Team Golden


Loving the experiences that only PSO can create
I do not necessarily post this to attract more members.
Rather I want to make clear that I have found a team.

Well actually I founded a Team. Team Golden.
And all the recruitment of all the now 10 Team Members have been done within the game itself.
So it is more a thing of how well and fun a party was. Then at the end or in the middle of playing, I dropped the question if someone was interested in joining Team Golden.

There are two admins in Team Golden. It is me. And it is my brother who plays the characters "BroBot" and "Mora".
We have very nice team members, which was the main point. No strings attached and play just for fun. If we can help each other we do of course.

We currently unlocked the Dressing Room and the 20 Member Team Limit.
Since we just unlocked the 10 new member slots. I think these will be filled over the next few weeks.

The next investment of Team Points will be mission unlocks I think.

It has so far been a very pleasant ride with Team Golden.
Of course, If anyone can identify with my written words here, they can ask to join. No matter the experience. I am very excited to show the ropes to all new or returning players aswell. The members we have already are mostly very experienced players.

We also have a Team Smiley xD
Hey, congrats on the team!

I have a 1k teampoint badge I can grant you so you can unlock the quests quicker for your team (and others, obviously) to enjoy.

That is so nice of you. I wont say no, since you were so kind to propose this. PSO for the win! Whoop, Whoop
I just got home from running some errands. Able to hand it over in about 10 minutes, if that works for you!
I just got home from running some errands. Able to hand it over in about 10 minutes, if that works for you!
Sooo busy right now! No worries no hurrys
I will be opening a Discord Channel soon, for our Team. Just as an info. That may be easier for keeping in touch with each other.
Certainly, not all Team Golden Members are active in the forums, I will give notice in the game aswell. But first I will need to figure out how to set it all up.
Hello BentTinCan.
Sorry for the very late reply. Life got in the way. The Team is still alive. But I just returned form a litlle hiatus. Actually I am not sure how active the other Golden Members are atm. I gave administrative rights to another User aswell, so in theory - anything could have happened. But my guess is, that it got more silent while I was absent. I mean it is a no strings attached group, so Pauses for anyone are no problem.

You sure are still welcome to join.
Reviving this thread a bit, hello Team Golden, your favorite local little pocket FO here.

Now with my work schedule, I am sadly WAY less available for gaming. (and also am Canadian so I'm like 6 hours behind Donnie's time) so when I finish work and am home, it's like 5 pm (And not counting eating and showering and/or others) it's usually around 6pm when I play games so it's Midnight for a lot of you European friends.

*sniffsniff* I'll miss my Xmas vacation...
Reviving this thread a bit, hello Team Golden, your favorite local little pocket FO here.

Now with my work schedule, I am sadly WAY less available for gaming. (and also am Canadian so I'm like 6 hours behind Donnie's time) so when I finish work and am home, it's like 5 pm (And not counting eating and showering and/or others) it's usually around 6pm when I play games so it's Midnight for a lot of you European friends.

*sniffsniff* I'll miss my Xmas vacation...
Thanks Tsuk for reviving the thread a little. We have been playing together yesterday at least. Which was a very pleasent RT run. Very chilled, thanks to you.

On another note. There is still room for new members. It wont be long before the 100 Team Member limit can be bought. Team Points are ramping up fast, we got some very motivated members.

Thanks to all for your contribution.
I hope someday the Commander Blade Bug will be fixed, it would be nice using that if it gives the ATA bonuses for Team Members
Thanks Tsuk for reviving the thread a little. We have been playing together yesterday at least. Which was a very pleasent RT run. Very chilled, thanks to you.

On another note. There is still room for new members. It wont be long before the 100 Team Member limit can be bought. Team Points are ramping up fast, we got some very motivated members.

Thanks to all for your contribution.
I hope someday the Commander Blade Bug will be fixed, it would be nice using that if it gives the ATA bonuses for Team Members
About those team points, you're in need to increase your max members? Since I have two 1k Teampoint tickets I can donate to help you out there. And close to third, iirc.

Lemme know!
About those team points, you're in need to increase your max members? Since I have two 1k Teampoint tickets I can donate to help you out there. And close to third, iirc.

Lemme know!
That is very nice of you, but we are not in dire need of Team Points.

We will get there. We already unlocked the 70 Member Limit and need just 3000 ish points to buy 100 Team Member limit.

The last will be the commander blade, hopefully someday bug free

The important stuff was bought first. We „only“ have 40 Members, so we have about 40% capacity left.
But I bet you might be able to lift some newer teams up with those donations.