So it's been a month since I started being around the community instead of keeping to myself and I have to say it's been a very pleasant stay so far. I hope to stick around for the foreseeable future; I'm glad to have chosen this way - Merry Christmas, everyone 
I wanted to give thanks to the people here for being a part of something special to my life. If I forgot anyone, terribly sorry. Know that you matter to me too
Here goes:
To the staff of Ephinea:
Matt - For inspiring me to try in the first place and lighting a different path
Ryan - For appreciating a love of working on wikis and giving me a good laugh
Sodaboy - For helping me be able to play PSO with the setup I prefer playing
Tofuman - For you and Soda making PSO continue being a reality year after year
Ender - For the insight on addons and enabling me to enjoy Christmas happily
Mew - For being you and staying you, giving good cheer to everyone your way
anime - For you also being you and for having your own unique brand of being
ごり -サーバーを助けてくれてありがとう、それは私を幸せにします (グーグル翻訳)
(Gori - Thank you for helping the server, it makes me happy) (Google Translate)
To others that come to mind in no particular order:
phelix - For encouraging me to keep trying, even if it means making mistakes
Necrodoom - For being a fellow wiki editor and helping me learn the ropes
DreamsInWonderland - For relating with me on MMOs and helping with the wiki
DieDieDie - For getting my corny jokes and being good fun to enjoy memes with
Ade - For caring about things in your own way and being compassionate about it
No Hit - For piercing the heavens with Meseta and continuing to move forward
Justine. - For not finding any hit Heaven Striker even after maxing out HBR
Travendus & bowlofspiders - For enlightening me on what it means to be suco
Comentor - For also teaching me the art of suco and relating with memes & GBF
Dezorian & ShadowArtist - For keeping that quirky retro feeling alive and well
Nikki - For sympathizing with me on multiple topics (down with forced cameras!)
Cwood - For encouraging me with my ideas and being a good sport with me
Firkraag - For "getting me" through memes about percussive maintenance
Lepvelx - For still killing those flowers and reminding me not to take life for granted
Toad (bug guy) - For having the persistance to solve things your own way
Red - For reminding me that it helps to see things through others' eyes
Eidolon, Soly & others - For making/keeping the addons alive for everyone to use
Spuz - For just bein' a regular Joe Cool, 'nuff said.
Also that magfeeding afker that got a Psycho Wand to drop for them, I don't know you but you're part of this too
Again, if I didn't mention you, it's okay! Maybe we talked before or I know about you but don't have much to say right now. You're still awesome for being here <3
"Strangers are just friends not yet met," right?
Happy Holidays. Thank you for brightening up my life, Ephinea.

I wanted to give thanks to the people here for being a part of something special to my life. If I forgot anyone, terribly sorry. Know that you matter to me too

To the staff of Ephinea:
Matt - For inspiring me to try in the first place and lighting a different path
Ryan - For appreciating a love of working on wikis and giving me a good laugh
Sodaboy - For helping me be able to play PSO with the setup I prefer playing
Tofuman - For you and Soda making PSO continue being a reality year after year
Ender - For the insight on addons and enabling me to enjoy Christmas happily
Mew - For being you and staying you, giving good cheer to everyone your way
anime - For you also being you and for having your own unique brand of being
ごり -サーバーを助けてくれてありがとう、それは私を幸せにします (グーグル翻訳)
(Gori - Thank you for helping the server, it makes me happy) (Google Translate)
To others that come to mind in no particular order:
phelix - For encouraging me to keep trying, even if it means making mistakes
Necrodoom - For being a fellow wiki editor and helping me learn the ropes
DreamsInWonderland - For relating with me on MMOs and helping with the wiki
DieDieDie - For getting my corny jokes and being good fun to enjoy memes with
Ade - For caring about things in your own way and being compassionate about it
No Hit - For piercing the heavens with Meseta and continuing to move forward
Justine. - For not finding any hit Heaven Striker even after maxing out HBR

Travendus & bowlofspiders - For enlightening me on what it means to be suco
Comentor - For also teaching me the art of suco and relating with memes & GBF
Dezorian & ShadowArtist - For keeping that quirky retro feeling alive and well
Nikki - For sympathizing with me on multiple topics (down with forced cameras!)
Cwood - For encouraging me with my ideas and being a good sport with me
Firkraag - For "getting me" through memes about percussive maintenance
Lepvelx - For still killing those flowers and reminding me not to take life for granted
Toad (bug guy) - For having the persistance to solve things your own way
Red - For reminding me that it helps to see things through others' eyes
Eidolon, Soly & others - For making/keeping the addons alive for everyone to use
Spuz - For just bein' a regular Joe Cool, 'nuff said.

Also that magfeeding afker that got a Psycho Wand to drop for them, I don't know you but you're part of this too
Again, if I didn't mention you, it's okay! Maybe we talked before or I know about you but don't have much to say right now. You're still awesome for being here <3
"Strangers are just friends not yet met," right?

Happy Holidays. Thank you for brightening up my life, Ephinea.