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Server maintenance has been completed for 10/17/2021.
The following changes were made to the game:
- Ephinea DLL updated to v1303. This DLL will download from the launcher's patch server. If you're having trouble downloading this, please check your antivirus settings. (Retired v1300-v1302 due to various freezing bugs.)
- Slow Gibbles partially fixed. The problem of Gibbles being slow until restarting the client has been partially fixed. Gibbles will be reset to normal upon every game creation without the need to restart the client completely. Credit: @Esc
- You are now able to activate numeric key "Customize" shortcuts while holding CTRL. In addition to this, you can also set alternate numeric key shortcuts as well. Credit: @Soly
- Asset loading or "Bursting" has been sped up or eliminated on faster PCs. You can still get the old "Bursting" back by using /slowburst inside of a game, before starting a quest, as the game's leader. Useful for time attacking vs. old times. Credit: @Esc
You can find some of these patches and more by checking out the Blue Burst Patch Project repo at https://github.com/Solybum/Blue-Burst-Patch-Project
Thank you and we hope you enjoy playing on Ephinea!
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にある「Blue Burst Patch Project」のリポジトリから確認可能です。
The following changes were made to the game:
- Ephinea DLL updated to v1303. This DLL will download from the launcher's patch server. If you're having trouble downloading this, please check your antivirus settings. (Retired v1300-v1302 due to various freezing bugs.)
- Slow Gibbles partially fixed. The problem of Gibbles being slow until restarting the client has been partially fixed. Gibbles will be reset to normal upon every game creation without the need to restart the client completely. Credit: @Esc
- You are now able to activate numeric key "Customize" shortcuts while holding CTRL. In addition to this, you can also set alternate numeric key shortcuts as well. Credit: @Soly
- Asset loading or "Bursting" has been sped up or eliminated on faster PCs. You can still get the old "Bursting" back by using /slowburst inside of a game, before starting a quest, as the game's leader. Useful for time attacking vs. old times. Credit: @Esc
You can find some of these patches and more by checking out the Blue Burst Patch Project repo at https://github.com/Solybum/Blue-Burst-Patch-Project
Thank you and we hope you enjoy playing on Ephinea!
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- Ephinea DLLがv1303に更新されました。このDLLはランチャー経由でダウンロードされます。適用がうまくいかない場合は、ウイルス対策ソフトの設定を確認してください。(v1300はAnguishのゲームを作成する際にバグがあったため差し替えられました。)
- ギブルス登場時のラグを部分的に修正しました。従来はズレを直すためにクライアントの再起動が必要でしたが、ゲームを作成する度に修正されるようになりました。 クレジット: Esc さん
- Ctrl+1~0の数字キーを押すことで、カスタマイズメニューを使用できるようになりました。 コントローラとキーボードの双方で利用可能です。クレジット: Solyさん
- アセットの読み込みやロード画面を大幅に短縮しました。(一部スペック上対応できないクライアントを除く)もしロード画面を再び利用したい場合は、クエストが始まる前かつリーダーにかぎり、/slowburstというコマンドでオンにできます。従来の仕様でのタイムアタックをしたい場合などにご利用ください。 クレジット: Esc さん
GitHub - Solybum/Blue-Burst-Patch-Project
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