Trader John's & S-Ranks

I am interested Black Gear [0/0], Ranger Wall [0/0], Ranger Field [0/0] [0S] & Force Field [0/0] [0S]
how much do you want in photon drop .(tifa hucaseal/rugal fonewm)
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Interested in three seals from your alt bank four.
Kip takes various spellings: Kippies, and Kippy
Another alt (rarely play it though): Snuffles
Hey, I'm interested in your
TypeRO/Halbert +100 [0/0/0/0/0]
TypeKN/Claw +125 [0/0/0/0/0]

Not sure what you value these at. I'm willing to say 5pd each? Would need to convert some luck mats to PDs unless you prefer.
Hi can i get your Shifta 30 and Zalure 30 for 1 PD please? Drop me a PM when you are free to trade! :)

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How much for
Nidra [Fuschia] [5.04/92.14/103.08/0.02] [Twins|Estlla|Pilla]?
Tellusis [White] [5.02/92.12/103.98/0.98] [Twins|Estlla|Pilla]?
What would it take for me to get each of the following items?

D-Parts ver1.01 [8/6] [4S]
Launcher +15 [Berserk] [0/0/0/0/60] or Launcher +15 [Spirit] [0/0/0/0/60] (but preferably the first)
Baranz Launcher +30 [0/0/90/5/50]
S-RANK Mechgun SNH +50 [Demon's]
S-RANK Needle KELIAN +70 [Demon's]
Heaven Striker +20 [0/0/100/100/30]
Raygun +15 [Berserk] [0/0/0/35/90]
Red Ring [22/22]

I'm willing to pay or trade a whole lot for some of them.