Sunny D's Vending Machine [Updated: 17/02/25]


ham | wiki enjoyer | discord bully
Sunny D's Vending Machine

1. Photon Drops go in, bad items come out, hooray
2. Discord is the best way to reach me! Ping me on the Ephinea discord server or send me a direct message
(if I don't see you're a member of the Ephinea discord I might reject it; I get some spam). My Discord is Sundark.
3. Golded numbers are Hit % or 4 slots/max stats on armour/shields.
4. I should have removed everything I don't want to sell, but I reserve the right to say "o fuk didnt mean to list that sry" :^)

Things will be updated as best as I can. I'll double-check stuff as people ask for it!

Angry Fist [Freeze] [0/0/15/20|55] 1PD
Berdys +20 [Charge] [0/0/0/25|50] 1PD
Berdys +20 [Charge] [0/25/0/0|50] 1PD
Calibur +4 [Dim] [45/0/0/40|55] 3PD
Calibur +4 [Panic] [60/0/0/40|50] 3PD
Chain Sawd [Gush] [15/0/0/0|20] 2PD
Demolition Comet [Devil's] [0/15/0/0|20] 2PD
(U) Demolition Comet [Devil's] [0/20/0/0|5] 1PD
Diska of Braveman +9 [Berserk] [0/0/20/30|40] 2PD
Diska of Braveman +9 [Berserk] [15/0/15/0|40] 2PD
Girasole [0/0/0/20|20] 1PD
(U) Girasole [0/0/0/0|5] 1PD
(U) Guren [Burning] [Various 0H] (x5) 1PD
Heart of Poumn [Chaos] [30/25/0/0|25] 2PD
Lame d'Argent [0/0/0/20|0] 1PD
Lame d'Argent [0/0/0/0|20] 50PD
(U) Lame d'Argent [5/0/0/15|0] 1PD
(U) Lame d'Argent [5/0/0/15|0] 1PD
Meteor Cudgel [Blizzard] [0/20/0/30|20] 1PD
Monkey King Bar [Devil's] [0/0/0/0|20] 2PD
Monkey King Bar [Devil's] [25/0/0/0|25] 3PD
Monkey King Bar [Devil's] [0/0/0/0|35] 12PD
Musashi [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|40] 3PD
Red Dagger [Soul] [0/30/30/0|20] 1PD
Red Partisan [Freeze] [20/0/0/15|50] 1PD
Red Slicer [Flame] [0/0/35/0|25] 2PD
S-Red's Blade [0/0/0/0|0] (x1) 1PD
Sange & Yasha +30 [Gush] [60/0/0/15|30] 20PD
(U) Shouren [Blizzard] [Various 0H] (x1) 1PD
Slicer of Fanatic +30 [Demon's] [0/15/0/25|20] 4PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demon's] [Various 0H] (x3) 1PD
Soul Banish [Berserk] [15/0/0/0|20] 1PD
Tyrell's Parasol [Charge] [Various 0H] 1PD
Vivienne +50 [Heart] [15/0/20/0|0] 1PD

Arms +2 [Spirit] [0/0/0/0|50] 4PD
(U) Cannon Rouge [Chaos] [0/0/0/0|0] 1PD
(U) Cannon Rouge [Chaos] [0/15/15/0|0] 1PD
(U) Frozen Shooter [Various 0H] (x7) 1PD
(U) Handgun: Milla [Fill] [0/0/0/0|0] 3PD
Heaven Stiker [Berserk] [0/0/45/0|15] 13PD
(U) Heaven Striker [Berserk] [0/15/0/20|0] 2PD
(U) Heaven Striker [Berserk] [0/25/0/0|0] 2PD
L&K38 Combat +25 [Burning] [0/0/0/0|35] 25PD
Laser +25 [Demon's] [35/0/0/0|50] 6PD
Last Swan [Lord's] [0/0/0/0|0] 6PD
(U) Last Swan [Lord's] [0/0/0/0|0] 6PD
M&A60 Vise +9 [Berserk] [0/20/0/0|45] 2PD
(U) M&A60 Vise [Berserk] [0/0/0/5|30] 1PD
(U) Maser Beam [0/30/10/0|0] 1PD
(U) NUG2000-Bazooka [0/5/0/5|0] 1PD
Panzer Faust [Chaos] [0/0/15/0|35] 2PD
Panzer Faust [Chaos] [40/0/0/0|30] 2PD
Raygun +15 [Arrest] [0/45/40/0|50] 5PD
Raygun +15 [Arrest] [35/0/0/35|50] 5PD
Raygun +7 [Arrest] [0/30/0/0|50] 5PD
Raygun +15 [Hell] [0/0/0/45|50] 5PD
Raygun +15 [Spirit] [0/0/30/0|50] 3PD
Raygun +2 [Tempest] [50/0/0/0|85] 8PD
Rianov 303SNR-4 [0/25/0/0|35] 1PD
Rianov 303SNR-5 [Dark] [0/0/30/25|30] 2PD
Samba Maracas [Havoc] [0/0/0/0|30] 1PD
Spread [Charge] [0/0/0/0|65] 8PD
Spread Needle [Seize] [0/0/0/15|20] 12PD
(U) Spread Needle [Seize] [0/0/0/0|0] 2PD
Varista [Seize] [0/0/0/0|50]

