Steam Input in Linux


Trying to get my controller properly configured and running into some issues.

I installed the game through Lutris, everything works. Controller works normally in-game.

Added the game to Steam, and I'm attempting to run the game through Steam with Steam Input enabled so I can bind the action keys to controller actions, but the controller completely stops working in game any time Steam Input is enabled.

Steam overlay is enabled, btw

Has anyone encountered or successfully resolved this before?

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Try pointing steam if possible to online.exe, and not the launcher then only use the launcher to change settings or update the client. That's how it works for me on windows.
I've been having the same issue, but for me it only cropped up recently. When I was playing about two weeks ago, I wasn't having any trouble using Steam input to configure my controller.

It's also not a problem for me on Steam Deck, only desktop (I'm using Fedora Plasma).

Try pointing steam if possible to online.exe, and not the launcher then only use the launcher to change settings or update the client. That's how it works for me on windows.

Thanks, I'll try this and report back when I can.
Well, now the controller works, but the Steam overlay does not. Changing the executable from the launcher (online.exe) to the game (psobb.exe) didn't fix matters. I'll have to mess with this some more the next time I am playing from my PC.
Well, now the controller works, but the Steam overlay does not. Changing the executable from the launcher (online.exe) to the game (psobb.exe) didn't fix matters. I'll have to mess with this some more the next time I am playing from my PC.
The overlay causes issues with pso, or at least it used to. I don't know about now but I just by default disable steam overlay with PSO.
After trying and failing to find a fix for about a year, I finally found a solution to remapping my controller with input-mapper. It works great on fedora with KDE plasma.

The entire reason I needed steam input was triggers aren't recognized by psobb. I couldn't get steaminput working AT ALL, and antimicrox can only do keyboard/mouse outputs (which don't work when alt-tabbed, and even then keyboard controls behave different in menus so I didn't like it).

Input mapper creates a virtual controller and forwards all controller inputs that you tell it to, so you'll have to fully map out every button/axis for the game to see them. I play on a dualsense controller and bind left trigger to thumbL and right trigger to thumbR since those are otherwise unused by PSOBB. Make SURE you bind every button and axis or the game won't recognize them!

I don't notice any input delay at all and everything works smoothly - including when alt-tabbed. That was the real selling point for me over antimicrox since I like to scroll discord when playing lol. Antimicrox is still good for binding chat shortcuts though.