit of the doubt in a situation like this where their name treads into offensive territory. With "nagger" specifically though, I wouldn't dare use the word for it's literal dictionary meaning out of fear of being labelled racist. The word has become so synonymous with the n-bomb in society at this point through its use as a substitute for it. Hardly anyone uses it unless the topic of "nagging" has specifically been brought up.
Correct me if I'm wrong Mew. You posted this in another thread on this topic:
HOWEVER, mew Did have to put her foot down on a play with words for a team they wanted to name with "Chink" in it...as in "Chink in Armor" /weakness in Armor.... No matter how you slice it or play around it... "Chink" is unacceptable...>=I
By "they", did you mean "Nagger" or another person in general? Because if this was "Nagger" attempting to push boundaries again, the benefit of the doubt would go out the window. At that point, you could reasonably infer them having the intent to troll.
To be perfectly honest, whether or not they're attempting to troll through the use of "Nagger" as a username should be irrelevant in the case of this specific word. Too many people are going to see it as a racial slur for it to be worth allowing.
1. What kind of conclusions would a new player draw about the culture in the Ephinea community(and its staff) if they saw this person being allowed to run around with this name?
2. What kind of precedent does this set for what is and what isn't allowed on the server? Would you see more names like this as a result? (And subsequently more threads of this nature)
3. Do you think allowing this type of username would make the server appealing to new players?
Don't get me wrong here. I'm not trying to stir shit up. I legitimately care about this community, and I actively help grow it by assisting new players. As such, I'm not going to contribute to this issue any further on the forums. Do what you gotta do.