Fire Scepter: Agni [Flame] [0/0/0/0|60] 1PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [Various 0H] (x13) 1PD
Guardianna [Spirit] [0/30/0/0|30] 2PD
Hitogata [Soul] [0/0/0/0|30] 8PD
Hitogata [Soul] [0/0/0/30|35] 10PD
(U) Plantain Leaf [0/0/0/0|0] 1PD
Striker +5 [Arrest] [35/0/0/40|55] 4PD
Striker +6 [Arrest] [0/0/35/0|50] 2PD

TypeDS/Rod [Devil's] [0/0/0/0|30] (x2) 1PD
TypeGU/Hand [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|40] (x2) 2PD
TypeGU/Hand +95 [Charge] [0/0/0/0|40] 3PD
TypeGU/Hand [Charge] [0/0/0/0|40] 2PD
TypeGU/Mechgun [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|35] (x5) 2PD
TypeGU/Mechgun [Charge] [0/0/0/0|35] (x2) 2PD
TypeGU/Mechgun [Hell] [0/0/0/0|35] 5PD
TypeME/Mechgun [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|40] 4PD
TypeRI/Rifle [Hell] [0/0/0/0|40] 5PD
TypeSH/Shot +60 [Charge] [0/0/0/0|40] (x2) 3PD
TypeSH/Shot [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|40] (x4) 2PD
TypeSH/Shot [Charge] [0/0/0/0|40] (x3) 2PD

Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [5/10 | 7/10] [2S] 1PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [5/10 | 9/10] [2S] 1PD
DB's Armor [9/10 | 4/10] [4S] 1PD
DF Field [28/50 | 13/20] [0S] 1PD
Electro Frame [25/50 | 14/20] [0S] 1PD
Flame Garment [11/50 | 8/20] [1S] 1PD
Flame Garment [18/50 | 11/20] [4S] 2PD
Flame Garment [32/50 | 3/20] [0S] 1PD
Flame Garment [37/50 | 5/20] [0S] 1PD
Flame Garment [41/50 | 5/20] [0S] 1PD
Guard Wave [12/50 | 20/20] [0S] 1PD
Guard Wave [35/50 | 6/20] [0S] 1PD
Guard Wave [37/50 | 4/20] [1S] 1PD
Mother Garb [14/15 | 1/5] [0S] 1PD
Mother Garb [3/15 | 4/5] [1S] 1PD
Mother Garb [5/15 | 1/5] [0S] 1PD
Mother Garb [7/15 | 2/5] [4S] 2PD
Sacred Cloth [14/50 | 18/20] [0S] 1PD
Sacred Cloth [31/50 | 19/20] [0S] 1PD
Sacred Cloth [47/50 | 13/20] [0S] 2PD

