Hi there, Volos here.
I used to play a lot on SCHTServ producing random texture packs / mods:
Also, other junk including renders and PSO-based web-comics (none of which got very far...):
I had a level 180-odd Fonewearl (called "FLARE") geared out with some pretty nice stuff, including a Psycho Wand (see render) all of which is now gone since SchtServ is bork'd :') but hey now I get to play the game all over again right?
I don't know if anyone still plays from the time I was playing, it would be nice to see a few familiar faces. Anyways see y'all in-game
I used to play a lot on SCHTServ producing random texture packs / mods:

Also, other junk including renders and PSO-based web-comics (none of which got very far...):

I had a level 180-odd Fonewearl (called "FLARE") geared out with some pretty nice stuff, including a Psycho Wand (see render) all of which is now gone since SchtServ is bork'd :') but hey now I get to play the game all over again right?
I don't know if anyone still plays from the time I was playing, it would be nice to see a few familiar faces. Anyways see y'all in-game