Search for Hildeblues

50% rare monster spawn? I say NOT! I’ve done the forest section of tyrells ego like 20 times this week and I have Y E T to see O N E Hildeblue, is it only ties to the quests on HBR? I’m losing my mind, I just wanted like a god arm or two for now but my god I’ll hit ULT before that happens
Rare monster rates have recently been set to 1/500 instead of the long familiar 1/512 (With the exception of Kondy as his rate is different).

So, you will quickly realize that rare monster hunting is miserable and a trap that tons of players don't quite realize. Unless the item you are looking for specifically only comes from a rare monster, it's advised to hunt those items elsewhere. Trapping yourself into rare monster hunts due to the deceptive rates you see just isn't the move. People that do that within reason often have it set as a side task while focusing their primary attention on something else such as television, movies, etc.

If your attention is on the game, hunt it somewhere else if you can. Otherwise, I hope you find the item soon, lol.

(I'm also aware you recently dropped in from Ultima where you see rare monsters around every corner. This isn't the case here as they are meant to be rare monsters. So uh, yeah...They're rare :boreusip:
Ultimate had events where the rare enemy spawn was so ridiculously high, the common enemies became the rares. It's a shame my old laptop is fried where I had a bunch of screenshots from rooms filled with Torrs and Mils, otherwise I would've shared those, haha.
Rare monster rates have recently been set to 1/500 instead of the long familiar 1/512 (With the exception of Kondy as his rate is different).

So, you will quickly realize that rare monster hunting is miserable and a trap that tons of players don't quite realize. Unless the item you are looking for specifically only comes from a rare monster, it's advised to hunt those items elsewhere. Trapping yourself into rare monster hunts due to the deceptive rates you see just isn't the move. People that do that within reason often have it set as a side task while focusing their primary attention on something else such as television, movies, etc.

If your attention is on the game, hunt it somewhere else if you can. Otherwise, I hope you find the item soon, lol.

(I'm also aware you recently dropped in from Ultima where you see rare monsters around every corner. This isn't the case here as they are meant to be rare monsters. So uh, yeah...They're rare :boreusip:
Oh yeah I’m just trying to grind photon drops from common enemies since I never seems to get them any other way, would have just appreciated one in the 250 bears I’ve slain
At a 50% boost the rate during rare enemy week is 1/333.33. Take 500 and divide by 1.5. If you only killed 250 Hildebears as you said in the previous post, then I don't know why you'd expect to see a Hildeblue. If you did the Forest 2 section of Tyrells's Ego 20 times as you said in the OP, then that is just bad luck.

Don't listen to voices telling you rare enemy hunts are "traps." With the old 1/500 rates plus Ephinea's weekly boosts, that claim is insidious at best and misleading at worst. Take Psycho Wand for example. For RAs and FOs it will be more efficient to hunt it on Mil Lilys during rare enemy week than on Gibbles or (egads) Delbiter during DAR or RDR weeks. But if you were hunting a Lame w/hit from a Dorphon Eclair? Then yeah, you can still get something else great on the way, but it's not even worth starting IMO.

Choose your poison...
At a 50% boost the rate during rare enemy week is 1/333.33. Take 500 and divide by 1.5. If you only killed 250 Hildebears as you said in the previous post, then I don't know why you'd expect to see a Hildeblue. If you did the Forest 2 section of Tyrells's Ego 20 times as you said in the OP, then that is just bad luck.

Don't listen to voices telling you rare enemy hunts are "traps." With the old 1/500 rates plus Ephinea's weekly boosts, that claim is insidious at best and misleading at worst. Take Psycho Wand for example. For RAs and FOs it will be more efficient to hunt it on Mil Lilys during rare enemy week than on Gibbles or (egads) Delbiter during DAR or RDR weeks. But if you were hunting a Lame w/hit from a Dorphon Eclair? Then yeah, you can still get something else great on the way, but it's not even worth starting IMO.

Choose your poison...

