Server maintenance concluded for July 29th, 2022

A longer than normal server maintenance has concluded for July 29th, 2022!

Updated the DLL to v1402 to fix random crashes which may occur due to checksum scan timeouts.

The game has been updated during this maintenance and the following changes were made:

- Restored the original One Person mode quest,, which was featured on previous versions of PSO on consoles, for the classic ship players only. This quest is a sort of a watered down version of the current Blue Burst government mode quests, but does give solo players something to do.

Along with the return of the quest, also returning for One Person mode are area locks, difficulty locks, and the requirement to talk to the Principal or Natasha to unlock new areas after defeating bosses.

Note: This has caused One Person mode progress to be reset for classic ship players as Blue Burst multiplayer mode shared some flags with One Person mode. Now the flags are separate.

It should also be noted that One Person mode difficulty levels on the classic ship are no longer level gated. If you clear VH at level 20 (not possible), you'd be able to go into Ultimate right afterward.

- Previously, the only movie that was included with Ephinea was the Meteor Attack video when creating a character.

Now, the original Episode I & II opening videos will play when creating a One Person mode game for the first time, but only on the classic ship. (Episode I's opening video will play when making an Episode I game and Episode II's opening video will play when making an Episode II game.)

Episode II will also play videos upon defeating Olga Flow in One Person mode on the classic ship.

Episode I will play a nice staff roll that features your character exploring Ragol after defeating Dark Falz in One Person mode on the classic ship, excluding Ultimate mode, which plays a special staff roll. (Ender put in a lot of work fixing some of the ported code from Xbox to have this properly display correctly! I hope you all give him many pats on the back!)

Please note that the ending videos for Episode I & II will cause you to disconnect while they play for One Person mode on the classic ship, but you can /lobby out after defeating the final boss to not play them and stay connected. They can also be skipped by pressing ESC, Space or ALT+Backspace.

- Fixed some translation oddities with Episode II's multiplayer script in the English language setting. Gone are the lazy and ancient Babelfish translations for Nol and some of the other NPCs.

- Boss teleporters in One Person mode games on the classic ship will behave like the boss teleporter did in offline mode on consoles. Instead of automatically activating, the teleporter will display the name of the boss arena and teleport you when you press accept.

- PSO will no longer cause you to immediately login when you start the game and ALT+TAB before it reaches the title screen.

- Fixed graphical hexagons on the Congratulations screen.

- Fixed a race condition which would cause the game to crash sometimes when logging on.

- Fixed an issue with Dubchics not dropping items unless they were properly "killed".

- Added 4 new music discs that will drop from monsters.

- Movie renderer has been changed from DirectShow to SDL/FFmpeg. This allows videos to work without issue on both Windows and Wine. (We've only tested it on Windows 7, Windows 11 and Ubuntu 22.04 with Wine Dev 7.13.)

- Movie audio should now match your current set PSO background music level.

- Added the ability to use Direct3D 9 as opposed to Direct3D 8 to render the game. (This can improve performance and frame stability on most systems!)

- Added the ability to use native anti-aliasing while rendering the game. While using Direct3D 8, Full Scene Anti-Aliasing (FSAA) will be used. while using Direct3D 9, Multisample Anti-Aliasing will be used. (Which is far superior to FSAA!)
Please note, if any type of anti-aliasing is used, Advanced Effect will automatically be disabled! This will affect your ability to see ground traps as well as invisible Sinows in Episode II.

- Added the ability to use native anisotropic filtering while rendering the game. This works for both Direct3D 8 and Direct3D 9.

- The Direct3D API to use, anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering settings can be configured from the Ephinea launcher.

