Summer Event Ending October 1st


Staff member
Thanks to everybody who participated in the Summer Event! Although we've extended the event one week until October 1st, thanks to your efforts, the kill counter will no longer increase.

Reward items will be distributed to players during maintenance on October 1st. This will give everyone time to make sure their common banks have enough inventory space to receive items. If your common bank does not have enough room for an item, you will not receive it and the GMs will not be able to assist you. SO BE SURE TO MAKE ENOUGH ROOM IN YOUR COMMON BANK TO RECEIVE ALL REWARDS BEFORE OCTOBER 1ST.

Rewards to be distributed into the common bank are as follows:

- Item Ticket x 1
- Elenor Mag Cell x 1
- LOGiN x 1
- 30 Event Eggs (provided you have at least 8,000 event kills on your account)
- Ultimate Christmas Present (provided you have at least 15,000 event kills on your account)
- Summer Gold Badge x 2 (provided you have at least 12,000 event kills on your account)
- Summer Silver Badge x 10 (provided you have at least 12,000 event kills on your account)


Also, for clarification, when we say "kills on your account", we mean kills across all characters. The kills between the characters on your account will be added to get the final value. For example, for 30 Event Eggs, you need 8,000 event kills on your account. If your character in slot 1 has 5,000 kills and your character in slot 2 has 3,000 kills, your account will receive the 30 Event Eggs. (5,000 + 3,000 = 8,000)

Thanks again for participating in the event! We hope you've enjoyed it!
Thanks, Soda!

As an EXTREMELY old-timer, I think I can safely say this was the greatest event in the history of the game across any platform (official or non). Despite the jabs we take at Schtserv now, it did have some amazing events in its heyday. However, none of those events hold a candle to Ephinea's anniversary event. This was truly one for the books!

Suggestion: The warning about the common bank storage is MOST appreciated. I think it might be a good idea to flash an abbreviated version as a banner maybe once every hour or two between in-game, so our non-forum-using friends are aware.

Thanks again!
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Hey Sodaboy! I signed up about two weeks ago, love what you've done. God dammit I need to get some kills for the Eleanor mag. Is there a way to check my current count? Thanks.
Elenor Mag Cell doesn't require any kills, so don't worry about it.

However, to check your current kill count, pop into MA4 and talk to the secondary NPC after you finish the quest. Might be able to get details from them too at the start, I forget.
Thanks so much for the event! I left a detailed post about it in the feedback thread. I've got two questions though:

1. The milestone killcounter has stopped, but are you still currently able to add to your killcounter for the killgates? For example, if you don't have 15k kills now but you get that many between now and Oct 1st, do you get the Present?

2. Similar to the above question, if you haven't played at all for the summer event, but log on between now and October 1st and get a kill in MA/Fiasco, do you get all the non-killgate items?
Thanks for the fantastic event!
I'm a longtime player (I bought the Dreamcast just to play PSO with a friend), but new to this server. Just joined last month.
It was great starting fresh and getting badges all along the way. By the time I hit 100, I had plenty of badges saved up for some nice gear.

I'm a little confused about the Item Ticket, Elenor Mag Cell, and LOGiN however. I didn't participate in the MA/Fiasco Kill Count part of the event. Will I be receiving these items? Or are these for players that at least attempted the MA/Fiasco quests?
Afaik, the requirements for those are to 'have logged on and be lvl 50+' @Baka!

Also @Bliz I would think not. But thsts an assumption.
Is there a specific time the maintenance is happening? For event ending.
looking forward for whats in store for other events :o

Also i have no idea where to exchange item tickets lol
Hello. Posting on behalf of a friend. My friend is level 100 and has played on and off during the event. He has not received any item. I understand that there is a kill counter requirement for the first options, so I won't question those, but I am curious as to why he hasn't received the Item Ticket and Mag cell, despite having a near-empty bank. Anyone have any clue why?

Edit: He has looked in both banks, with no success.

Also, thank you for the event, Sodaboy. I have had no issues on my side and the event has helped me out tremendously. :)
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Thanks for the event! I had a great time! (Even if I got Limiter badged like 8 or 9 times, including a gold badge and a luck mat from said Girtablulu)

Hello. Posting on behalf of a friend. My friend is level 100 and has played on and off during the event. He has not received any item. I understand that there is a kill counter requirement for the first options, so I won't question those, but I am curious as to why he hasn't received the Item Ticket and Mag cell, despite having a near-empty bank. Anyone have any clue why?

This isn't intended to be condescending, but is your friend typing "/bank" in game to view the common bank? You have to go into the bank, out the bank, and back into it to get the item to show. Well I did at least. The rewards should be at the bottom. :)
Hello. Posting on behalf of a friend. My friend is level 100 and has played on and off during the event. He has not received any item. I understand that there is a kill counter requirement for the first options, so I won't question those, but I am curious as to why he hasn't received the Item Ticket and Mag cell, despite having a near-empty bank. Anyone have any clue why?

Also, thank you for the event, Sodaboy. I have had no issues on my side and the event has helped me out tremendously. :)
You sure he is looking in his shared bank and not just his character bank?
Did your friend play during the official event time or during the 1 week extension?