This week I 'ave been mostly watching


Staff member
(kudos to those who got the title reference to the "fast show")
The idea of this topic is for those with a Netflix/Amazon Prime/Chunchyroll subscription to recommend a TV series and or film to watch. Feel free also to post a review on your recommendations.

  • Posters are to be limited to 1 recommendation a day but you are able to recommend one of each TV series and Film.
  • Stay on topic
  • Posts without a suggestion/recommendation are subject to removal
  • Do not discuss any bypass methods for the regional blocks in place by any of the services
  • Do not discuss any illegal streaming services
I'll kick this off with:

Film: Labyrinth
This is a bit of nostalgia for me. I grew up watching this film.​

TV Show: Stranger Things
Reminds me of Spilbergs films from the 80's (E.T. in particular. Just the way it was shot reminds me of it). Really enjoyed this show.​
Recently borrowed some dvds from a friend and went on a Tarantino Binge, and my fave one was Reservoir Dogs

I don't know TV shows as much but I enjoyed Bible Black...probably cos i'm a sexual deviant
Been watching American Dad lately.

But now that Marco Polo Season 2 is out, and Suits also has a new season out I'm gonna start watching those again :D
How abouts

BERSERK (on Crunchyroll)
Berserk is about some Badass McCool Antihero Dude With Terrible Dark Secret Past™️ named Guts and his cute little naked fairy sidekick named Puck traveling the world to... Kill monsters. Or something. I've never read the manga so I have no idea how it holds up to the source material. Judging from the comments it's already deviating slightly and it's rushing things through. In any case it's captivated me to watch all 4 of the episodes available so far. My impression; it's okay. It's pretty dark, so fair warning to those who are averse to blood, gore, torture, murder, rape, etc.

The worst thing about it by far is the animation. Most of the time it has this wonky 3DCG animation. Sometimes it uses regular old hand drawn computer animation which looks a lot better. I would have preferred if Berserk just stuck with one or the other, and not do this awkward hybrid style it has now.

So if any of my rambling has intrigued you, you can watch the first 3 episodes on Crunchyroll. 4 if you're premium. :o
I'm a bit arrogant on the subject as I consider my self a bit of an aficionado.

I suggest either Jack and Jill, or Paul Blart Mall Cop 2.

A couple of slice of life films. Rich in both narrative and character development.
Most shots are open to interpretation, which strikes me as emotionally provocative.

François Truffaut once wrote upon film as a medium and it's ability to come so close to life that it can arise what he coined as a "holy moment". I believe that my suggestions will ring true to that testament.
I'm a bit arrogant on the subject as I consider my self a bit of an aficionado.

I suggest either Jack and Jill, or Paul Blart Mall Cop 2.

A couple of slice of life films. Rich in both narrative and character development.
Most shots are open to interpretation, which strikes me as emotionally provocative.

François Truffaut once wrote upon film as a medium and it's ability to come so close to life that it can arise what he coined as a "holy moment". I believe that my suggestions will ring true to that testament.

on topic edit: Last thing I finished was Peaky Blinders Season 3, pretty good.

currently watching: Stranger Things
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I'm a little behind in the game here, but I just recently started watching Fringe and I love it. In the middle of season 2 as we speak.

As for movies, did ya'll watch Interstellar? I think that's on Amazon Prime at the moment. Great great movie.
Films: All latest -
10 Cloverfield Lane - recommended. But don't look up anything on it because it will spoil it.

Programmes: Mr Robot - (like seeing if i can see flaws in what they say on hacking.) - so far its been nothing to do with computers though this season. Just the main character being fucked up.
Film: The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness
Documentary about Studio Ghibli and the making of The Wind Rises
very good very pretty very melancholy
Miyazaki is such a cool dude

TV Show: Durarara
I keep trying to finish this anime but I'm really bad at watching anime
Does anyone watch The Last Ship on TNT? One of my favorite shows. It's a good action/drama and the best part is they move the storyline along and don't screw around with viewers by adding ridiculous twists or characters you can't trust. They're only in the 3rd season and the other two seasons are pretty short (10-13 episodes) so I highly recommend catching up!
Film: Ipman 3
If you've not seen the Ipman movies (with Donnie Yen) and like martial arts you should give them a watch.​
TV Show: Lilyhammer
An ex-gangster from Newyork enters witness protection after turning on the Mafia. He's sent to a small town in Norway called Lilyhammer where his level of violence is unheard of. He soon puts the local gangs in their place and shows them how its done. If you like your gangster movies I recommend this TV series.​
Amazon Prime:
Film: Contact
Anyone that enjoys scifi has probably seen this. If you haven't give it a watch. Its probably my favorite scifi movie.
After looking for signs of alien life a signal is received which confirms that we are not alone. I don't want to give too much away for this film as I think it may just spoil it. So if you have a few hours free give it a watch.​
Ip Man sooo good.

Just finished Marco Polo season 2. Probably gonna pick up Suits again or some other drama 8)
Caught up on several episodes of Bar Rescue last night. I keep chugging away on Fringe also...about halfway through season 4.
Just finished Watching Aldnoah.Zero - Its a decent anime, worth watching if you like Sci-Fi/Mecha anime. Slaine Troyard is a total BAMF.

You can watch both seasons on Crunchy Roll.