- Added some new hearts to the server. These will be available on the drop charts sometime soon.
- Heart of Angel Harp (030E3F) and Heart of Egg Blaster (030E44)
-- Bringer's Rifle, Frozen Shooter, and Snow Queen
- Heart of Ruby Bullet (030E40)
-- Heaven Striker and Heaven Punisher
- Heart of Ancient Saber (030E41), Heart of Delsaber's Buster (030E43), and Heart of Flamberge (030E46)
-- Excalibur and Red Saber
- Heart of Laconium Axe (030E42)
-- Tsumikiri J-Sword, Zanba, and Dark Flow
- Heart of Chameleon Scythe (030E46) and Heart of Soul Banish (030E47)
-- Vjaya, Yunchang, and Asteron Belt

- Added a new tool named Photon Filter (030E45) that can change the photon color of these weapon skins.
-- Dark Flow* (Daisy Chain)
-- Excalibur* (Flamberge)
-- Heaven Striker* (Suppressed Gun)

- Added Diska of Braveman combinations to Heart of Diska of Liberator and Heart of Izmaela. Added a Vjaya combination to Heart of Plantain Huge Fan. Added a Snow Queen combination to Heart of Rianov303SNR.

I think that's it... If we forgot anything, we'll update these notes...

As always, thank you for playing on Ephinea!
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

  • 以前のPSOに存在した一人用モードのクエストを、クラシックシップのプレイヤー向けに復活させました。このクエストは、BBの総督府クエストの水増し版のようなものですが、ソロプレイヤーにも何かしらのプレイ目標があればと考えている次第です。



  • 本アップデートにより、一人用モードのゲームを初めて作成した際に、オリジナルのEP1・EP2のオープニングムービーが再生されるようになりました。EP1ではEP1の、EP2ではEP2のそれぞれ対応したムービーが再生されます。(従来、Ephineaに付属しているムービーはキャラクター作成時の隕石落下のビデオのみでした。)



  • EP2のマルチモードの文章を英語版にしている場合の、SEGAの手抜き翻訳を修正しました。ノルをはじめとするNPCが日本語版に近い内容を話すようになっている筈です!

  • クラシックシップの一人用モードにおけるボスのテレポーターが、GC版などのオフラインモードにおけるテレポーターと同じ動作をするようになりました。

  • ゲーム起動後すぐにAlt+Tabを押した場合に即座にログインする問題が解消されました。
  • ラスボス撃破後の「Congratulations!」画面の六角形を修正しました。
  • ダブチックが倒し方によってアイテムをドロップしない問題を修正しました。
  • モンスターがランダムにドロップするミュージックディスクについて、4種を新規で追加しました。
  • ムービーのレンダラーをDirectShowからSDL/FFmpegに変更しました。これにより、WindowsでもWineでも問題なく動作するようになりました。(Windows7、Windows11、Ubuntu 22.04 with Wine Dev 7.13でのみテストしています)。
  • ムービーの音声は、現在設定されているゲーム内のBGM音量レベルと一致するようになりました。
  • ゲームのレンダリングに、Direct3D 8ではなくDirect3D 9を使用する機能を追加しました。(これにより、ほとんどのシステムでパフォーマンスとフレームの安定性が向上します。)

  • ゲームのレンダリング時に、ネイティブのアンチエイリアスを使用する機能を追加しました。Direct3D 8を使用している間は、フルシーン・アンチエイリアシング(FSAA)が使用され、Direct3D 9を使用している間は、マルチサンプル・アンチエイリアシングが使用されます。(FSAAよりはるかに優れています!)

  • ゲームのレンダリング時にネイティブな異方性フィルタリングを使用する機能を追加しました。これは、Direct3D 8とDirect3D 9の両方で動作します。
  • 使用するDirect3D API、アンチエイリアス、異方性フィルタリングの設定は、Ephineaランチャーから設定できます。

