Starcraft Brood War

I haven't played BW in a couple years. Pretty bad at it, but I'd be down for a few games.
We have games every now and then. I guess a discord for scbw would be nice so we can just put up games and let ppl know whos on
Oh my lord good news this morning on the SC-front.

Yesterday Blizzard annouced that SC:BW will be free to play for all, in a promo-crusade they're giving away SC:BW [classic] to build hype for the remaster their launching next year. Apparantly the remaster and classic players will be able to play together on the new multiplayer server their putting up. [Theres a public test realm you can check out for now to try it out before the official release next week]

They also made a new patch; fixing a lot of compatibility issues / bug fixes/ anti-cheating / ergonomic and networking changes.
[OMG - who the fuck makes a patch for a damn near twenty year old game - Blizzard I love you, you beautiful fuck]

Link to the official bnet forums post w/ PTR download link:

Also the remastered edition from what I hear will be purely a graphical improvement toggle-able at the push of a button, and the free players will be able to play with the remastered players. [goodguyblizzard - n.n]
Got to say, Starcraft is pretty fun.
Just wish the troops didn't try to complete the move right in front of the enemy before firing.