Stomper's Trade List (PDT)Updated 7/3/2023



I'm currently accepting PDs, PCs 1:1 Halloween Cookie's valued at 3PD

If you see an item you are interested in, DM me. Values do seem to change a bit, I'll try my best to make prices fair, Thank you!

Please highlight and quote from my list for your post when inquiring about items.

There also might be things I have that you might be looking for not posted, you can always ask.

The best way to contact me to meet up for trading is on Discord (Stomper#2656).

My online hours: Check Discord will say Playing PSO
PST West Coast.

All Support Techs Sets Lv. 15, 20, 30 2PD Per Set
Arms [Charge] 0/0/0/0/50 1PD or 400K
Raygun [Hell] 0/0/0/0/50 1PD
Raygun [Charge] 0/0/0/0/50 1PD or 400K
Last Swan 7PD
Bringer's Rifle [Demons] 0/0/0/0/10 2PD
Barnaz Launcher [Charge] 0/0/0/0/10 2PD
Centurion/Ability 7PD
Syncesta 40PD
Dragon Scale 7PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] 0/0/25/0/15h 2PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] 30/0/0/0/15h 2PD

B>Meseta 500K:1PD
Photon Crystal

Have tons more items not posted. Feel free to ask.
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Railgun [0/0/0/0|55] [Arrest] 2 pd
Raygun [0/0/0/20|40] [Arrest] [Untekked] 1 pd
Laser [0/0/0/0|50] [Arrest] 1 pd
Demonic Fork [15/20/0/0|30]
Rambling May [20/0/0/0|15]
Red Barrier [DEF: 3/EVP: 4]
Red Merge [DEF: 0/EVP:0]
Resta Merge [DEF: 0/EVP: 0]
Raygun [15/0/30/0|40] [Blizzard] [Untekked]
Raygun +2 [25/0/0/0|50] [Demon's]
Vulcan +8 [0/30/0/0|50] [Charge]
Tech Jellen Lv: 30

How much for those?
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Spread Needle [0/0/0/30|10] [Untekked]
Lame d'Argent [0/15/0/5|0] [Untekked]
Lame d'Argent [0/0/35/20|0] [Kills: 817]

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How much for those?
Demonic Fork [15/20/0/0|30] 1
Red Barrier [DEF: 3/EVP: 4] * Red Barrier [DEF: 1/EVP: 5] Have this one for 5
Red Merge [DEF: 0/EVP:0] 1
Rambling May [20/0/0/0|15] 5
Resta Merge [DEF: 0/EVP: 0] 1
Raygun [15/0/30/0|40] [Blizzard] [Untekked] 250M
Raygun +2 [25/0/0/0|50] [Demon's] 1
Vulcan +8 [0/30/0/0|50] [Charge] 1
Tech Jellen Lv: 30 1
Spread Needle [0/0/0/30|10] [Untekked]
Lame d'Argent [0/15/0/5|0] [Untekked]
Lame d'Argent [0/0/35/20|0] [Kills: 817]

Spread Needle [0/0/0/30|10] [Untekked] 2
Lame d'Argent [0/15/0/5|0] [Untekked] 3
Lame d'Argent [0/0/35/20|0] [Kills: 817] 4
Lame d'Argent [0/40/0/0/0/15]* Currently unsealing this *
Demonic Fork [15/20/0/0|30] 1
Red Barrier [DEF: 3/EVP: 4] * Red Barrier [DEF: 1/EVP: 5] Have this one for 5
Red Merge [DEF: 0/EVP:0] 1
Rambling May [20/0/0/0|15] 5
Resta Merge [DEF: 0/EVP: 0] 1
Raygun [15/0/30/0|40] [Blizzard] [Untekked] 250M
Raygun +2 [25/0/0/0|50] [Demon's] 1
Vulcan +8 [0/30/0/0|50] [Charge] 1
Tech Jellen Lv: 30 1

Cheers, I'll take the demonic fork, red merge, resta merge, blizzard raygun, demons raygun, charge vulcans and Jellen 30 for now. Would you take 6 pds for those?
Cheers, I'll take the demonic fork, red merge, resta merge, blizzard raygun, demons raygun, charge vulcans and Jellen 30 for now. Would you take 6 pds for those?
Sure im on now doing some trades.