  • 新しいアイテムの心をいくつか追加しました。これらは近日中にモンスタードロップで入手可能になる予定です。
    • エンジェルハープの心(030E3F)、エッグブラスターの心(030E44)
      • ブリンガーライフル、フローズンシューター、スノウクイーン
    • ルビーバレットの心(030E40)
      • ヘブンストライカー、ヘブンパニッシャー
    • アンシエントセイバーの心(030E41)、デルセイバーの剣の心(030E43)、フランベルジュの心(030E46)
      • エクスカリバーとレッドセイバー
    • ラコニウムアクスの心(030E42)
      • ツミキリ、ザンバ、ダークフロウ
    • カメレオンサイスの心(030E46)、ソウルバニッシュの心(030E47)
      • ヴィジャヤ、雲長、アステロンベルト
  • フォトンフィルター(030E45)を追加し、以下の武器スキンのフォトンカラーを変更できるようになりました。
    • ダークフロウ*(デイジーチェーン)
    • エクスキャリバー* (フランベルジュ)
    • ヘブンストライカー*(サプレストガン)
  • 以下の武器スキンの組み合わせを追加しました。
    • 勇者のディスカ → 解放者のディスカの心、イズマエラの心
    • ヴィジャヤ →バショウセンの心
    • スノウクイーン →ライアーノフ303SNRの心

- Added 4 new music discs that will drop from monsters. SQUEEEEEEEEEEE~!
You use the Photon Filter on the equipped item and it changes its photon color to the next in the list below. The list wraps back around when you use a Photon Filter on a weapon that's at the "Color: White" part.

Green, Blue, Purple, Red, Yellow, Blue and Green, Rose, Chartreuse, Mauve, Cyan, Orange, White, and then back to the beginning.

For the three weapons it works on, they already have a starting point in the cycle based on their current photon color. Heaven Striker* with Heart of Suppressed Gun starts at green, Excalibur* with Heart of Flamberge starts at blue, and Dark Flow* with Heart of Daisy Chain starts at yellow.

Eventually this info will be on the wiki, but the item hex for all of the tools is in the main post so anyone can hop into sandbox and test.

EDIT: Oops, wasn't clear on how this worked.

EDIT 2: OK, clarified some more.

So I need x10 PF to get orange? (from flamberge blue)

I hope PF don't get pricey :eek:.

Love this update, now to add all the skins to my lua!
-Disk Vol.22 "Back 2 Back" (031615)
-Disk Vol.23 "The Strange Fruits" (031616)
-Disk Vol.24 "The Whims of Fate" (031617)
-Disk Vol.25 "Last Impression" (031618)
So how do these songs get chosen? Is there any way we can suggest a song or anything? These are pretty good but I have some songs I'd be so happy if they were added.
- Added the ability to use Direct3D 9 as opposed to Direct3D 8 to render the game. (This can improve performance and frame stability on most systems!)
What method is being used to upgrade the game to DX9? Assuming it's something like integrating dgvoodoo2, it would be extremely cool to get an option for DX11, specifically with it utilizing one of the flip presentation models so that we can get proper vsync/variable refresh rate support out of the borderless window mode. As is it's otherwise impossible to get correct framepacing without the horribly unstable exclusive fullscreen mode (or manually integrating dgvoodoo2 of course).
What method is being used to upgrade the game to DX9? Assuming it's something like integrating dgvoodoo2, it would be extremely cool to get an option for DX11, specifically with it utilizing one of the flip presentation models so that we can get proper vsync/variable refresh rate support out of the borderless window mode. As is it's otherwise impossible to get correct framepacing without the horribly unstable exclusive fullscreen mode (or manually integrating dgvoodoo2 of course).
We're using d3d8to9, but I did make a couple of modifications to it. (Very minor things.)

I'd love to get D3D11 in here for sure (not only for framepacing, but being able to lock your screen and come back is nice too. :P) Definitely something I've been looking into already, actually.
We're using d3d8to9, but I did make a couple of modifications to it. (Very minor things.)

I'd love to get D3D11 in here for sure (not only for framepacing, but being able to lock your screen and come back is nice too. :p) Definitely something I've been looking into already, actually.
Excellent, happy to hear it!