Semi-Immortality and You

Would you ingest the pill given the effects?

  • Yes, I would ingest the pill.

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • No, I would refuse the pill.

    Votes: 12 63.2%

  • Total voters


Guildcard 2
Lets say I offer you a pill that allows you to become immune to disease, and stops you from aging at the greater of 25 or your current age. It will prevent you from dying from any illness you might have at the time you take it or any other natural cause. Your ability to and rate of healing from physical wounds and damage will increase exponentially. Your ability to see, smell, and hear, will sharpen. Your physical strength will increase dramatically. People will be unaware of any physical changes to you aside from your slightly longer incisor teeth and eyes that changed to be a darker red. No handheld gun's bullet will hurt you in any way.

However, Direct light from the sun will kill you. You will still die if you take enough damage to any vital organ. You will become unable to reproduce. Food will not sustain you, and water will not quench your thirst. You will only be able to live on the blood drawn from living humans. Your won't be able to taste anything, but instead you will learn things from people you feed on. You will only be able to use any weapon that is designed to used in extreme close combat, such as swords, brass knuckles, daggers, and similar. Throwing the weapon or attempting to use a projectile of any sort will cause both the weapon and the projectile to disintegrate into nothing the instant it leaves your hand.

Will you ingest the pill?

Keep in mind this pill must be custom tailored to the person who is taking it and will do nothing if anyone else takes it, so you can't take it and give it to another person. The pill will do nothing if you do not ingest it within one minute of me finishing explaining the above to you.

For those of you who vote, feel free to explain why you voted how you did.
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Would vehemently refuse the pill, living for what amounts to multiple human lives would be a nightmare, imagine trying to stay sane, any job would feel meaningless.
"You will only be able to live on the blood drawn from living humans"

and you don't think they'd kill me pretty fast for that?

"No handheld gun's bullet will hurt you in any way"
"You will still die if you take enough damage to any vital organ"

Yeah I think with there being lots of "non-handheld gun" weapons...

no, dead within a week, month or year at the latest. vampires are for the movies
no thanks, I'm vegetarian .n.
(lol not in this body xD; I'm with Guy on this one)
No. Copy Preacher rules otherwise this pill will just make you a lil bitch who will probably get killed by falling asleep on the couch.
I wouldn't take it I could easily ask for immortality with Shenron. I rather keep growing stronger and face life obstacles being normal. thought I did think about it for a bit since I did had a heart virus that almost kill me.... but nah Trunks would bring me more medicine from the future. Just wish it was more of a bacon flavor... :3
Depends, do we loose or keep our hits of dopamine and pleasure (sex, drugs, music, food etc). If so I am in, but if these become bland I'm out.
you only lose out on food.

I mean, you may desire blood and require it but can you not simply eat for fun. Or are tastebuds rip.

l will take it I think.
I mean, you may desire blood and require it but can you not simply eat for fun. Or are tastebuds rip.

l will take it I think.

Taste buds will still be there, but they will serve a different purpose. Instead of things tasting salty, sweet, creamy, etc, you'll taste the history of things you consume by mouth. For example, If you eat a steak, it won't taste like anything, but you will learn about the cow it came from. If you eat fruit or veggies, they won't taste like anything either, but you'll learn about how they were grown. Blood of humans will allow you to understand things from their life.

You'll still be able to fully partake in things like weed (which still smells like weed) and alcohol (which doesn't taste like anything but will make you impaired as it would when you were human).

Sex will still be pleasurable but you'll get more pleasure from feeding.

No change to music.
absolutely and i'll tell you why. i would become a superhoro called "the man bat" and i would go around solving various crimes, sleuths, and mysteries. because i could smell weed i would fly around telling ppl to not do drugs by catching them in the act. i would of course use brass knuckles as a weapon but in my bat form i would be able to fire guns so my secondary weapon would be a small gun capable of wielding by a bat. any time there's a mystery in a dark scenario i would be on the case and i would have a tatical advantage. this includes caves, dark zones such as power outage zones, military area 51 like zones and haunted zones. i would only bite ppl that deserve it. in my bat form i'm black with red markings that looks like flames and on my forehead i would have a yellow flame that becomes green when i detect weed and turns off when im just resting. i would be called the "flame bat" and in my human form i just look like a regular human but with a full back tattoo of a bat and i would wear just regular clothes i guess but all black clothes.
absolutely and i'll tell you why. i would become a superhoro called "the man bat" and i would go around solving various crimes, sleuths, and mysteries. because i could smell weed i would fly around telling ppl to not do drugs by catching them in the act. i would of course use brass knuckles as a weapon but in my bat form i would be able to fire guns so my secondary weapon would be a small gun capable of wielding by a bat. any time there's a mystery in a dark scenario i would be on the case and i would have a tatical advantage. this includes caves, dark zones such as power outage zones, military area 51 like zones and haunted zones. i would only bite ppl that deserve it. in my bat form i'm black with red markings that looks like flames and on my forehead i would have a yellow flame that becomes green when i detect weed and turns off when im just resting. i would be called the "flame bat" and in my human form i just look like a regular human but with a full back tattoo of a bat and i would wear just regular clothes i guess but all black clothes.

Shape shifting is not part of the deal.