Team Pristine! [CLOSING]

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  • PSU: Guardians logo!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PSO2: Arks Logo

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Sonic Team: Icon

    Votes: 5 71.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Since our team captain Zeta had left the server our new captain is Alexis,one of the first people on the team who works a lot to make the team grow since day one and awesome friend :D
From now I will be on charge on checking people who wants to join on the forum so feel free to PM or just write on this thread and we would meet up.
That's it for now.

Have Hope Pristine!

Since our team captain Zeta had left the server our new captain is Alexis,one of the first people on the team who works a lot to make the team grow since day one and awesome friend :D
From now I will be on charge on checking people who wants to join on the forum so feel free to PM or just write on this thread and we would meet up.
That's it for now.

Have Hope Pristine!
*Eyes well up making a Zeta-chan plushie* Pristine has good people, so it can only get bigger and better. Congrats Alexis-taichou! And Annie-chan, if you ever need anything let your mew mew know plz? Good Hunting Pristine!
Great team, helped me out starting out, I don't remember who approached me when starting out to join but nice that they did. If you'd like to join, go ahead. I like to do ult runs a lot, searching for items. If you want to hunt for something like sjs,v101,pgf, v502, etc, lmk and hmu.
If you all are still recruiting, I'd like to join! I'd really like to have a community to hang out with while playing.
If you all are still recruiting, I'd like to join! I'd really like to have a community to hang out with while playing.
Of course we would have you,let's meet up soon.
We are mostly on Lobby 13 so make sure to stopped by over there.

Yes im back... for now. Needless to say, im not exactly bearing the best of news regarding the team.

Pristine was developed not as a team, but as a project of sort... an ambitious one at that too. Pristine was built up as a community of players from the whole community interacting with each other, it only took the form of a team in each game. Story goes that I, Zeta, with my friend Annie finished helping some newbies and shortly after that we took a break at Lobby 13 where we thought up the idea of a team to help newbies, we would eventually go on with it after a third contributor, Alexis, joined. This eventually expanded into PSO2's JPN server as well as PSU via the Clementine server and via the messaging application Discord, a unified community was created.

Come four months later... Pristine is very much dead. We have decided not to dissolve the team... yet. The issue surrounding the team is as follows:

  • The loss of Annie and Alexis from the team has left a large scar on the team as well as it's captain (me) who furthermore has no desire to play on the Ephinea servers as a result of personal vendettas and recent conflicts, let alone run the team. Of the original three master minds of the team, only ONE remains.
  • Lack of activity within the team, in the buildup to our first true team event, one which had to be delayed to ensure there were enough players for it... 70% of our players were inactive.
  • Certain rumors spreading through the team which has damaged the team's reputation as well as cause stress to players in the team who just want to have fun.
  • Failure of the PSO2 branch with the few team members it had quitting as well as a co captain been forced out of the team, the only person remaining there is... me.
  • As PSU lacks any sort of team function, the PSU related discord channels acted as a way of finding others to play due to how difficult it is finding people to play with on PSU Clementine. However this function has been rendered pointless with the Clementine Server discord server. In addition, the "co captains" of the PSU branch have not been doing much.

Team activity will carry on as usual, should the team have to dissolve we will ensure all players are placed on other teams and that teampoints are stocked up prior to the team's dissolve. We will also continue to accept new players, but please take this as a warning of what you may encounter as the chances of the team making a full recovery are less then 30%.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

After some discussion with the Team Managers that remain, both the ones over at PSO2 and PSO1 we have come to a decision. Despite the fact that Team Pristine will NOT be dissolving and will in fact continue to accept new players thanks to a new set of managers.

I will still mainly be on the PSO2 team which has has slowly been recovering, as my reasons for leaving Ephinea are not resolved nor does it seem like it will EVER be resolved. However, I will still hold a degree of control over Pristine's PSO1 team via the new managers. In addition the team will go through some re-branding in a way:

  • This team thread will be abandoned in favor of a new team thread.
  • Removal of members who have been inactive for more then 2 months.
  • The discord server will see some restructuring as a result of disorganization and past drama which has stayed on (as well as certain members not following simple instructions).
  • We will work on other means of communication outside of PSO1 and PSO2 besides Discord as not all Pristine members have Discord accounts or are unwilling to make a Discord account.
Now on to the bad news... for those who actually care, me not returning to Ephinea is bad news already, but I must also announce that as a result of this re-branding, all team events have been put on a hiatus since it will take time to fix some issues Pristine is suffering from.

Have Hope Pristine...

This is going to be informal as hell on my part, but it doesn't matter anymore:(. Certain decisions and flaws in Ephinea PSOBB which were made "for the best of the server" has made me reluctant to play here and I do get a sensation of anxiety whenever these issues (or rather individuals) are present. I have long left Ephinea but continued trying to control the team from the outside... however truth is the team is dead. I kept the team alive in hopes of when I return, but seen as these issues/individuals will be present for 10, 20 or even 30 years, I don't see that happening and I am only making the team go out on a slow and painful death.

On Friday this week, the team will be dissolved from the Ephinea server and the Discord server will be deleted, links to the team discord and the team thread will be removed from my signature in case anyone stumbles into my old messages. The PSO2 branch and what little remained of the PSU branch is also being dissolved for unrelated reasons.

And so with that goes my final announcement as the captain of Team Pristine, it has been a lot of fun and I would like to thank each and everyone involved who made this journey with us, not just our own team members but the teams under our alliance; @Gwen ,@Spuz and @conenubi701 's team and the rarely heard from, "Team Unsung" who has suffered the same fate as Pristine for similar reasons. I would just like to say... Team Pristine would not be anything without any of the people I have mentioned and I do hope we left you with a good experience. So! Till we meet again... Have Hope!:cool:
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i am sorry to hear of this. and i dont mean to be a vulture, but will the team points be repurposed?
*sad Sigh* No mention of Mew halping give Pristine it's start or Team perks...S'ok. Hopefully those points CAN get redistributed to the community and do some good.... <3
i am sorry to hear of this. and i dont mean to be a vulture, but will the team points be repurposed?
The remaining Team Points (as well as my leftover rares) will be given to any team member still active, you are free to use them however you want. My strongest recommendation is to join Team Rebirth which was made by a former Ephinea Co Captain.

*sad Sigh* No mention of Mew halping give Pristine it's start or Team perks...S'ok. Hopefully those points CAN get redistributed to the community and do some good.... <3

While I do appreciate the help you have given us, I believe we both know why this even had to happen. Team Pristine was a concept I had since way before I met you while I was back in Ultima, your influence only applies to the amount of teampoints. I must politely ask that you stop assuming that every player who helps newbies have been influenced by you.
Just post sick memes and don't cast resta, friendo
This thread's team is closing and the thread itself is just being used to manufacture drama, so I'm locking it.
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