Rare enemy hunts are and always will be a trap. They are pain stacked on top of more pain. First you have to encounter the rare enemy and then you have to beat the odds for it to drop. Sounds like a bad time to me.
If you are serious about hunting Psycho Wand then any class will have an easier time doing the PW4 Oran Gibbles reset route. You don't need much gear for this, either. A simple Demon's Raygun will carry you through this on any class. Bonus points for the great common weapon drop table of Tower, giving you a chance to get something nice while hunting for Psycho Wand, too. (Purple Caves has Vise, which is fantastic as well, don't get me wrong.)
Only disadvantage is that the Oran reset route is absolutely mindnumbing, so you better have a distraction while running it.
Rare enemy hunts are and always will be a trap. They are pain stacked on top of more pain. First you have to encounter the rare enemy and then you have to beat the odds for it to drop. Sounds like a bad time to me.
If you are serious about hunting Psycho Wand then any class will have an easier time doing the PW4 Oran Gibbles reset route. You don't need much gear for this, either. A simple Demon's Raygun will carry you through this on any class. Bonus points for the great common weapon drop table of Tower, giving you a chance to get something nice while hunting for Psycho Wand, too. (Purple Caves has Vise, which is fantastic as well, don't get me wrong.)
Only disadvantage is that the Oran reset route is absolutely mindnumbing, so you better have a distraction while running it.
On rare enemy weeks, PW is ~1/66k, which is bad but not the worst rate in the game by a long shot. But rare enemies give you a tangible sense of progress or closeness. If you see one, you know you only have to beat the 1/200 now, which is far more exciting and fun.

Also that disadvantage of the Oran resets being mind numbing… this isn’t a job. I’d rather have fun playing full quests in cave with occasional dopamine hits of seeing rare enemies, than slaving away killing 3 gibbles at a time before resetting.

The drop rate is deceptive, that 1/205 is not nearly as good as it looks, but it’s not a trap. I’ll also put out that I don’t remember a single banner I’ve seen for pwand that wasn’t a mil lily.
I was gonna post but redria said exactly what I was gonna say.

Actually, I will demand a moratorium on calling rare enemy hunts a “trap.” Just orient your rare enemy hunting to that one week of the month… congrats, no more trap.
On rare enemy weeks, PW is ~1/66k, which is bad but not the worst rate in the game by a long shot. But rare enemies give you a tangible sense of progress or closeness. If you see one, you know you only have to beat the 1/200 now, which is far more exciting and fun.

Also that disadvantage of the Oran resets being mind numbing… this isn’t a job. I’d rather have fun playing full quests in cave with occasional dopamine hits of seeing rare enemies, than slaving away killing 3 gibbles at a time before resetting.

The drop rate is deceptive, that 1/205 is not nearly as good as it looks, but it’s not a trap. I’ll also put out that I don’t remember a single banner I’ve seen for pwand that wasn’t a mil lily.
It's a lot worse than Gibbles or Delbiter though. Killing 200 Mil Lillies also doesn't mean you get the Psycho Wand to drop, but the same goes for Gibbles or Delbiter. The meme PWand rates in the game shouldn't even be looked at. Only Bluefull Delbiter and Oran Gibbles counts, so the Mil Lily method is definitely the worst one of the three.

In the end it is a choice everybody has to take for themselves. I've seen plenty of Gibbles and Delbiter PWand drop banners and I've also been part of plenty drops from these sources myself, so my experience is different to yours. People take the Mil Lily route because it is the easiest since you can brainafk it with any FO.

Rare enemy hunts are a trap. And Rare enemy week is a lie, like any boost there is except EXP. :wacko:
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Rare enemy hunts are generally not optimal.

So long as you math out the “real” drop rate, nothing in the game is a trap, and calling it a trap implies that it is wrong instead of just sub-optimal. You are allowed to play efficiency-scapestar-online, but it isn’t mandatory and it isn’t a trap to play suboptimal.
This is literally mouthwash. Have you looked at a bottle of mouthwash? It reduces the statistical fraction of 'approvals' to make the product look better.

Assuming no buff on rare monsters, the Rate is 1/104,000 when you decide to sit back and do the math. With it, it's more like 1/66,000.

Between both rates, I call trash. Literally spotted RDR being labeled as a scam today while this REW is being defended. Like I said before, if it's a side task, whatever. If you're actively wanting/hunting the thing, then glhf. May catch a wind of good luck but lemme tell you that I found my pwand in just 2.5 months when actively hunting it from Delbiter.
I love reading through all this, using cookies to hunt for PWand with a full squad and finding mine (which was the second one dropped for our party) before the 50th Mil.

It all boils down to RNG just being RNG. It is random, and random can be VERY good or VERY bad. However, you literally miss all the chances you didn't take.