Ultra Hardcore Mode (UDNB)

Big updates tonight. First off, we have our own subchannel on the Hardcore Discord server! Thanks, Spuz! Link to the Hardcore Discord

Secondly, a bunch of players and I had the pleasure (pain?) of trying out Purist mode together (thanks, Jessica, for bringing that command to my attention.) I attempted three Forest clears with full groups, brand new toons all. Purist mode definitely feels more difficult to me, and the graveyard will tell the same story--I personally died twice before successfully killing Dragon--but I think all of us had fun. If you are a glutton for punishment, try it out and let us know what you think! I will put something next to the name to indicate if a player has progressed on with Purist mode on, unless I think of some better way to do it.

Screenshots from tonight :D

Not pictured: Gaignun, RAmar (eating Monomates IRL)

Sweet vengeance....

Thanks for playing!
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Damn… playing HardCore mode with no-scape might have very well been the most fun PSO experience imaginable…

I really hope they bring back HC mode with exp loss on death or something…
thank you for reminding me bort doesn't play anymore :(

i mean not really but since we're just adding passing thoughts to 5 year old topics