Spoiler Boxes added


Staff member
cuz, I felt like it. (not sure where to put this)

Image restrictions are still enforced, tho.
Should be helpful for SUPER LONG LISTS.
Wouldn't be better for the button to say "Spoiler" instead of "Show"?
Or make it to change to "Hide" when the spoiler is open, but I guess is easier to change the "content" to "Spoiler".
But sometimes it's not an actual "Spoiler" as opposed to just wanting to hide something big that can be shown by clicking the button to "Show" it. Like a big list or something.

The word "spoiler" usually means if you see this, you'll be "spoiled"... Like the ending to a game or something. So I think "Show" is probably more appropriate than "spoiler", since I doubt there will be many "spoilers" posted here and just use of the tag to make things look neater.
Yeah, well was just saying the tag is named spoiler after all
The second suggestion, although is just a "fancy"/visual thing, it would be cool.
It's weird, it should be changing the text on click but it doesn't... at least not in Chrome. Tested it in IE and it does, lol. Code isn't ours, though, just some generic spoiler code that has been floating around for phpBB.
You are right, just tried on Edge and works fine... that sucks xD

It seems to be this one... how about this or maybe this
Which both seems to work. The second one you can put a title on the spoiler, so might want to use that one?
That's cool, it fits with the code block, not bad...

I like the idea of being able to put a title on the spoiler tho... so if you wanted to mess with it (although it already works so idk)
This should do it (based on both I linked)

However, I have no idea how to go about doing a fallback value to "Spoiler" or anything else if the "title" is not specified :?
And too lazy to install phpbb to test it... :P