Attribute Wall [0/10 | 10/10] 1PD
Attribute Wall [0/10 | 8/10] 1PD
Attribute Wall [7/10 | 5/10] 1PD
Barta Merge [0/5 | 1/5] 1PD
Blue Merge [5/5 | 0/5] 1PD
Foie Merge [0/5 | 0/5] 2PD
Gods Shield "Kouryu" [0/0 | 0/0] 5PD
Gratia [20/20 | 14/15] 1PD
Gratia [20/20 | 2/15] 1PD
Rico's Earring [48/85 | 4/25] 1PD
Rico's Earring [61/85 | 25/25] 2PD
Rupika [9/10 | 6/20] 8PD
Secure Feet [11/50 | 15/15] 1PD
Secure Feet [37/50 | 14/15] 1PD
Secure Feet [42/50 | 2/15] 1PD
Standstill Shield [26/50 | 5/15] 1PD
Standstill Shield [36/50 | 1/15] 1PD
Standstill Shield [47/50 | 4/15] 1PD
Striker Plus [10/10 | 0/5] 1PD
Striker Plus [4/10 | 5/5] 1PD
Striker Plus [6/10 | 4/5] 1PD
Union Guard [0/0 | 0/0] 2PD
Yata Mirror [15/20 | 21/25] 1PD
Yata Mirror [16/20 | 25/25] 2PD
Yata Mirror [18/20 | 18/25] 1PD
Yata Mirror [18/20 | 22/25] 1PD
Zonde Merge [5/5 | 2/5] 1PD

God/Arm (x3) 1PD
God/HP (x2) 1PD
God/TP 1PD
Heavenly/Ability (x4) 1PD
Heavenly/Battle (x4) 1PD
Heavenly/HP (x1) 1PD
Heavenly/Mind (x7) 1PD
Heavenly/Power (x8) 1PD
Heavenly/TP (x2) 1PD
Limiter (x1) 27PD
V501 (x1) 2PD



HP Material x99 (x1) 6PD
Power Material x99 (x0) 6PD
Mind Material x99 (x0) 3PD

Looking for plating materials? Pitch me offers!
Amitie's Memo 6PD
Amplifier of Rabarta (x2) 1PD
Blue-black Stone 35PD
Book of Katana 1 (x2) 3PD
Book of Katana 2 (x1) 3PD
Bringer's Right Arm (x5) 1PD
De Rol Le Shell (x4) 1PD
Gi Gue's Body (x11) 1PD
Heart of Kapu Kapu 1PD
Heart of Morolian 4PD
Kit of Dreamcast 2PD
Parasitic Gene "Flow" 40PD
Parts of Baranz (x6) 1PD
Purple Paint 1PD
Sinow Berill's Arms (x8) 1PD
Stealth Kit (x4) 4PD
Teams Points 500 (x5) 2PD
Ultramarine Paint 4PD
Yahoo's Engine 4PD

(U) Asuka [Burning] [0/0/30/0|0]
(U) Berdysh [0/10/0/10|0]
(U) Berdysh [0/15/0/0|0]
Bravace [Storm] [0/25/95/0|0]
Fatsia [0/0/0/0|30]
Fatsia [15/0/0/0|-5]
(U) Final Impact [Lord's] [5/0/0/50|30]
(U) Flamberge [Spirit] [0/0/25/0|15]
Gae Bolg [Freeze] [0/0/0/15|50]
Girasole [0/0/0/0|0]
Girasole [0/0/30/0|0]
Gladius +4 [Seize] [15/0/30/0|60]
(U) Earth Wand: Brownie [Gush] [0/0/0/5|0]
Laconium Axe [Berserk] [0/0/15/0|0]
(U) Laser [Chaos] [0/0/35/0|40]
(U) M&A60 Vise [Berserk] [5/0/70/10|0]
Madam's Umbrella [Berserk] [30/0/0/30|0]
(U) Partisan of Lightning [Tempest] [0/0/0/0|5]
(U) Rage d'Ame [Geist] [0/0/15/0|5]
Rambling May [Chaos] [0/15/30/0|0]
Rambling May [Chaos] [25/0/0/0|0]
Raygun +15 [Gush] [0/0/25/0|50]
Raygun +15 [Gush] [40/0/0/0|
(U) Red Sword [Seize] [5/0/5/0|0]
(U) Rianov 303SNR-5 [Dark] [0/0/0/0|5]
S-Beat's Blade [Hell] [0/0/0/0|0]
(U) Sacred Duster [Blizzard] [5/15/0/0|5]
Sacred Duster [Blizzard] [0/0/0/15|25]
(U) Snake Spire [Dark] [0/15/5/0|40]
(U) Yamato [Blizzard] [0/0/0/0|40]
(U) Yamigarasu [Hell] [0/0/0/0|0]
Yasminkov 2000H [0/0/25/0|0]
Yasminkov 7000V [35/0/0/0|25]
(U) Yasminkov 7000V [0/0/15/0|5]
Zanba [Berserk] [20/0/30/0|0]

