S>Material "Min-Max Build" mags for HUct, HUcl, RAct, RAmr and RAml


Crippled old lady
I raised mags currently lvl171 with stats 5/131/35/0 that could be made into Matt's material "Min-Max Build" mags (https://www.pioneer2.net/community/threads/definitive-material-plan-guide.6706/) for HUcaseal, HUcast, RAcast, RAmar or RAmarl.

Depending on the character the mag is for, I will take about 24 hours to get the mag to lvl200 for you with the desired stats (5/130/65/0, 5/131/64/0, 5/133/62/0, 5/148/47/0, 5/149/46/0, 5/160/35/0 or any stats of your choice from 5/131/35/0) and full IQ and Syncro.

Colors available:

White X 2
Red (5/128/45/0)


5 PDs

or the equivalent of 5 PDs from this list:

Power materials (6:1PD), Mind materials (15:1PD), Luck materials (1:1PD), HP materials (5:1PD)
PC (2PCs:3PDs)
Gold badges (1:2PDs)
Silver badges (5:1PD)

Please note that each mag is currently a Kama and almost any mag cells could be applied to it if desired.
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I'll order one 5/133/62/0 :)
I also have the mag cell for you to use on it
Hello, I would like one 5/131/64/0 kama or tellusis mag, I will provide the Dragon Scale, as well as a Panzer Tail mag with same stats if that's available. Also have the Mag cell for that too. Is this okay?
I'll buy all 3 :x just keep at 171
*i'll buy the other two
ye, n .n
I'm not sure what final stats I want yet
I would like to buy one if still availible? like on that is 5/100+/35/0 would be perfect I can finish the raising :)
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I'd like it to be the 5/131/35/0 stats it is currently (or is it not raised yet? Not entirely sure)

It's currently lvl171. I will bring it to lvl200 for you, but I need to know what you'd like as final stats at lvl200. What kind of character is the mag for? If you want it as is, it's fine with me but I'm offering to bring it to lvl200, its part of what you're paying for. ;)