Soly's Stash

@Soly - I noticed the item maker doesn't have a few things like Centurion/Battle and Centurion/Arms. Are those Ultima server unique? Or is there a way to create them in Ephinea Sandbox?

Are there other "missing" items like that?
They are not items in Ephinea.

Anything that is ultima unique won't be on ephinea even on sandbox.
As it was (sort of) said, Ephinea doesn't add custom items (besides some music disks and I don't know what else).
and I don't know what else

Cosmetics could potentially be a thing (eg: red ring clones with different textures).

But I don't think anyone is actively developing anything like that at the moment.
No, it has a "nice" GUI which should give away how to use most things...
Some require server side changes (like the stackables patch)... but I discontinued that program since now I do all the patching either through the server itself or at startup with the DLL.
No, it has a "nice" GUI which should give away how to use most things...
Some require server side changes (like the stackables patch)... but I discontinued that program since now I do all the patching either through the server itself or at startup with the DLL.

Let me make sure I understand this. Perhaps I was just overthinking it.

This is basically a little utility for making changes to PSOBB.exe. So I launch the psobbpatch.exe file, load in my psobb.exe, and then make whatever selections I want, and save it?

To make things stackable, I just click the [x] stackables option?

I see "other" options. Infinite mag feed, etc. That one is kinda clear. What do the others do?

  • Lobby 1 billboard
  • full dressing room
  • unlock items
  • rare item NPC shop price
Ok I experimented and seems like it mostly worked.

Full dressing room lets me change more things about my character. That's cool.

The stackables fix had an issue. I was able to create a 10 stack of power materials. Then I would use one, and it worked (and lowered stack size to 9). When I went to use the stack again, it said the item could not be found and it gave an error message. When I hit enter it crashes the client.
Ok I experimented and seems like it mostly worked.

Full dressing room lets me change more things about my character. That's cool.

The stackables fix had an issue. I was able to create a 10 stack of power materials. Then I would use one, and it worked (and lowered stack size to 9). When I went to use the stack again, it said the item could not be found and it gave an error message. When I hit enter it crashes the client.
Lobby 1 billboard makes the client show billboards in lobby 1... I don't know in ephinea, but if you go to ultima, you will see some images in the lobby's walls, is that thing.

Full dressing room, yeah change name and stuff.

Unlock items is to unlock some sega locked items but they should be already unlocked in the client download... I think.

Rare items shop price I think is to remove the code that automatically makes any rare item 10 meseta.

The stackable change doesn't have any issue, the ship you have doesn't have the same stack amounts as the client does now so it will disconnect when you try to use more than 1 (because theoretically you should have only 1)
The stackable change doesn't have any issue, the ship you have doesn't have the same stack amounts as the client does now so it will disconnect when you try to use more than 1 (because theoretically you should have only 1)

How would I fully implement making materials and such stackable? That's definitely a nice improvement.
Recompiling the ship.

Ugh. I'm trying to avoid getting that deep into this. I don't have a compiler installed currently. Would you suggest something like this:

Any guides or instructions on how to recompile the ship and anything else that would need to be changed?

Seems like this stackable change is something pretty much everyone would want. Maybe this should have its own thread somewhere here.
I should probably make a new topic for this but since I don't even have anything public yet, I'll just put it here.

Today put up the first test for my 100% C# server (in Ultima).
I have had Patch and Login working for several months now? ... but started working in the ship not too long ago.
So far it seems to work pretty well (from my own local testing), you can create rooms, interact with other players, play quests, item stuff, etc, but obviously it has not had enough testing given the fact that nobody has a copy of it.

I'll be testing it on Ultima first, for a while, later on I'll be contacting some people who have expressed interest in the project even though all I have done is tease with pictures of my deck a bunch things I have coded in the ship.
I actually shared a copy of the C ship before but that's not going to be maintained any longer and it's database will not be compatible (it would require minimal changes to certain columns but ain't nobody got time for that, sorry @Fire AKA Drazn).

To give some more info on what I have changed from tethealla to tethealla# (temporary name? maybe?)
- ItemPT.gsl
Damn, this file is big. I don't know why I never thought to just compress the s*** out of that file and distribute it through the login too.
Zip gives 26 kb, prs gives 39kb ... not too bad either way.. probably PRS since the library is already in there, not sure if there is zip already in .Net

- Quests
Changed the structure of how this stuff works, quests are all in a single folder (although you can separate it in different folders if you want)
The quest list files are json, something like the following code.
    "categories": [
            "name": "Quest menu name",
            "desc": "Quest menu description",
            "quests": [
                {"enabled": "true","file": "use\proper\directory\separators\in\linux\quest.qst"}

- shops
Thanks to @Aleron Ives, who posted somewhere about the shops config files, I asked him about it and later on we ended up reversing portions of the client and figuring out how the shops work (in PSO PC).
For my server these files changed from the old logged shops to json config files... some easy config for you right there.

ItemRT, ItemPMT and all other files that I might have forgotten about, are all sent from the login server to all ships, so you only change them once and get updated on all your ships, this is no news tho, Ephinea already does this

In the login server we have then
- base characters
I included all of them so you can give different stuff (from configuration) to each class.
This "idea" was taken from Sylverant? I think.

- Item related files
BPD items and special rappy items were removed from the ship's code instead are now in json files. This makes sense since the items are actually "random", as in the client doesn't expect any of them like if it was something like Momoka's shop

Wow... got a nice wall of text...
all I have done is tease with pictures of my deck


Seriously though, this is good news. Don't worry about making me redundant, there wasn't anyone playing on my server yet so no loss there. Do I get a copy of the new version though? ;3

Also, a config file for shops? o.o

Have our prayers been finally answered?
Seriously though, this is good news. Don't worry about making me redundant, there wasn't anyone playing on my server yet so no loss there. Do I get a copy of the new version though? ;3
As I said, I'll be testing first in Ultima because is easier/faster for me to look at the crashes and stuff (which I have fixed about 3 already lol)

Also, a config file for shops? o.o
Have our prayers been finally answered?
You know how in the original Tethealla, the shops were just logged from original? servers, and that file was 3.5 megabytes... I kinda didn't like the idea of such a big file so (as also said up there) I ended up looking through PSO PC's code and figured out how the shops work on it... copied the data from the config files and made them in a nice json file ... all 3 shop files take less than 100 kb now (good for network) so they are stored with the login.
More importantly, generating shops from the original data grants you access to the millions of possible shop inventories you could possibly encounter, rather than limiting you to whatever somebody got when logging Sega's shop x number of times. ;)
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I am having a bit of a problem with the Numpad Key mapper. Every time I hit p I get a popup saying "Test" is there any way to get rid of this?