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I think is time to honor two of my friends that I made here Soccra and Joel. I remember when I first met this two guys they were making their way up to Ultimate. They were in Fondra 01-01 asking people who speak Spanish. At the time I was kinda tired of leveling new player because simply they wouldn’t come back to the game but I said to myself sure why not. So we started hanging out and help them reach Ultimate and giving them information about items. I also introduced to them to Discord and Forums. They were so happy for the help and was able to introduced to them to (Item Reader) as well. With lots of help over voice chat instruction. After helping Soccra he told me “Thank you for all the help bro. You helps us a lot for the exchange of nothing.” At the time we failed to installed item reader for Joel. Later I told Joel let’s give it a try again and we successfully managed to install it. He was very thankful as well. The two cousins were grateful that even though there was a language barrier with the community. I was the only one able to help them to all this stuff that practically everyone couldn’t help them with or ignored them. It came to a point where we were in VC chat talking messed to each other and roasting each other. xD nonetheless I help them also in price check stuff because I told them I don’t want people to take advantage of them. Funny still they when to price check with me and do the opposite of that sometimes. xD so many funny things I read in the trading section from this two. Anyways I was able to help Soccra. i also made a cheep DF and get him some equipment and help Joel with some other stuff at the time. When yume gave me the (40 hit lame) Soccra asked “why in the Flying Fvck? All this good stuff happen to you?” and quickly responded to his own question “well it’s because your nice af and that’s why everyone likes you.”
That compliment feel good not going to lie.
Later on when we were on (VC) a topic merged to us and we were like what if one of us happen to retired. Soccra was like I give my shit to all of y’all equally why would I want something I won’t be using. My response was the same and follow with Joel was asking for my stuff if I happen to retired xD. One day I was doing challenge mode with some friends when one of them asked me “what happen to Soccra?”
I did notice he wasn’t on lately but I knew Joel was playing sometimes.
08/14/18 the day Guld drops on me when the question became reality. On this day Soccra send me a message telling me he can’t longer play the game. Telling me that school is getting on his way and with work it would be impossible. Joel send me a message as well telling he also got school and even worst than Soccra he got the gym. They both made up their mind and are gonna give me all their stuff. To their friend that help them a lot and was there since the beginning. I didn’t want them to retire it was sad I am not going to lie. Quite frankly I didn’t want the items as well. =[
But later realized if anyone that is willing to help this two guys again it was me. =[ if they happen to come back that is. So I took their request with a bit of sadness deep inside and understand the situation.
Joel gave me a TJS with the stats of the other set I wanted crazy enough the one I bought to yume as a possible set for me as well. Follow with some goodies making it a value of 400 pds.
Soccra gave me around 100 pds and all his Srank Weapons making it another value of 400pds. At the end of this transfer they told me I should go visit them at Mexico at some point. That felt very welcoming. I when on to sit on lobbying 01-01 thinking all the friends I play with leave the game. I starting missing them two little bastards when I suddenly received a insult from Soccra on discord xD lmfao and that cheer me up. Follow with “we will be around cheeking discord thanks for the game play.” It was kinda hard reading that looking at a Vegeta discord picture. I told them if they ever come back I will help them get back up and return their stuff... now we simply just keeping in touch and that was the story of two friends I made here as well.
That compliment feel good not going to lie.
Later on when we were on (VC) a topic merged to us and we were like what if one of us happen to retired. Soccra was like I give my shit to all of y’all equally why would I want something I won’t be using. My response was the same and follow with Joel was asking for my stuff if I happen to retired xD. One day I was doing challenge mode with some friends when one of them asked me “what happen to Soccra?”
I did notice he wasn’t on lately but I knew Joel was playing sometimes.
08/14/18 the day Guld drops on me when the question became reality. On this day Soccra send me a message telling me he can’t longer play the game. Telling me that school is getting on his way and with work it would be impossible. Joel send me a message as well telling he also got school and even worst than Soccra he got the gym. They both made up their mind and are gonna give me all their stuff. To their friend that help them a lot and was there since the beginning. I didn’t want them to retire it was sad I am not going to lie. Quite frankly I didn’t want the items as well. =[

But later realized if anyone that is willing to help this two guys again it was me. =[ if they happen to come back that is. So I took their request with a bit of sadness deep inside and understand the situation.

Joel gave me a TJS with the stats of the other set I wanted crazy enough the one I bought to yume as a possible set for me as well. Follow with some goodies making it a value of 400 pds.
Soccra gave me around 100 pds and all his Srank Weapons making it another value of 400pds. At the end of this transfer they told me I should go visit them at Mexico at some point. That felt very welcoming. I when on to sit on lobbying 01-01 thinking all the friends I play with leave the game. I starting missing them two little bastards when I suddenly received a insult from Soccra on discord xD lmfao and that cheer me up. Follow with “we will be around cheeking discord thanks for the game play.” It was kinda hard reading that looking at a Vegeta discord picture. I told them if they ever come back I will help them get back up and return their stuff... now we simply just keeping in touch and that was the story of two friends I made here as well.