Tool Shop Update


Staff member
The Tool Shop (the green item shop) has been updated to get rid of its rotating and level-based system, and will always just display all tools along with 3 random techs, regardless of level.

This means all mates, all fluids, all atomizers, antis, trap vision and telepipe will always be avalable.

Thanks to Soda for implementing this, and we hope you enjoy playing on Ephinea.
Thank you so much. I had to always waste half a dozen slots in my personal and shared banks to make sure I had quick access to these items. I sometimes even had to feed mags using the PW4 vending machines because the shopkeepers were refusing to stock what I wanted.
thanks for doign this, sols and monomates were extremely bothersome the rates felt very small at times, almost below 5% for monomates tbh lol
WHAAAATTTT, no more hitting PW4 shops anymore for Monomates. Now make Monomates stack to 30 so I can DF poison rooms all day long next time I come back to PSO.
I'm just happy that I can take Anti off my palette without worrying if my party members will be conservative with Sols.
I'm just happy that I can take Anti off my palette without worrying if my party members will be conservative with Sols.

I moved Anti to the top of my Tech list for techniques, Shifta/Deband just below it, and with Ryuker and Resta on the very bottom (since I almost never take those off my palette). I also have Cure/Paralysis equipped at all times because that's the only one I can't readily dispel.

However, this brings up a question. Will Monogrinders still randomly appear or not?