Spuz's ES Market! [Premade Only!]

I would like to order a blank ES Needle as well. "DUSK NEEDLE"

Now to farm those last few pd's for the special....
I would like to order a blank ES Needle as well. "DUSK NEEDLE"

Now to farm those last few pd's for the special....

Ok man, I'll be doing orders again on monday, abusing HBR over the weekend with DAR weekly boosts. I will let you know when it is complete!

I would like ep2 (Hell Needle) whenever the next order becomes available.

Also If you can add a special that'd be cool because I haven't done East tower or whatever it is.

No rush
Please + Thank you
Hi Spuz. I'd like to order HELL j-cutter whenever the next order becomes available. Thank you.
I'd like to order an ES J-Cutter, please. Call it "ZERO J-CUTTER"

Ok bro, I can do this but currently, I am working a lot of hours and already have 5 orders to do (2 of which are slow E1 orders), because of the time constraints it may take up to 2 weeks. I will keep you informed on how close I am to completion and if your happy with this then I will get it made asap!
I would like to order an ES needle named HELL needle.
Paying with 20 PDs. :eek:
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