Mille Marteaux
greyhound bus
- Guildcard
- 42000787
Iron Faust is a shot that fires one bullet that does splash damage. It has the regular aiming radius of a shot due to this.Also I dont remember it being autoaim so much as it just being a bazooka that hit most things around it, that's what bazookas do lol.
Why complain about something making everything too easy when you can just abuse it? Also nobody complained on SCHT because the staff never listened to you anyway at best and you got stalked by the rest of the userbase until you quit (or get banned for being a troublemaker, despite being innocent) at worst.Also, to be fair as well I never remember anyone complaining about IF breaking anything, except you just now.
This is neither here nor there though, it isn't unlocked here and it never will be.