The Pet Thread

Say hello to Eka!! For those who don't know, she's a stray kitty that showed up on my backyard. No mommy to be found around, the lone kitty was hiding away behind a wall and I was unable to reach her. At least I was able to feed her. It took her some time to come out of the wall by herself but after some time, (and with a lot of help from my doggo, Rocky) she finally gave me a chance. Now she's part of my family.

Next thing as soon as I get the chance, it will be a visit to the vet.

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SQUEEeeeeeeeee!!!! <3!!! =')',',',','
This is our Wolf Dog mew had adopted from a family that decided to just abandon him to us as they left town. The idiots tried clearing an infection on his right ear themselves to 'save money' and botched it. Now his gorgeous pointed demonic ear is ruined! ='( He's an old man but still full of Love! <3 He HATES fireworks.....=(. Wolfie.jpeg
>_< It makes me so sad when I hear about people doing this... we recently adopted a cat from a family that abandoned her the same way. =(

And this now-mommy even had 5 adorable little kittens recently. <3
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Squeeeee! The black one in the middle Already looks Mischievous >=3! So much LOVE Potential in those tabbies and shadow kitties~! <3!! ='3
Some more pics of our pets... we have a lot. :)
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And my little dog that very sadly passed away recently. She was closer to me than anything or anyone - she was very attached to me, and so sweet and always loved to cuddle. I had her for 14 years or so. I can't really put into words how much I miss her. >_< (Her name was Pixie)
This is Pen, short for Pendejo (Spanish for ass-hole). Sometimes he lives up to it.
Here I caught him mid-lick and it looks like he is giving me some snark.


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This is my boy, Blu:

He's a Husky-Alsatian cross (we think, he's a rescue), and he's just about the most handsome, lovable and personality filled creature I've ever known. He's very well behaved for a dog, albeit very vocal when he wants something! He loves stuffed toy animals (his baaaabies), dislikes most fruit, and especially likes getting a blow-dry after going out on a rainy day!



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IMG_20200422_012913.jpg IMG_20190915_232424.jpg IMG_20200201_175356.jpg My Boy(1yr) Stimpy, his glorious cat balls before he got them snipped and his favorite custom made wall mounted super extreme box bed.