The better Cameron List (9/15/19)

Yasha [Fill] [0/0/0/0|15] 1

Heaven Striker [Berserk] [0/20/0/0|0] 2

take this, if anyone still avilable
Last edited:
Can I get a Yamigarasu, Elysion,
Red saber, & Girasol?
If still available?
Hi, I'll take these, if they are still available.

Stink Frame [68/85 | 79/85] [0S] 2

TypeKN/Claw [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|50] 1
Do not be fooled this is the genuine and original cameron list. All others are envious impersonantors.

Thank you all customers and visiters to the cameron list
Hello, I'm interested in:
TypeKN/Claw [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|50] 1
TypeGU/Mechgun +90 [Charge] [0/0/0/0|35] 1

I'll be around tomorrow.