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So, i tried a bit of everything for post processing for a while and decided to try again ReShade with the latest updates and OMG... it works almost perfectly now with PSOBB!

Why use it over ENB/Pso Shaders?
Here's my preset for Reshade (v4.2), feel free to share yours in this thread:

Why use it over ENB/Pso Shaders?
- Fully configurable from an ingame menu, you don't need to be a programmer and you can compare the changes immediately on your screen.
- Takes less ressources: no matter what effects i use, so far i keep a constant 30 FPS with this version.
- Unlike ENB, by default it does not mess with the colors / contrast etc... unless your configure it that way (i always hated the mandatory crushed blacks and whites with ENB).
- Downside: UI and addons are affected.
- First, you need direct8 to Direct9. Download here: Put it in your PSOBB folder.
- Download the latest version of ReShade: Launch the setup, select PSOBB.exe and Direct3D 9.
- Choose the effects you want to install (I installed everything for my tests).
- Now launch PSO, and press 'Home" key anytime to change your settings, done!
- If you want to edit the effects in depht, hover the sliders with your mouse to display a description of said effects so you have a better idea of what you are doing.
- You can show your clock/FPS count.
Here's my preset for Reshade (v4.2), feel free to share yours in this thread:
Instructions: Drop it into your PSOBB main directory.
I'm also using these 3D parameters (Nvidia):
Instructions: Drop it into your PSOBB main directory.
I'm also using these 3D parameters (Nvidia):
Anisotropic filtering: 16x
Negative LOD Bias: Clamp
Anisotropic Sample Optimization: Off
Texture Filtering Quality: High Quality
Trilinear Optimization: On
Power Management Mode: Prefer Maximum Performance
Multi-Frame Sampled AA (MFAA): On
Threaded Optimization: On
Triple Buffering: On
Negative LOD Bias: Clamp
Anisotropic Sample Optimization: Off
Texture Filtering Quality: High Quality
Trilinear Optimization: On
Power Management Mode: Prefer Maximum Performance
Multi-Frame Sampled AA (MFAA): On
Threaded Optimization: On
Triple Buffering: On
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