Black Hound Cuirass [28/30 | 0/0] [1S]
Black Odoshi Red Nimaidou [1/10 | 2/10] [1S]
Black Odoshi Red Nimaidou [4/10 | 2/10] [0S]
Morning Prayer [6/10 | 12/20] [0S]
Red Coat [10/10 | 9/10] [0S]
Red Odoshi Domaru [0/10 | 0/10] [0S]
Red Odoshi Domaru [3/10 | 6/10] [0S]
Smoking Plate [26/50 | 0/20] [2S]
Wedding Dress [0/0 | 0/0] [0S]
Wedding Dress [0/0 | 0/0] [0S]

Combat Gear [0/0 | 0/0]
Combat Gear [0/0 | 0/0]
DB's Shield [2/10 | 0/10]
Flowen's Shield [6/10 | 1/10]
Samurai Armor [0/0 | 0/0] [0S]
Stink Shield [6/75 | 1/75]

Cure/Paralysis (x6)

Amplifier of Blue (x1)
Amplifier of Foie
Amplifier of Red (x13)
Amplifier of Yellow (x1)
Amplifier of Zonde (x4)
Magic Rock "Moola" (x1)
Parts of Egg Blaster (x4)
S-beat's Arms (x5)
Star Amplifier (x5)
Tablet (x2)

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Some more updates/price cuts, just gonna keep the most recent date in the thread title now
Hi, I'm interested in these pls;

  • Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/0/0/30|0] 1
  • Custom Ray ver.OO [Flame] [0/0/0/0|5] (honestly just take it)
  • Custom Frame ver.OO [7/10 | 6/10] [4S] 1
  • Zalure Lv30
  • Jellen Lv30

Let me know thanks.
Hey, like to buy some techs.

Gifoie Lv29
Jellen Lv30
Rabarta Lv29
Rafoie Lv29
Razonde Lv29
Zalure Lv30
Another hefty update, a couple price cuts. :cool:
Post-event update (huge) (real) (true) (good take)!

Tons of new wacky funny with-hit items, and there might even be at least one or two actual good things in there this time around!

Unfortunately my availability is super limited due to bad internet situation, so DM me on Discord to arrange a sale, and I'll get back to you as I can!

Anyway, buy things. Especially the Gratias. Please. I have so many. My Gratia children. They are starving. You must feed them (me). Feed them (me) food (PDs).

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Hey, the Galatine [Spirit] [40/0/0/0|0] 1PD & Heart of Poumn [Chaos] [40/0/0/25|0] 1PD looks very cool for Meier >^w^<
Can i buy them ?!
Price cuts, added a max-stat Standstill I found recently. Sold out of a bunch of techs but am collecting more, should update those soon.
Updated again. Tech stock refreshed, couple more items here and there. Please buy Gratias. Please. They're at least team points? C'mon. You know you want to.
Updated, shoved a bunch of trash quality goods into the newly-added bargain bin! Shop at a 3-for-1 deal!

(Update to the update I actually added a couple not-insignificant items too and also some stuff sold praise the bargain bin)
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  • Holy Ray [Arrest] [0/15/0/15|0]
  • Ano Bazooka [0/20/25/0]
  • Laser +3 [Demon's] [50/0/50/0|30]
  • discord: r1chardt8#0990
can grab them later tonight
I would like to trade some of your stuff too. Gotta count my PDs first. Eyeing with the Rambling May, the good Yata Mirror, Kusanagi and Ophelie Seize. Oh and that Ruby Bullet.

Oh if I have enough, also Support techs on level 30 and a good Gratia.
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hi quick update im gonna look at the new platings more thoroughly and adjust prices for items required for them accordingly so if you're after ten rappy wings for 3 pds thats so valid of you bestie but i might charge you more now sorry not sorry
Update! In with some new items, out with some old. I team pointed or sold a bunch of stuff that wasn't moving. Bargain bin is updated now, too.
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