Translating the Intro to English?


Is it normal the intro is in Japanese and the in-game text is in English? If yes, is there any way to translate all the text to English (say replacing some game files or using a different set of client installation files)?
This server uses the JP Client. So yes it is normal. And you probably can swap out the intro files if you can find them, or translate the existing one.
Thanks, I am trying to make a translation patch for the intro and any other Japanese cut-scenes then. If anyone has pointers on which files to modify please let me know. If this sort of thread is better suited to say the Tools sub-forum please also let me know and I will start another thread.
The easiest way to translate the intro is by replacing the intro_j.pae file with the one from the PSOBB US client, since this file doesnt require any special treatment from the server it would be fixed by simply replacing it with the english one.

Your challenge would be to find a clean copy of the PSOBB US client which has this file on it!
It's actually opening_x.pae. The one you need for English has an 'e' instead of an 'x'.
Thanks, I found the US files, will test out swapping the opening_j.pae file of the Tethealla client with a renamed opening_e.pae from the US client version 1.24.3 over the weekend. I also found an ending_jp.pae that is exactly the same between both JP and US clients, is the ending in the Tethealla client in Japanese?
The ending file is the screen that plays after beating Falz, Flow, Saint Million, Shambertin, or Kondrieu.
Zeta1, if you could give me a link to that opening_e.pae, I'd put it in the client for future downloads.

Sodaboy said:
Zeta1, if you could give me a link to that opening_e.pae, I'd put it in the client for future downloads.

I'm fairly certain you have to remove the JP one as well or it plays it instead.
Sodaboy said:
Zeta1, if you could give me a link to that opening_e.pae, I'd put it in the client for future downloads.


I tried attaching the file directly to this post but the extension is blocked, so I've also listed the source links below (will try uploading elsewhere then edit):

Official US client
The link is the Setup.exe file in the "Game client / related files" section. Looks like it's a copy of the official download which was freely distributed earlier so shouldn't be an issue to download and share this. Furthermore, this site also has vanilla files for the US client update 1.24.3 along with the manual and keyboard reference.

Have been very busy so couldn't test the new file till now but it should work.

As an extra: there's a music quality enhancement pack available in the link below:

Some useful graphics settings enhancements from GPU control panels are also described here:

Thanks for including the English opening in future client downloads, was going to request that :)
Oh, I got the intro already like 10 minutes after I made that post, it's been up on Ephinea.

Thanks, though. :)